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I remember when this came on TV ( I went thru this I almost pissed myself .... its not cool that slaps the taste out of his moms mouth .... its funny because of his reaction .. like O shit I just smacked my mom what next ...
wow what a stupid mother letting her son hit her. What kind of shit is that.
Damn I would get beat with anything my parents could find I were to do that shit.
palucha66 responding to a comment by OsnapsonJC
08.27.09 - 2:58 am
.and they actually have communities out there that rally against spanking.
And those are usually the first communities to have a rather, high amount of 911 calls to respond to in the near-future.
If anything, it was usually the mom or dad smacking the kid in the face.
The only degenerates that truly existed were those that decided they had enough and ran away from home for good.
The "All-talk/No Walk" usually hid behind the fence and ran back to the house after 2 hours!!!
Well, I don't got kids of my own, but if I ever did......
threaten them with the tickle-monster?
That seems to scare some kids into behaving at an early age, at least with some parents I know that are around my age.
Another good one would be, slap me in the face and I'm putting you on the hook!!!
Take junior out and hang him by his belt loop on an elevated hook in the shed for an hour.
wow... i didnt expect that from you. I expected belt whoopins. Although the tickle-monster thing could be acceptable if the kid was 5. But from there on its asswhoopins.
palucha66 responding to a comment by bentstrider
08.27.09 - 4:43 am
One suggestion for problem kids who are troubled from an early age with grades, basic manners and such would be military school until they get their diploma.
Boot camps for knuckleheads seems to wear off once the 3-4 month stint is complete, they'll most likely sink back to their old ways again.
A prolonged exposure to a routine of order would go a long way in turning troubled kids into fit, resourceful members of society.
Kind of like that movie "Soldier" with Kurt Russell, where they raise them to be hard-hittin', order-abiding soldiers from infancy.
Wheres the dad in all of this? Either way that deserves a heavy beat down not only could this lead to him beating on his mom but maybe even future females he might come in contact if any.Furthermore, kids now a days need a beat down from their parents.
it's pretty sad.... but pretty funny too. parenting is a cyclical process. you reap what you sow. and look at the way mommy dresses that kid. why are they on the DR. Phil show to begin with? who would subject themselves to such a thing or think that going on dr. phil would help. obviously this is a family of problem people raising a soft creempuff problem child. and you wonder why he is the freakish whiny brat he is... plus he's overweight.... the kid needs to be put out in the park and run that motherfucker till he's tired and goes to sleep and loses some weight!