Thread started by
Deman at 08.24.09 - 11:51 am

Anyone and everyone who went on the tattoo ride #17 Friday Aug 21st. I am a fellow cyclist that needs your help. I was arrested that night while on that ride for multiple infraction charges (which I am going to contest to the fullest). So far so good right? a couple of infractions, a citation, a court date to appear to contest, o.k. I could have handled that.
What happened next was wrong (and hopefully I can prove that it was illegal) and what I need everyones help with. The officer got out of the car, threw me on the ground, and hauled me off to jail where I spent the weekend!!! The officer is claiming that I was trying to evade him and resist arrest.
I need the help of any and all witness of my arrest and initial contact with the officer. He is claiming that I "failed to yield" to his vehicle. When he pulled up in front of me I hopped off my bike, then he threw me on the ground. How could I possibly try to evade and resist him? Then he purports that I tossed contraband prior to being apprehended, but thats another story...
I have no problem with facing the consequences for something I know I did wrong, but I will not be held accountable for a crime I did not commit. No one should be held accountable for bogus charges.
Please help me by responding to this posting and/or emailing me. A community is only as strong as its members and I hope everyones support can help me beat this malfeasant case. 50+ cyclists, someone saw something that can help.
Thank you for taking the time to read this
happy and safe riding
sorry to hear what happend to you, its GOOD to hear that you are OK! i only witnessed you getting slammed on the car hood, CRASH unit style.
i dont think i am any help to you... someone on the ride made a comment that you and another rida were stopped by the police offer with a "pit-manuver", is this true?
Adrian_The_BEAST08.24.09 - 11:59 am
"pit-maneuver" I was trying to figure out what it was called! trust me any help at this point is beyond good. Plus, now I have something to go off of. He was overly aggressive and his pit maneuver meant that he was under the impression that I was trying to evade him, kind of like a supposed last resort for him.
Anything else at all?
Much appreciated!
Deman responding to a
comment by Adrian_The_BEAST
08.24.09 - 12:10 pm
What were the multiple infractions?
barleye responding to a
comment by Deman
08.24.09 - 12:29 pm
Failure to stop at red light
Failure to yield to emergency vehicle
Failure to signal for turn
Dangerous lane maneuver
In addition to a misdemeanor of evading and obstructing a peace officer.
This guy had it out for me and I plan on revealing all the holes in this case.
Any information would be greatly appreciated
Deman responding to a
comment by barleye
08.24.09 - 12:41 pm
I totally missed the whole incident.
HappyLand08.24.09 - 5:49 pm
pit maneuver is when the squad car hits the rear side of a car as to spin the car around and lose momentum.
pit maneuvering a bicycle is vehicular manslaughter.
try again.
_iJunes08.24.09 - 5:53 pm
I appreciate anyone and everyones input. At this stage any and all information is good. I am getting a better picture of what transpired and how to go about handling my case.
Please help a fellow rider and keep posting, hopefully this will make my case. I have already got several witness accounts from riders that night, the more the better.
Again, thanks and happy and safe riding
Hopefully nothing like this ever happens to any one else!!!
Deman08.24.09 - 10:32 pm
i saw the entire thing happen. "deman" u were near the front of the pack when we were stopped at fountain and la brea. no way could you have taken it on red. cuz we were stopped. half way up the block passing the pedestrian X walk i heard the police trying to pull everyone over. but we were waaaaay at the front. i made a right onto sunset. thats when i lost you but next thing i know the cops cut us off at the ROSS parking and i went back and u were getting hauled off in a matter of minutes!
thats some fucked up shit!
thats cop was just mad cuz nobody stopped!
whereISmyGILMOUR responding to a
comment by Deman
08.25.09 - 7:12 pm
Make sure you make your court dates.
in the mean time try to find a lawyer to work on contingincy, payment on the back end.
maybe even try ACLU
You have a year to file a lawsuit against the officer, department , and city.
Keep records of every thing, write down what happened while it is still fresh in your mind. The idea is to get them to settle out of court and get some cash + tarnish the
record of the cop.
This guy cop sounds like he is practicing for the future New World Order Thugery.
p.s. remember most cops are total liars, so be prepared for the facts to be twisted.
Dedicated81808.25.09 - 8:03 pm
Your right I remember riding with you guys. This is awesome, like the pieces of a puzzle this is all coming together. This definitely helps!!! thanks a million, just when I start losing hope and doubting myself fellow riders come to pick me up off the ground (pun totally intended).
I hope I can count on your testimony, maybe record it? who knows? I have to get an attorney first.
But thanks for your help brother!!!
Deman responding to a
comment by whereISmyGILMOUR
08.25.09 - 8:18 pm
Very solid info!!! I was scratching my head at the crazy fees some of these attorneys were giving me. Contingency, ACLU, brilliant! My mind is sooo wrapped around the specifics of whats going on, how to fight it, what went on and so forth that missed obvious key info like what you wrote.
Thanks, all this is helping a lot
I'll keep fighting while still riding!
p.s. these were sheriffs, which from my personal experience are less than nice ppl
Deman responding to a
comment by Dedicated818
08.25.09 - 8:35 pm
Thanks to fellow posters.
This has been very helpful for generating ideas, refreshing my memory, and offering me support. As the only one of 50 cyclists who was arrested and detained its easy for me to feel overwhelmed. But I think the credo of unity as riders helps me not lose hope.
Fellow riders that night (or in general) please contribute what you can.
I know many rides are recorded, does anyone happen to record this one? This would be awesome.
I am also looking into a petition of witnesses? 50 cyclists would be awesome, I know its stretch but at this moment I am not ruling anything out.
I'll keep fighting while still riding!!!
Deman08.25.09 - 8:45 pm
Deman responding to a
comment by Adrian_The_BEAST
08.25.09 - 11:10 pm
So i talked to a couple people and seems like this whole mess is illegal!!! i cant go into the details of what i've been told since I dont want to ruin my case. Please, the more witnesses I have on my side the better. This is a classic example of injustice, and i wont even go into the whole "im brown and tattooed...yadda...yadda...yadda..." its too easy.
I am a fucking American citizen who has wrongly been accused of a crime and I am seeking retribution.
Fuck injustice!!!
Ride safe
Ride happy
p.s. i think these **cks are trying to scare the whole community (MR) by sending a message of sending me to jail. Dont let them win, this will only lead to worse situations in the future
Deman08.28.09 - 11:33 am
I am so sorry you are fucking dealing with this.... we were on the ride, but we peeled off at Lexington and La Brea and hooked back up with the ride at Serrano and Sunset cuz i fucking HATE riding la brea....too many bad experiences to count. I am sorry I can't help as a witness, but wanted to offer props for the way you are going about the whole thing and, at the least, some cheers of support.
bici_chica08.28.09 - 7:08 pm
Support is what counts, it shows the power of the community. I appreciate it a lot. I am trying my best to do what I can, if this happened to someone else the least I could do is offer support as well.
Yea you can add my unfortunate incident to the bad experiences on la brea. Don't count on me being an example for anyone though, that's prob what those authorities want anyway. I feel that if this ends badly it could give them an excuse to do it again to another cyclist, that's why I am super determined to let them know that it ain't gonna happen.
again, support counts and props to you!
Deman responding to a
comment by bici_chica
08.28.09 - 8:00 pm