NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.
ive cut my alcohol consumption by a lot. newcastle and delirium tremens are still my favorites. not really a fan of the nocturnum, and i havent had the noele yet.
this stuff is almost 16% abv for a 12oz bottle.
I don't drink much on the rides, because I'm not that coordinated a cyclist cold sober, but a cold PBR or two in a comfy chair when you get home after a ride is about the best thing ever.
Can I try your beer please please?
I like Aventinus during lunch
I don’t mind Tecates for breakfast (mainly because that is the only thing around)
Had a great time at the beer fest but have to find my rating list and check out some of the other beers offered..
I think I am making a separate trip on a random weekend to check out some of my favorites (should include The Bruery)
Right now I am IN LOVE with Cantillon
Sour lambics SOOOO fucking good (expensive though and they don’t knock you on yo ass like the usual shit I like to drink)
chimay and delirium are my defaults …
I also started liking The Lost Abbey stuff recently (I liked their Carnevale Ale and I think Lost and Found)
One bottle all to myself is pretty good
Oh man i am stuck at work! damn
I am new to beer drinking as I used to drink just hard liquor before… I am trying to go back to that because of financial reasons (then again, I can just quit… ahahhahah AHHAHAHA)
I like drinking alone or with friends but not the fancy stuff at rides
Haven’t done lots of big rides lately because a lot of people can’t balance themselves with FUN beer and bikes
Duchesse de Bourgogne is also good!!
a few of these sour beers or lambics, suggest to be served at room temp. but I prefer them cold.
Coffee beer would be good now – need to wake up!!!
I would much rather pay $16/4pk of this (see below) than drink any Anheuser-Busch InBev or SABMiller products. But hey, that's just me. Stupid thing is, my drink of choice on rides is Tecate, which I realize is not a far departure in taste from, say, Budweiser or Miller, but at least they don't put rice or corn adjuncts in it.
I did find this interesting article about Tecate.
One other thing, I'm thinking about the possibility of hosting a beer pairing dinner, to include my homebrew. I'm thinking potluck style, where everyone brings a craft brew.
SPOOK responding to a comment by the reverend dak
05.29.09 - 3:42 pm
@Steph: Yes! This does need to happen. I feel spoiled by the Vendome within walking distance from me. They have the best selection of beers I've seen in a store. I bought a bottle of Cali-Belgique IPA last night. Never had it before.
If anyone brings Blue Moon, they get a free kick in the nuts.
SPOOK responding to a comment by Kakihara
05.29.09 - 3:55 pm
I know there are stronger beers out there (ie Boston Brewing Co's Eutopias), but I'm dying to try the Dogfish Head 120 Minute IPA
Too extreme to be called beer? Brewed to a colossal 45°P, boiled for a full 2 hours while being continually hopped with high alpha American hops, dry-hopped every day in the fermenter for a month, and aged for a month on whole leaf hops, 120 Minute IPA is by far the strongest IPA ever brewed. And at 21% ABV and 120 IBUs, you can see why we are calling this the Holy Grail for Hopheads. a good newcastle is hard to pass up. even on a budget. I recently tried some of the farmhouse ales, anyone??? the saison DuPont was my favorite. very similar to the delirium. crafting is the only difference though. I've been wanting to try the dogfish head. is that the one that was developed by researching the trace elements in prehistoric clay pots???
I know of a couple beers with ancient histories. I don't know if you've ever heard of the Alulu tablet, but it's a cuniform tablet from Ur (circa 2,050 BC) which has on of the oldest recorded beer recipes known to exist. I read an article about Anchor Brewery actually producing the beer in the '88-'89 season in partnership with UC Berkley.
Dogfish Head produced a beer based on a supposed 9,000-year-old Chinese recipe, which was reverse-engineered from residue in found clay pots. AND they make their Midas Touch Ale (which is a year-round brew, still) from a 2,700-year-old Turkish recipe found in a similar manner.
I told you I was a beer geek.
SPOOK responding to a comment by sancho1
06.1.09 - 10:45 am
Damn! I've been looking for Pliny the YOUNGER for months now. I suppose I should search Ramirez or Red Carpet.
@JB: Well played, sir. I'll have to check them out next time I get up that way. It really is amazing how much of a difference yeast makes in the taste profile of the beer. Not to imply that any older yeast strain is better than a young one, though.
I use either Wyeast 1056 American Ale or White Labs WLP001 California Ale yeasts in my homebrew.
