Thread started by
sparkleghost at 10.8.09 - 8:56 am
Does anyone have a size 17, 18, or 19t cog that they'd live to trade for my 15?
Or just "donate" to me????
I need to lower my ratio desperately. I don't want to turn into Xena!
Please call me:
EiGhT oNe EiGhT tWo ZeRo SeVeN sIx NiNe ZeRo ZeRo
why would someone's life-long ambition be to trade you something?
coldcut10.8.09 - 12:16 pm
sprocket attaches to a chain
a cog attaches to other cogs

snowcone10.8.09 - 12:56 pm
only midnight ridazz could have access to sprockets made in the future least we used to
snowcone responding to a
comment by slowrighthand
10.8.09 - 1:28 pm
"spacely sprockets"
that would make a great name for a breed of weed...
sparkleghost10.8.09 - 1:34 pm
i have a 16t.
ill trade w/ u if ur willing to take mine off and put ur 115 on
austinie10.8.09 - 6:36 pm
if youre confusing cogs and chainrings and sprockets, you should stick to computer stuff and leave the bike stuff to the professionals.
ruinedbyidiots responding to a
comment by snowcone
10.8.09 - 6:37 pm
sorry man... i'm not confused
a cog is actually the tooth of a gear. normal bikes do not have true gears on them... only sprockets
just because you and many others may have been misusing words doesn't make it correct. no worries.
snowcone responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
10.9.09 - 12:41 pm

a sprocket is found on one piece cranks on bmx bikes and beach cruisers. they attach to the crank arm and cant be easily removed or changed out.
a chainring attaches to the spider of the crank arm on road, mtb, and track bikes. it attaching to the spider and not directly to the crank arm makes it easier to swap out.
the "tooth of a gear" is simply called the tooth, or teeth. its what the chain grabs onto.
a cog is a single gear that attaches to the rear wheel. multiple gears are called cassettes.
your blatant ignorance when it comes to general bicycle knowledge will not pass as trolling, or whatever you think youre doing.
ruinedbyidiots responding to a
comment by snowcone
10.9.09 - 12:48 pm
wrong again Snowcog...
A "dime" is actually a type of currency, dontating ten cents.
A "dime" is a girl snowcone has never been with
Both are correct.
Cycling has its own lingo... take heed... or we can use your so precise and succinct mastery of the English language... such as "normal bikes".
md2 responding to a
comment by snowcone
10.9.09 - 12:50 pm
Popular term for a rear sprocket. Sometimes incorrectly used as a synonym for cluster, which is actually a group of cogs.
Originally, "cog" referred to just a single tooth on a "cog wheel." Then "cog wheel" was shortened by popular usage to "cog."
A toothed wheel or gear that is part of a chain drive.
The front sprockets are also commonly called chainwheels or chainrings. The term "sprocket" is perfectly correct to refer to either front or rear, but use most adult cyclists use this term mainly to refer to the rear sprockets. The use of "sprocket" to refer specifically to a chainwheel is mainly confined to BMX usage.
The rear sprockets individually are also commonly called cogs or gears; as a group they are referred to as a block, cassette, cluster or freewheel.
taken from sheldon brown's bicycle glossary.
snowcone10.9.09 - 4:07 pm
everyone is right.
everyone is wrong.
just please give me your 17t or higher cog/sprocket/gear/tooth/fucken whatever you want to call it. I will trade for my 15... any takers?
sparkleghost10.9.09 - 5:18 pm
fuxkin nwbie.
wikipedia that shit
austinie10.9.09 - 7:56 pm
i have a 19t cog i could trade you. its made by soma. what is yours?
e-mail me @
quanmunist responding to a
comment by sparkleghost
10.10.09 - 12:46 am