Thread started by
Idrivefastcarsintoyourface at 08.26.09 - 2:34 am
Here's the scoop. I'm driving down Venice Blvd. a few days ago, and a mob of you crazy asshole bike riding hipsters, come screaming up behind my car. When I tried to pull over, I could hear bikers screaming in my direction to slow down and watch out. Even though my blinker was on, you idiots continued to scream at me to watch out. So I did what any cold blooded American would do, I fuckin sideswiped one of your riders. Not sure who it was but looked like they fell real hard like. Let this be a lesson to you all. The road was designed for US cars. You bikers can take the BIKE PATH or go on the sidewalk. Use your head and don't be so stupid next time and ride your bike into my car door.
Us cars were here first. We own this shit.
This is Los Angeles baby.
If you want to ride a bike, move to fucking Amsterdam
If I see you assholes in the road, I will swerve and scare you so you shit your pants. Maybe a love tap if you're lucky.
I pay taxes. Do you hippies do anything?
Idrivefastcarsintoyourface responding to a
comment by larsenf
08.26.09 - 2:46 am
Operation on Roadway
21202. (a) Any person operating a bicycle upon a roadway at a speed less than the normal speed of traffic moving in the same direction at that time shall ride as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway except under any of the following situations:
(1) When overtaking and passing another bicycle or vehicle proceeding in the same direction.
(2) When preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway.
(3) When reasonably necessary to avoid conditions (including, but not limited to, fixed or moving objects, vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians, animals, surface hazards, or substandard width lanes) that make it unsafe to continue along the right-hand curb or edge, subject to the provisions of Section 21656. For purposes of this section, a "substandard width lane" is a lane that is too narrow for a bicycle and a vehicle to travel safely side by side within the lane.
(4) When approaching a place where a right turn is authorized.
(b) Any person operating a bicycle upon a roadway of a highway, which highway carries traffic in one direction only and has two or more marked traffic lanes, may ride as near the left-hand curb or edge of that roadway as practicable.
Special Provision (A) If said biker cannot get out of the way when said SUV is making a right turn, then it is perfectly legal and ok to run them over so that they can discontinue their destructive behavior. Cars rule.
Amended Sec. 4, Ch. 674, Stats. 1996. Effective January 1, 1997.
Idrivefastcarsintoyourface08.26.09 - 2:48 am
yea dipshit its called corking. that what our riders where trying to do
palucha66 responding to a
comment by Idrivefastcarsintoyourface
08.26.09 - 2:50 am
hippies? most hippies drive priuses. i ride a bike and pay taxes like you motherfucker i hope you used a fake email address with fake info because we have your IP and you just admitted a crime.
larsenf responding to a
comment by Idrivefastcarsintoyourface
08.26.09 - 2:52 am
i hope this is a bad troll. on the other hand does this incident sound familiar to anyone?
larsenf responding to a
comment by palucha66
08.26.09 - 2:57 am
I agree, cyclists need to be more respectful towards traffic laws and the motorists we share the road with. However, driving fast cars into us will only increase the animosity between drivers and bikers and give cyclists a reason to keep doing what they are doing in retaliation.
Maybe next time, you should remain stopped in your vehicle and simply enjoy the spectacle that is hundreds upon hundreds of bikers taking over the street. And maybe next time the ridazz will be more polite to you.
onelessfixie08.26.09 - 2:59 am
manslaughter is legally defined as the unlawful killing of a human being without malice or premeditation, this was malicious. it could be anywhere from attempted murder to assault with a deadly weapon and battery.
larsenf responding to a
comment by palucha66
08.26.09 - 3:01 am
Sounds like that "RavishingRickRude" guy who claimed to drive an El Camino from last year.
Apparently, that name was quickly wiped from the face of this board and never thought of until now.