SPOOK responding to a comment by mr rollers
06.1.09 - 11:20 am
One of my favorite things about visiting Toronto (I'm back in L.A. now) is that I get to go out to pubs with my friends and ask them what beer they're into now. The Canadian microbreweries are the fucking bomb. I'm not gonna lie. There's a lot of Canadian beer in stores here, but none of the stuff I actually drink.
My favorite one this trip was Mill St. Tankhouse Ale. I think I enjoyed it a little TOO much.
thanks spook. thats sum good fyi. i was very surprised the other night i walken in to 7-11 to grab a sixer. i was jonesing a six of the sam adams summer ale but as usual the 7-11 by my house has nothing reputable, i decided to just take a chance on something that seemed familiar. its called HOEGAARDEN. to my surprise, its some of the tastyest beers ive had in a while. its an unfiltered belgian white beer. absolute must try!!!
sancho1 responding to a comment by SPOOK
06.1.09 - 7:03 pm
I will admit, Hoegaarden is some tasty stuff. However, it's another beer produced by Anheuser-Busch InBev (as of the late 80's, I think). I personally stopped buying it when I learned of InBev's closure of the Hoegaarden (city) brewery a few years ago. That just doesn't settle with me. It is still brewed in Belgium, though. [Anheuser-Busch also did the same thing with Rolling Rock; closing it's Latrobe Brewery after acquisition. I suppose it's the American business model to crush or buy out your competition, which is fodder for an entirely new thread].
I love unfiltered witbiers, too!
NO ORANGES! Keep that shit out of my beer, thank you.
\ Beer snob has spoken.
@Handbone: whiskey dick ridazz, perhaps.
SPOOK responding to a comment by sancho1
06.2.09 - 12:52 am
Oh man Aventinus Eisbock is good shit… I stood at the beer store for 10 minutes while this guy approached me and told me all about the eisbock vs the regular aventinus I had been buying in the past…
Something about eisbocks freezing the beer and removing the ice/water from the beer so it is more pure…. Thus the smaller bottle (11 something oz vs 16 or 17oz bottle)
Neverclever likes this beeeer a lot… good thing the bar by his house has it on tap. Well I think they just have the regular on tap but still!
Kakihara responding to a comment by toweliesbong
06.2.09 - 10:04 am
Next time you go to San Francisco, take the Anchor Steam Brewery tour.
Its free, and at the end of the tour they sample (in 10 oz. glasses) seven of their delicious beers. Man, that beer is so good when it's fresh from the tap at the source.
You need to book the tour about 6 weeks in advance.
It is very popular.
That's seven, 10 oz. glasses of beer. And I sampled them all!
I didn't ask, but I saw no reason you couldn't get seconds on a beer you particularly enjoy.
My coworker partially owns that place.... I've only been twice, (one time being the opening night) and I think it was a bad time to go. All I remember was the music being way too loud both times.
Anderson Valley Barney Flats Oatmeal Stout
Anderson Valley Brother David's Abby-Style Triple Ale
Stone Cali-Belgique IPA
St Peter's Cream Stout
Hitachino Nest Red Rice Ale
Me=excited! Vendome didn't have ANY eisbocks (the Korean guys in there were helpful, but had no idea what I was talking about), any Pliny (Younger or Older) or Mephistopheles' stout. Weak sauce.
RBI, have you had Avery's Heaven Hog? Do you like bareleywines?
haven't tried their other flavors - next up is the expresso one they make
if you are around and want to go to Verdugo Bar let us know.. it will be an easy meet up if we are free
I think at first they were open Thur-Sunday D. and I went on a random night a few weeks(?) after they had first opened. About 5 people inside.. I don’t remember if they had a DJ or not so the music must not have been too loud. They were showing random shit on the teeeveee and I liked it ok.
It has gotten popular but eh.. good for the bar I guess! A lot more birthday and group events seem to happen there but I still feel comfortable there. It is a beer bar after all, can’t complain about yuppies. Everyone that works there is really chill and nice… rolling in sweaty and with back packs from the ride has never been an issue so +3 for that.
Kakihara responding to a comment by canadienne
06.3.09 - 1:15 pm
i had a barleywine in ojai before, but i dont remember what it was called. super strong stuff. i got the mephistophecles (sp?) at bev-mo, which isnt that far from vendome. its in the empire center near target/best buy/etc.
