Does any one know how to

Thread started by
BLAHER at 08.29.09 - 4:46 pm
make my computer speaker work for my bike
computer speakers have a small 1/8" stereo jack that can be plugged into a variety of items, including but no limited to: ipods, walkmans, discmans, gameboys, etc. etc...
so you would need something like that to plug into your computer speakers
all decent computer speakers also require their own power, this would mean that you'll be lugging around a big battery pack, that part would suck unless you found something light weight, supplying power for a few hours would be the biggest problem with this, probably easier to just use a battery powered boombox
natefrogg08.29.09 - 4:49 pm
yea, it would require you to lug around a 12v battery with a 12v-120v adapter to power a set of speakers normally plugged into your wall.
larsenf08.29.09 - 4:51 pm
alright thnx guys so i would have to carry the adapter and the battery.. shit might ass well buy one of those small guitar amps
BLAHER responding to a
comment by larsenf
08.29.09 - 4:53 pm
natefrogg08.29.09 - 5:05 pm
Bad ass, bicycle sound systems beat deep-v rims and risers any day of the week!!
bentstrider08.29.09 - 5:31 pm
You can also use one the quick jump start car starter portable thingies. On the front is a cigarette lighter plug. Then go to the radio shack store and get the car cigarette light adapter to regular house plug-in. You want it to be high amps like 900 - 1000 amps output.
Plug-in your computer speakers and roll. Most them you get a wall plug-in that will charge it. Not sure the life time verses a 12 volt battery but i have seen this method done before and it lasted least 2 hours....
Done pretty much the same weight as a twelve volt motorcycle battery.
They make speaker tubes that fit into you water bottle holder target / cvs / wall mart. They take like 4 - 8 triple batteries.
310rendezvous08.29.09 - 5:37 pm
its 4 doubleA batterys, its called the bike2go.. i think, i dont feel like getting up to look at it. Although i dont think they have them at target and all that (they might) but i got mine from ebay.
theladiesman responding to a
comment by 310rendezvous
08.29.09 - 5:44 pm