Anywho, streets are one thing, but this sounds like the typical behavior from one of those guys who passes on the right side of an 18 wheeler when blocked on the freeway.
bentstrider08.26.09 - 3:12 am
re read my post, figure out why you are wrong. use a dictionary if you have too.
larsenf responding to a
comment by palucha66
08.26.09 - 3:21 am
ok you win. what do I owe you a beer?
palucha66 responding to a
comment by larsenf
08.26.09 - 3:24 am
btw, if this IS's NOT a good idea to post this sort of info on the internets. just sayin. youz a dumb mo fo.
onelessfixie08.26.09 - 3:25 am
you owe me 24 hours of without you. starting now.
larsenf responding to a
comment by palucha66
08.26.09 - 3:27 am
asshole. ill be lurking for 24 hours
palucha66 responding to a
comment by larsenf
08.26.09 - 3:28 am
it was pretty obvious, but walked right into it nonetheless.
onelessfixie responding to a
comment by Idrivefastcarsintoyourface
08.26.09 - 3:28 am
guess what. you are not cool.
larsenf responding to a
comment by Idrivefastcarsintoyourface
08.26.09 - 3:29 am
FYi, this post is fake
I fucking hate cars so much
That's why i ride that bike..
was just trying to replicate some previous self righteous posts from real people
you internet lovers take things too seriously and obviously can't detect that this is a fake... so I'll just ruin the fun now before some internet fag calls the fake internet police and brings up some fake internet charges
Idrivefastcarsintoyourface08.26.09 - 3:29 am
This is obviously Alex Thompson teaching us a lesson about triznolls.
cabhauler08.26.09 - 3:35 am
you think this is fun? get a fucking life. you say you ride a bike well then WHAT THE FUCK. we get enough shit already we dont need anymore from our own "ridazz." people who actually use bikes for transportation are being totally fucked over by some of these rides when they piss of drivers. i had some motherfucker throw a baseball sized chunk of ice at me last night and you think this is funny? MR.COM 2.0 needs mods and a private forum because of shit like this.
larsenf responding to a
comment by Idrivefastcarsintoyourface
08.26.09 - 3:36 am
Fighting on the Internets is dumb, I think what you really want is a date.
cabhauler08.26.09 - 3:36 am
fuck this shit im buying a new car.
larsenf responding to a
comment by cabhauler
08.26.09 - 3:37 am
ha ha ha good one idrivefastcarsintoyourface!! you really got us! But maybe you shouldn't take the internet so seriously that you feel the need to teach it a lesson.
onelessfixie08.26.09 - 3:47 am
I'd like to see how quickly society would crumble if the net completely shut down for one day.
I'd probably go back to reading Nat'l Geographic and putting pennies on the train tracks.
If I wasn't already being chased by a mob of rage-infested, web-deprived, ghouls.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by onelessfixie
08.26.09 - 3:51 am
I try to turn my inner anger into something somewhat positive.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by onelessfixie
08.26.09 - 4:10 am
jokes are cool... this is not...
just opens the door for more idiots and hassel...
-1 million
Jakuta08.26.09 - 8:38 am
I want you all to do something for me.
Pick up the nearest small object,
then just let it go.
petzljake08.26.09 - 11:19 am
Idrivefastcarsintoyourface (whoever you are), get a life. Congrats on scoring some negative karma points for yourself.
jonnyboy08.26.09 - 11:36 am
i care about this thread, as much as his kid does.
man-o-lo!08.26.09 - 11:43 am
no.... actually bikes were invented first idiot..
tekmo responding to a
comment by Idrivefastcarsintoyourface
08.26.09 - 12:41 pm
Lucky it wasn't me you sideswiped because the Doctors would still be trying to remove my Handlebar from up your ass and my seat post from your vagina...
sal72508.28.09 - 2:18 pm
Fake. this tread needs to die.
Foldie responding to a
comment by northernsoulbyrd
08.28.09 - 2:20 pm
if you go to look at the other related videos check out hold on. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha
north_valley_critical_mass responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
08.30.09 - 3:27 pm