Midnight Ride movie
Thread started by
KLee2009 at 08.28.09 - 10:05 am
Hey folks,
This is Kuang Lee, the director of "Midnight Ride". I just wanted to take a second to try to address all the issues with my film. I'll give you some background. I was in a directing fellowship in a non-profit film group called Film Independent, which created a cool oportunity to do a film sponsored by Banana Republic.  Neither myself or any of my collaborators were paid to do this... it was done entirely for the opportunity to work together. I have a day-job. I make films entire out of love of the craft.
Myself, I live in East Los Angeles. And I've done the Ride several times. It's always been a fun and welcoming experience for me. I thought I'd do a story that took place in the Ride. Never did I intend to hurt feelings or misrepresent Midnight Ridazz. If I have, I apologize. The photos from Flickr that were used for an internal presentation should never have been online and that was a mistake I hope that from here on out, we can just have some healthy communication put any drama to rest.Â
put the parody video backup <33
66608.28.09 - 10:11 am
WHATTTT!!!!! you "apologize" but take away our version of your bad movie. BRING IT BACK!!!!
snowcone responding to a
comment by 666
08.28.09 - 10:30 am
"we can just have some healthy communication put any drama to rest"
First, I think the drama turned to fun/humor. But then, where is "our" parody?
No ones feelings were hurt, but whether or not you "intended" to misrepresent something, does not negate whether you did or not. Why worry about it, no one hates you. I showed the flick to some friends (some who work in the industry-not that it matters); not one of them liked your film, but they loved the parody. The point being: its not just that you ignited something on MR, but you made a laughable short in general. You'll find your fans, but big deal... next script, next budget, and you move on.
But thats Hollywood.. you have to live with it, right?
I guess what would be interesting but superfluous, is why you just didnt make a movie about what really occurs on rides, and why you just didnt use your own photos? There are rides almost daily. You could have got your own material anytime. Was is just pure laziness?
I thought it funny because, most film students love photography, but you had no photos of your own? Its like you dipped your hand into some other culture, so to speak, and presented it as if it were your own.
Outside of criticizing your film itself.... i think the MR dispute was merely about bad representation, and just ignoring requests to leave MR out of it--shit, you called the piece "Midnight Ride"... how much more did you really want to take?
md208.28.09 - 10:34 am
I think the big problem here is that your movie sucks.
thedoad08.28.09 - 11:44 am
did I hear right that we will get one last chance to see the parody version of this film at the Bicycle Film Festival on Saturday night coincidentally at the 9:30 urban bikes shorts program?
"the homie"08.28.09 - 3:10 pm
BMFW08.28.09 - 3:25 pm
HAHAHA This thread is fucking funny and its just going to get funnier and funnier.
I wonder if the real kuang would post a real apology one day.........
And if he does this will be the type of response he will get from us.....
Kuang lee midnight ridazz took a dump all over you short film and mader it 10 x a better flick to watch....
Debut21308.28.09 - 3:31 pm
you're movie was terrible and in NO WAY represented the ridazz.. sure i am still new-ish to the community, but know enough that your movie was sub-par... plus how did he get from riding in the street with a flat to the middle of a tunnel!? and also... it just ugh... terrible...
Thegirlinglass08.28.09 - 3:52 pm
If the post were real (i assumed it was)...
He should reply:
"uhh, you dont know me"
md2 responding to a
comment by Thegirlinglass
08.28.09 - 4:28 pm
I heard this post was real? I heard that the hacked version got 10000 views in 3 days?
"the homie"08.28.09 - 4:31 pm
Just going from the way the movie taught me to be a rider.
parlorbikes08.28.09 - 4:35 pm
I heard those foos were not very inclusive?
"the homie" responding to a
comment by parlorbikes
08.28.09 - 4:37 pm
I think we should have a Kuang/Midnight ridazz summit. We should sit down and discuss our feelings. Maybe we can co-exist and respect his work.
But really all I want is the "Enhanced" version of Midnight Ride to be re-posted and available for view. Stop with the copyright bullshit.
Foldie responding to a
comment by "the homie"
08.28.09 - 4:40 pm
I heard that the film makers didnt even get waivers signed by the ridazz appearing in their film?
"the homie" responding to a
comment by Foldie
08.28.09 - 4:46 pm
public street
666 responding to a
comment by "the homie"
08.28.09 - 4:56 pm
I heard that doesn't matter? Like you can film foos in public but you have to get foos permission to use their likeness?
"the homie" responding to a
comment by 666
08.28.09 - 5:05 pm
When the enhanced version went up it righted the wrong. Now the wrong has been further wronged and needs to be righted again. The improved version brought balance, and we demand the balance be restored.
merrickx08.28.09 - 5:15 pm
Hi Kuang and thanks for taking the time to post here.
I was one of the people who raised their pitchforks against this film.
If it had been strictly an independent film I assure you it would have been treated differently. It wasn't so much the film as it was used in the Vanity Fair, Banana Republic commercial context
Working on commercials is my day job and Midnight Ridazz is my love affair.
Doing that commercial for no compensation and pimpin my lovely ridazz at the same time was doubly infuriating for me.
I see you have another short up on the vfagenda website about fashion models. It looks great and nobody will accuse you of pimpin the fashion model movement. :-) Nice choice of location too. American Cement building above McArthur Park. (Yes, I'm a location scout)
Good Luck with your career. Hollywood is nothing but ups and downs.
Ang Lee's new film about Woodstock didn't do so well either.
People get emotional about their (counter)culture.
marino08.29.09 - 4:46 pm