Attn: Madmelo
Thread started by
palucha66 at 08.19.09 - 7:17 am
When are you doing Tour De Hoods again
when the bear dick recall is over.
_iJunes08.19.09 - 9:24 am
When you go an hour without using the F word ....
OsnapsonJC08.19.09 - 9:29 am
palucha go ride a bike. get off the internet.
_iJunes responding to a
comment by palucha66
08.20.09 - 3:26 pm
im at the pier with my bike on my iPhone.
palucha66 responding to a
comment by _iJunes
08.20.09 - 3:27 pm
wait arent you at work?? and your on the forums?? man get a life. im leaving im going to venice.
palucha66 responding to a
comment by _iJunes
08.20.09 - 3:33 pm
HAAHAHHA I'm sorry but this is funny .....
OsnapsonJC08.20.09 - 3:33 pm
i have a life. its called 9~6 M~F.
_iJunes responding to a
comment by palucha66
08.20.09 - 3:35 pm
i have been here every monday ~ fri between the hours of 9 and 6 except for 2 times when i took a hiatus and 1 time when i got banned.
_iJunes08.20.09 - 3:37 pm
Getting paid to post is the awesome.
I'm only on here when im at work. Getting My check in my account tomarrow. hahahahahah
Debut213 responding to a
comment by _iJunes
08.20.09 - 3:40 pm
sorry been actually working, my BAD!
IM thinking 5th or 6th of Sept for the next "Tour De Hood" mission to the LBC?
i say lets leave a lil earlier too like roll out between 7:30-8am
let me know whatcha all think.
a lil breakfast bearDick
madmelo08.27.09 - 9:41 am
"i saw that guy with the huge spike in his chin at cynergy on the westside with mikes old dirt jumper. what the fuck was he doing all the way over there?"
ruinedbyidiots08.27.09 - 9:45 am
oh were u one of the speed dude all geared up? I work on the westside, n the dirt jumper is my new baby, its like my BMX bike on crack with shocks, not as fast as my fixie but fun to bunny hop on
madmelo responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
08.27.09 - 9:51 am
3 blocks from the shop 20th/colorado
madmelo08.27.09 - 9:52 am
but Tour The Hoods is in the Morning
palucha66 responding to a
comment by _iJunes
08.27.09 - 6:33 pm