MOM RIDAZ vest making evening
Thread started by
Delirium at 10.18.09 - 3:05 pm
hey if we do this vest making bizzznazz,
are you having a sleep over?
we have to meet up like at 10AM sunday morning anyways..
Oh God.
10am, if we want to make it to choppercabras before 12
if would like to actually do the ride and not just kick it there for the festivities and entertainment.
Delirium10.19.09 - 4:38 pm
FYI the games (the good stuff) occurs before the ride if i'm not mistaken.
kryxtanicole responding to a
comment by Delirium
10.19.09 - 5:58 pm
I second that! It's so so true, riding your bike uber smashed just to make it to Choppercabras. And finally ending up wearing someone bra. Ha ^___^
Alfredo responding to a
comment by kryxtanicole
10.19.09 - 6:00 pm
Yes, the events (races & battles) start at NOON, the ride is after all the events - usually around 2pm. The ride is fun, but nothing special, the events are worth the hangover.
the reverend dak responding to a
comment by kryxtanicole
10.19.09 - 6:09 pm
when i got to the spring thing with the rest of the mom ridaz we got there while everyone was taking off on the ride, we did mushrooms instead of riding when the ride came back there were sill fun shit going on after, my point is if the mom ridaz are trying to go as a group, I'd like to make it to the ride. ((no lagging it!))
Delirium10.19.09 - 7:10 pm
What Tren Way is not:
-Non Confrontational
-Open - Minded
What Tren Way is:
-Mean Spirited
CrazyPenis10.19.09 - 7:11 pm
actually im gonna have to cancel patch making... i have to work that day and sunday
Drooby42010.19.09 - 7:18 pm
5turn for the worst////
wtf is up with the tren way shit, Mr. penis
Busride42010.19.09 - 7:49 pm
good call busride
and yeah it sux about the patches
maybe we can do it tomorrow night or wednesday
Drooby42010.19.09 - 7:53 pm
You can read up on it on this thread, it makes the Brittany thread look tame.
It boils down to them apologizing to MR for being mean spirited and exclusive with their ride posting, but they feel they did nothing wrong.
CrazyPenis responding to a
comment by Busride420
10.19.09 - 7:54 pm
aww man.. i was looking forward in making one..
goosegoose responding to a
comment by Drooby420
10.19.09 - 8:01 pm
so what cp, get over it who made you law keeper of midnight ridazz
Drooby42010.19.09 - 8:03 pm
I dunno man.
leave me out of it.
and the britany thing...
I said I was sorry for callin her a bitch,
she brought it on her self.....she didn't know when to STFU.
kinda like you...spammin the threads n all
Busride420 responding to a
comment by CrazyPenis
10.19.09 - 8:06 pm
Find me a ride posting that's been more mean spirited and I'll back off. You won't. I'll get over it when there's a formal apology.
CrazyPenis responding to a
comment by Drooby420
10.19.09 - 8:08 pm
Foldie responding to a
comment by CrazyPenis
10.19.09 - 8:11 pm
just relax, dude... you know what to do?
not ever go on a tren way ride... then youll never have to deal with it
dont read tren way threads....then again... youll never have to deal with it
Drooby420 responding to a
comment by CrazyPenis
10.19.09 - 8:18 pm