Rides. Small or big.
Thread started by
alexhopkins at 10.15.09 - 1:30 pm
Los Angeles is full of so many great bike rides. Rides with bikers polluting the streets, seeping in to every corner of every block. The question is, what ride is good for me? Allow me to introduce you to He-Man. Always 20+ miles, speed will vary, depending on how many people, and how fast those people like to ride, I myself don't like to ride slow. Tonight (10/15/09) will be the first night of this ride, consisting of old and new Six Pack riders, And the always excellent L2R. Come out for a kick ass night of riding and mainly, fun. Bring your lights, drinks, etc. Lets keep it safe.
I concur. What did Dak just do?
danya responding to a
comment by coldcut
10.15.09 - 2:00 pm
Perhaps Rev. Dak is taking us back-ak-ak-ak-ak-ak-ak?
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by danya
10.15.09 - 2:07 pm
Yeah, right? I still subtract 3 hours from all the timestamps....
But you managed to do well enough on that post up there.
danya responding to a
comment by the reverend dak
10.15.09 - 2:24 pm
Ride sounds cool. Ill try and make it out
Debut21310.15.09 - 2:30 pm
This comment got eaten like 4 times already. Wtf, dude.
danya responding to a
comment by coldcut
10.15.09 - 3:52 pm