Thread started by
Frozen Fingersss at 10.9.08 - 11:01 am
BRW movie night makes me feel all mushy inside.
people i love to touch: coecoe, larsen, jaz, richtotheie, hanako, kathy, suzy, lane, and i feel like im missing someone who was present. It could just be this mini hangover talking.
oh and im bruised and scraped from that stupid fall outside the BRW. fuck little speed bumps.
i didnt forget you sheli!
you missed out after the BRW.
but i lovezzzz you.
Frozen Fingersss10.9.08 - 12:39 pm
I can haz hangover... need more cuddle puddlz!
lalagypsy10.9.08 - 1:05 pm
CubbyCuddlez iz ded. =(
Rest In Peace
franz10.9.08 - 4:33 pm
Cubby Cuddles came back from the dead and renamed itself cuddle puddle and it was awesome. Wacka wacka wacka.
KABS10.9.08 - 5:33 pm
I cuddle myself all night long.
It get's cold and lonely in my attic.
bentstrider10.10.08 - 2:39 am
Can you guys bring one of these to me? I'm cold and have a suitable floor with an abundance of blankets for perfect for a CP. Please come soon. My arms are a'waitin' you.
With hope,
Coe coe
Coe coe buttaa10.10.09 - 6:13 am
Where the Wild Things Are had the best cuddle puddle, with a Drooby center.
Gav10.10.09 - 6:30 am
i'm really happy for you and imma let you finish, but where the wild things had the best cuddle puddle of all time! OF ALL TIME!
66610.10.09 - 11:35 am