Yeah the opening night was probably a bad first experience. The DJ was really loud, and they were still trying to patch up some problems (the light fixtures were leaking water, for example.) I think the second time was my coworker's birthday, which would explain the loud party-ness again. I should really go back on a regular night.
oh p.s. I think the same people who own that place own Match in North Hollywood... which is less of a beer place than it is a lounge. (They usually have really good music playing though). They play random movies there too.
two of the moderators from lafixed dj on the last saturday of the month at verdugo. el_rich and i went there one night and the music wasnt very loud at all. they were playing a lot of 80s hip hop and prince. and the flat screens behind the bar were playing dolemite!
How did you like the Hitachino Nest ale? How much was it? Cap n’ Cork has it for $5.99 but other places usually carry it for over $8
I seriously need to stop buying the same old shit and try the espresso one next
I actually haven't had it yet. Beer drinking is srs business in this house, not to be taken lightly. Beer snob hasn't had the time to enjoy it, but is looking forward to it. I paid $5.99 for mine, too, I think.
SPOOK responding to a comment by Kakihara
06.5.09 - 3:34 pm
I haven't, actually. Dogfish Head beers are really expensive, so if I'm paying $16/4pk, I'll get something I know I'll like. That is a horrible philosophy, but meh... You've inspired me to get some the next time I'm out. And/or, maybe I'll buy some for this purported beer tasting/pairing get-together I may/may not be planning.
SPOOK responding to a comment by PC
06.5.09 - 4:27 pm
Vendome carries 12oz of these.. I think $5-6 bucks
Not sure if I have seen them over at Red Carpet… I should really just stop visiting them since I closed out 4 of my credit cards and trying to do this silly 10 day sobriety thing but oh man I have this mental list in my head...
I made it happen tonight. It was tasty. A bit lighter than I expected, akin almost to a lager or (gasp!) a malt liquor. I was surprised to learn that it was bottle conditioned. Personally, I prefer beers that are. It makes a big difference.
SPOOK responding to a comment by Kakihara
06.5.09 - 11:59 pm
No, but I've been interested in trying it since I read a big long magazine article last year about Dogfish Head which contained the story of how that brew came to be (it's a modern replication of the drink that they found residues of in King Midas's tomb--main ingredients honey, barley, grapes and saffron!). So I made a note to myself to seek it out and try it and of course I never got around to it.
PC responding to a comment by Kakihara
06.6.09 - 6:01 am
I tried it tonight. It was...different. Good, but different. I think it tasted more like meade than beer, personally. Ultra low carbonation; little, to no head; tastes of honey, esters and orange. Surprisingly drinkable.
La Binchoise, my favorite beer. If you live on the west side check out the Beer Warehouse (4935 Mcconnell Ave) if you're more east, towards San Gabriel check out Stuffed Sandwich (1145 E Las Tunas Drive). Fuck it, if you live anywhere, find a way out to Stuffed Sandwich, the guy who owns it knows every single beer and if you tell him a few beers that you really like he'll get you one that you'll love, La Binchoise is one of his favorites and it took me long hours of sucking up to try it.
OK, so I've gotten two rida reviews of the Midas Touch so far--one negative and one, well, lukewarm. As a contrarian investor in beer I am going to consider that a BUY signal.
Did you find the ester notes objectionable? The original brew did have honey and grapes as ingredients, after all. The New Yorker article mentioned a mead-like as one of the strong elements in the stuff.
PC responding to a comment by SPOOK
06.8.09 - 4:20 am
Stuffed Sandwich is awesome… I have only seen two flavors of this sour lambic that I fucking love…
This place had FIVE bottles available (but not the two I have seen and tried before)
The bottle was $39 instead of the $20 I was expecting so it is expensive…
Kakihara responding to a comment by Sudo ride a bike
06.8.09 - 10:13 am
Ok well… disclaimer about my Midas review via text that I sent out to my drinking buddy in Portland, PC, and someone that was not Spook but shares the same given name and in my phone. OOPS!
(I am still trying to figure out if mine was the lukewarm or the negative review ahah- I think it is the latter since I may have called it “weak” )
Woke up
No breakfast
Had to drop D. off at church for wedding ceremony
Had 30 minutes to kill
Went to the bar a few blocks away by myself and got a big bottle of Lost Abbey Judgement Day
Not the best idea because although I have liked all the lost abbey beerz in the past, this one was a sipper and I didn’t have the time to sit down and enjoy it. drank the shit went back to the church HAPPY time (it went by fast)
Thank you 10.95% 750ml bottle!
After the church ceremony I had more time to kill and went back to the same bar around the corner and got the Midas Touch but having just finished a big bottle of beer that is BREWED IN RAISINS … it was a bit weak. I could not fully appreciate it.
Should have gotten the Midas Touch first…
I will drink Midas Touch … I didn’t dislike it, it was just poor planning on my part.
