Thread started by
_iJunes at 09.22.09 - 5:53 pm
enjoy the kids table for now. food fight all you want. just don't fling your bacon over to the 1000 Club.
fuck this stupid club, shit face mother fuckers... i hate everything... cant even ride fast.... stupid heavy bike i ride, doesnt even have aerospkes...
want a brooks saddle... hate everything
md209.22.09 - 6:02 pm
dont even like bacon... stupid club, with no friends... have to hang out with palucha66... dont even know who he is... probably doesnt even hang out with hot girls... sucks... bet all the hot girls hang out with the 1000 Post Club members... stupid under 1000 post club...
wish I could post like Foldie, GodlovesUgly... and stuff, but someone respect their club for no fucking reason... jealousy is a bitch
md2 responding to a
comment by palucha66
09.22.09 - 6:08 pm
...... I have over 1000 posts. LATES!!!
palucha66 responding to a
comment by md2
09.22.09 - 6:10 pm
at least justice is served by only having white kids at the table...
md209.22.09 - 6:13 pm
hey you over 1,000 bitches. get off my god damn thread.....
Foldie09.22.09 - 6:20 pm
great im sharing the table with Foldie...
so ummmm, what do you want to do?
Do you like Fish dicks?
md2 responding to a
comment by Foldie
09.22.09 - 6:21 pm
Anal beads and hummingbird dicks
Foldie responding to a
comment by md2
09.22.09 - 6:23 pm
i'm laughing at you, not with you.
just had to clarify that.
coldcut responding to a
comment by md2
09.22.09 - 6:23 pm
so ummmm... what do you want to talk about?
Ill be here for 5 minutes... maybe you got some cool photos or something kind of witty to say?
md2 responding to a
comment by Foldie
09.22.09 - 6:24 pm
you know what mother fucker? I respected your club!!
but...um... any chance, you can hook me up with some posts? Maybe talk to some of the cats over there and see if you can get me in?
md2 responding to a
comment by coldcut
09.22.09 - 6:28 pm
Under 1000 club is way cooler. especially since you have been signed up for over 3 years and have so few posts. You have been real spammy lately but you don't want to be that guy like idouche.
Foldie responding to a
comment by md2
09.22.09 - 6:32 pm