Ride or show?

Thread started by
djb at 10.9.09 - 6:03 pm
Hi I’m new here I Just moved to LA about a month ago. I've been on a couple rides that MR set up a couple of years ago when I was in LA on a road trip which were fucking rad, and I’ve been on a couple of rides since I moved here. I'm just wondering though...what do you folks do when you have a dilemma between going to an awesome ride or going to an awesome show? (not sure if this is necessary but just to clarify by show I mean watchin some bands...not going to a movie or any other shit)
...well of course if you still use those terms. No doubt about it.
djb10.9.09 - 6:09 pm
I don't have a choice. I'm married. But if I did, I'd RIDE.
Joe Borfo10.9.09 - 6:10 pm
i agree with RBI.
but seriously, depends on how much money i have, how much thet ickets were, and how much i like the bands... as i have bad add, and bands tend to bore me. oh man. seriously, first world problems.
tinycities10.9.09 - 6:27 pm
f man. didn't know this was going to get so deep. I understand the "first world problems" thing for sure. But the fact that we are all posting on a fucking forum is an indication of are "first world status"...my intentions weren't to discuss this sort of thing but im down to for sure...just not now though because my "first world" ass has chosen to ride my "first world" bike to the "first world" bike ride. Hope to see you folks there.
djb10.9.09 - 6:42 pm
If you bought tickets already, then go.
If not, save that money and go to a ride instead.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by djb
10.10.09 - 8:56 am
if the band's not local...I vote for the show...because who knows when they'll be back?
but then again, what if it's an epic ride you miss out on?
I'm still voting for the show, because there's all kinds of epic rides around here...
adrian10.10.09 - 11:13 am
Don't sweat what the trolls say,
that's their way of trying to having a life.
Welcome to the MR Forum. LOL
X-Large responding to a
comment by djb
10.10.09 - 2:17 pm