I did not like the fruity sweet prune flavor of Judgement Day
I was left a little disappointed with the Midas Touch-but- only because I think I've been so jaded on Dogfish Head's other brews (especially the 90-Minute IPA and the Palo Santo). The beer was good by any standard, and much better than the run-of-the-mill beers. The low carbonation is due to its historical nature, and its diminished head is a consequence (in addition to having a lower protein content). Beer Advocate gives it a "b" rating. I would agree.
SPOOK responding to a comment by Kakihara
06.8.09 - 12:30 pm
Yah mee tooo
Had this recently … easy to drink pretty OK. easy to drink. (usually I opt for Kotayk but it was good to try this one.) ::shrug:: not much to post right now but I did find a few pubs in London that serve Cantillon beerz and I can’t wait to ride my bike there!
Kakihara responding to a comment by SPOOK
06.19.09 - 2:10 pm
wow i mentioned "easy to drink" twice
i guess maybe this translates to = weak
oh well
i wish i could remember the name of the beer i had during lunch
THAT one is good... (if you can;t already tell by my recent posts)
i stumbled across this website the other day thats still in beta testing but is pretty kick ass
thought everyone could benefit from knowing about it
Lesson I learned last night: don't take 22oz bottles of *good* beer to a toga party expecting people to share. At one point, I saw a dude drinking away at his my own bottle! Naives.....
SPOOK responding to a comment by mblazed
06.20.09 - 11:57 am
Had some of this shit just now… pretty light. Nothing spectacular as far as the taste goes BUT it is 9.5% alcohol by volume so you are happy in the end.
Mild taste… I thought it would have more spice to it.
E, sounds great. I'll definitely have to check it out.
This is what I came back from Vendome with:
I'm surprised that they have the 60 Minute, but no 120 Minute yet. This season's 120 should have hit the stores within the past couple weeks. I wonder if they won't be getting any at all :(.
SPOOK responding to a comment by Kakihara
06.23.09 - 4:40 pm
I the 90 minute recently and it sure didn't seem malty to me. I also tried Russian River's Pliny the Elder and I liked it, but I can see why some people might be smartasses and call it "Piney the Elder."
PC responding to a comment by steph
06.23.09 - 5:05 pm
I would say "malty" is an appropriate term. The 90 has so much more 'mouthfeel' than the 60. That's because they almost double the grain bill entering the mash tun, because of the huge amount of hops [continually] added. I freaking love it. Without a doubt my favorite beer (the 90 Minute).
As far as the Pliney, I still have yet to find it. I know, I need to get out to Glendale. I think I missed the window of opportunity to make my agave cream stout in time for my wedding.
SPOOK responding to a comment by steph
06.23.09 - 8:47 pm
Russell, do you come from the Allagash Brewing Company?
Anyway.. not trying to push this place or anything as I don’t own it or profit from it but if you care, they are having a beer tasting on july 2nd (I would probably attend this but I will be out of the country riding my bike to other breweries/pubs and joining local ridazz on their rides)
Also they will give you 10% off if you attend the beer tasting… they got some new shit in including Pliny the Elder, Rasputing XII (1bottle limit), Victory Wild Devil (hmm I wonder how this compares to the monkey I recently tried. Oooh and they got The Bruery Papier 1st Anniversary ale.
I don’t use my camera and have a horrible memory but fuck I hope I can remember what the fuck I drink for 8 days when I am away.
I have never attended one of these tastings. Will I have to endure the chatter of a bunch of beer snobs ruining the experience of beer drinking by dissecting it and analyzing it like it's aged wine and using words like "mouthfeel" to refer to anything other than my cock...or is it more chill than that?
PC responding to a comment by Kakihara
06.25.09 - 4:59 pm
"ruining the experience of beer drinking by dissecting it and analyzing it like it's aged wine and using words like "mouthfeel"
Sort of like this thread does? Hmmm….
eh .. probably because they have a bar with table and bar stools and the whole shit so you probably will have to sit there. Sometimes when I walk in there to buy booze i see some yuppies sitting around holding wine glasses and it makes me want to never go to a tasting. I forgot about this. maybe I just associated it with wine and didn’t think beer snobs would be like wine snobs.
i haven't attended this type of tasting either so i wouldn't know but maybe you can meet some lush sitting next to you.
Tried Trois Pistols a while ago.
