there is a low income option available. just check box 8A.
_iJunes responding to a
comment by theladiesman
08.26.09 - 5:21 pm
Junu, you were steering relatively clear of the board bombardment.
Did someone spill coffee on your nether-regions this morning??????
bentstrider responding to a
comment by _iJunes
08.26.09 - 8:41 pm
where the fuck have you been... i feel like im missin some good drunken mianders..
theshues08.26.09 - 11:12 pm
i'm sick of timesarethesame
i'm sick of palucha66.
and i'm pretty sick of people creating new usernames. thought i'd bring back a little old flavor by bringing attention to those thread taht call for ATTN of real people
_iJunes responding to a
comment by bentstrider
08.27.09 - 9:18 am