SMC Bikers, this is your club
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Jaz at 03.21.09 - 8:38 pm
Hey so we made a club, or in the process, paperwork being filled out. You want to be a part of it?
Fill out your info on your doodle.
No sign in required, just type in your name and the times you are free to start us scheduling our meetings. Let us know.
Wendy started to talk to me a couple days ago, she told me she wants us to find someone to replace her.
Gav03.22.09 - 2:49 am
Replace her? She was our key into getting into AS easily and actually making change.
I hope this isn't true, or at least not as bad as it seems it could be.
Jaz03.22.09 - 8:27 am
make a note that although it says AM I think we'll be probably meeting at PM...right?
aksendz03.22.09 - 11:47 am
Unless people are down for a 3 am meeting, haha. After a ride jsut head to a meeting? Kind of fun.
Jaz03.22.09 - 7:01 pm
I go to SMC when do you guys meet? Where?
Raferwafer03.22.09 - 8:38 pm
Next meeting is this friday.
Stay tuned for an actual time. It's afternoon sometime. I think it was like 3-5 or something? maybe earlier, I forget, I'll check in the morning.
More info regarding location, later as well.
Everything comes later.
Think of this as a rave. You get the idea of who is going to be there, what kind of talent, and a general date. No set location, and the time fluctuates.
Jaz03.23.09 - 1:19 am
boo for friday. i'm not in school and rarely come out to west side
but we'll see
aksendz03.23.09 - 2:05 am
yeah a lot of people dont have classes..
but thats why it seemed like such a good day for it.
the other time that worked was 11-1245 tuesday morning.
in between classes and constricted.
i hope people will still want to come down.
its not like everyone has to come EVERY friday...its like..come a couple times a month...and a few people will still be there working stuff out.. well be having club activities that are still during the week and at more reasonable times for different people.
i think just staying in the loop is really important.
if anyone wants to throw some more ideas out for possible agenda items ill write it up to be discussed on friday.
thank youu
yeaahjustine03.23.09 - 11:38 pm
^oh and about wendy?
she hasnt said anything like that to me..
she just sent me an email about unless something drastic came up she seems super committed in helping us out.
yeaahjustine03.23.09 - 11:42 pm
dude, tuesdays 11:45-12:45 is PERFECTTTTTTTT.....
i have a huge break in between my classes, and it'd be awesome to fill that gap up with talking about things concerning bikes, we might not have enough time to actually ride, but we can still talk about stuff, organize events, etc..
alien invasion03.24.09 - 11:51 am
and i take that back, we do have enough time to somethin
alien invasion03.24.09 - 11:52 am
well the meeting time is set for friday between 345-500
there will be other events on campus on tuesdays and thursdays that you can help out with and still be a part of the club.
no worries. maybe you can make it out on fridays once a month or whatever.
i know there will be opportunities to participate coming up late april with club row and earth week.
yeaahjustine03.24.09 - 1:28 pm
All you people who are bitching about friday meetings. If you say you are free then, it's kind of obvious they will choose that day as a group.
I'm curious why you all decided to say you were free fridays if you don't want to go on fridays?
Jaz03.24.09 - 6:16 pm
i think that we're all free on fridays because we don't have any classes on fridays. but what's the point in going to school on fridays for a club meeting?
meh, that's just me.
alien invasion03.24.09 - 10:46 pm
i will be at school at 830 am... im going for silk screening workshop. if anyone is going to be on campus... hit me up ill be there until 230
424 208 9392
theladiesman03.26.09 - 9:19 pm
SMuCkers should be our official name!!!!
Santa Monica College Cyclists if people asks us why smuckers
aksendz03.26.09 - 10:01 pm
So... meeting still on for friday? Where?
Raferwafer03.26.09 - 10:48 pm
that sounds like that peanut butter company..
alien invasion03.26.09 - 11:41 pm
smuckers is a jelly company! haha
I'm downnnn. Is there a meeting spot?
ktKHAN responding to a
comment by alien invasion
09.17.09 - 7:48 pm
if anybody transfers.. CSU_channel islands has an itty-bitty kitchen
hitsthepoles_ow responding to a
comment by ktKHAN
09.17.09 - 11:36 pm