Ventura Ridazz?

Thread started by
Jeff Yess at 09.8.09 - 8:27 pm
Any Ventura Ridazz?
i go up there time to time to visit my mom, going this saturday and was bringing the bike, mostly wanting to hit up this ojai spot up the 33
i used to live in ventura and ojai, the ride between is fun, we used to do that on bmx/freestyle bikes back before the nice trail was put in, got jumped by some homies up the avenue one time, they were about to jack my bike till some bigger white supremacist people intervened, wtf?! ventura is chill, but very weird and crazy at times too haha
the beach boardwalk ride is fun from hobo jungle area down to pierpont and then the marina =)
natefrogg09.8.09 - 8:37 pm
it is a bit crazy at times but mostly chill for me. i live in SP(Santa Paula), but the damn town shuts down at like 9 pm !
Jeff Yess09.8.09 - 8:40 pm
you know about how long the bike path from Ventura to ojai is? im down to check it out. totally rad !haha
Jeff Yess responding to a
comment by natefrogg
09.8.09 - 8:51 pm
i built tons and tons of bmx trails all over ojai between 97-01. everyone graduated onto trials riding or riding gridley or the river bottom on mtbs. i was the only one who bought a road bike.
ruinedbyidiots09.8.09 - 8:52 pm
the path from ojai to ventura is about 19 miles one way.
ruinedbyidiots09.8.09 - 8:53 pm
Serious inquiry; why did you switch from a high-altitude machine, to a land-speeder?
bentstrider responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
09.8.09 - 8:54 pm
its because i sold my road bike. i need to buy another one. i can still climb hills.
ruinedbyidiots responding to a
comment by bentstrider
09.8.09 - 8:56 pm
Tyler, Time for another Ojai ride? I'm game.
mk4524 responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
09.8.09 - 8:58 pm
that Shangri-La Showdown looked sweet.
Jeff Yess09.8.09 - 9:03 pm
I was referring to the switch-over from BMX to 700c.
BMX being high-altitude, as in catching air, sort of thing.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
09.8.09 - 9:27 pm
@rbi +1 on Ojai Rides.
mk4524 responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
09.9.09 - 1:35 am
fuck ventura dude i just got my ass beat for riding my bike in ventura armenians in a old toyota licence number 6cdy286 im 16 and the guy is like 20 simething wtf
sharkboi2809.11.09 - 11:50 pm
OMG...LOL....that would be Ventura Blvd...not the City/County of Ventura...
TheJen responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
09.12.09 - 9:26 am
what street can i catch that bike path that goes north from ventura to ojai, checking the map could it be at W PARK ROW AVE?
Jeff Yess09.12.09 - 9:46 am

the street itself is kind of hidden.
park row goes to the skate park. you can get to the bike path from the skate park, but the actual entrace starts on the street a block before park row. the map says its harriet, but the only sign you can see is for dubbers.
ruinedbyidiots responding to a
comment by Jeff Yess
09.12.09 - 10:24 am
cool gonna check it out probably tommorw thanks
Jeff Yess responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
09.12.09 - 10:27 am
i hitup ojai yesterday, gridley is a killer! had to stop twice and break going up that nutty hill, then once i got to the trail i quickly realized i'd be hiking for the first leg, wheeeee man it was lovely up there, and coming back down was a blast ZIP ZOOOOOOM!

natefrogg09.13.09 - 10:59 am
i love hiking gridley. i would never ride a bike on it. maybe once you get to the fire road.
we camped overnight at the horse rest stop place a few summers ago. it was beautiful. but beware of mountain lions.
ruinedbyidiots responding to a
comment by natefrogg
09.13.09 - 5:29 pm

We biked up Gridley, about ½ mile of hiking and the rest was on saddle, almost made it to fire tower
S.B.P. RiDa4LiF!09.16.09 - 9:55 am
"beware of mountain lions."
Oh please.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
09.16.09 - 9:59 am