Did not like
The first couple of sips were ok but I was eating a portabella mushroom burger so took my time with the beer – I guess I took too long because I can only drink this when it is served cold(er) -which I am sure, is not the way you are “supposed” to enjoy this one. the fucking after taste lingers WAY too long. Too rich. I am not a fan of all dark ales but thought I would give it a try anyway should have gone with the gulden draak (which I don’t love but respect and appreciate more than this one).
Oh yeah so I don’t usually mix beers but maaaaan I should really have not gotten a Guiness with Pyramid pear cider. It smelled and tasted like soap. Guiness was floating on top maybe 2-3 inch of guiness… the taste of the cider did not go well and after I drank the Guiness, the cider was just bullshit.
Alllagash Curieux +5
Aged in Jim Beam barrels for 8 weeks in our cellar.
10.5% pint $7 not bad for lunch
Highly recommend..
FUCK!!! Spook that sounds amazing
I will have to try..
recently I got the 60 Minute IPA and it was pretty good… I don’t remember the mouthfeel though ;)
Kakihara responding to a comment by SPOOK
07.20.09 - 2:13 pm
Sorry I bailed on you guys Saturday night. I found the Rogue Ale House and got pretty shit caned. Had some awesome beers, including the Glen's Strong Ale (3 @ 12abv), which tasted like a double or imperial IPA. Also brought home these:
fuck.. i don't think i can make this but it's ok i am not a huge fan of beer floats (maybe i just haven't had a good one...)
i haven't made it to BottleRock LA yet... i should check the last email i got from them and plan a night
it might be a tuesday
let us know how it is if you attend
Kakihara responding to a comment by SPOOK
07.23.09 - 11:26 am
The Bruery – Saison de Lente
I have found this to be my favorite summer beer… perfect for after sweaty bike ride coming home from work type of beer. Refreshing.
Allagash Curieux – I keep going back to this one… I think it’s one of my favorites from Allagash (although, I should really break away and try their other stuff)
Hmm… I think they are floating somewhere on flickr
Email me kakemvret attttt geeeeeemale I’ll find them
Kakihara responding to a comment by SPOOK
07.29.09 - 9:28 am
Orchard White
Saison Rue (had this before but I had 4 other beers, gin and tonic, whiskey lemonade, and some vodka… so I didn’t fully appreciate the taste) I am glad I got a bottle recently
Saison De Lente
Trade Winds
However my new BFF is: Hottenroth Berliner Weisse
Brewed in memory of my Grandparents (Fred and Sarah Hottenroth), this tart German-style Berliner Weisse is as authentic as it gets. We used lactobacillus and a hint of brettanomyces to sour this very unusual, low gravity wheat beer. To cut the tartness for those with sweeter tastes, raspberry or woodruff syrup is a traditional way to sweeten the beer. Almost an extinct style, we hope to help revive the Berliner Weisse in memory of two great people.
* this is an acquired taste, a friend of mine thought it tasted like when you puke in your own mouth or something…
Black Orchard – eh I am not into these black wits
Did not like but I know someone who would be all over this… I just have to find some time to see this person.
Pyramid Hefeweizen with an orange, not a lemon. Fucking delicious. On the West Coast that is, and on tap. Beer is light sensitive and loses quality with travel.
Take Guiness for example. It's the sex in Spain and other places in Europe, but in the U.S. it's not so great.
Little known: Chili's (restaurant) is one of the biggest independent breweries on the West Coast. Stop by the bar their for some good Hef or whatever.
I've got pancreatits. Awesome. This means no beer for an indeterminate period of time. Not fun. I'm just glad it didn't come up before my wedding, or worse, if I had actually bought tickets to the GABF in Colorado.
I'm more upset about not being able to eat beer or cheese than I am about the pain.
They didn’t have Cantillon’s Iris so one of the beer guys at Vendome suggested I try this one if I like sour beer.
SOOO fucking good. Wow!
I don’t want to over-do it because I will eventually get sick of it but all I want to do is go buy 5 bottles of this.
do some of you want to put together a beer tasting event?
there are a lot of beers i haven't tried that i would like to try
i'll help organize and pitch in some money. i would need people to help pick out beers, contribute beer, and possibly a place to host it. however, we could do it at a park.
what are your favorite beers? maybe we can steer you towards other beers you can like. also, be warned, once you start down the path of beer loving it gets expensive!!
i like a lot of different beers.. each one has it's place. however, i can describe beers that i like and dislike.
i like beers that have rich flavor
i dislike beers that are very sweet (ex: brown ales, new castle, fat tire)
i dislike beers that are overly bitter so as to mask other flavors (arrogant bastard)
sum that up to: i like beers that are well balanced
snowcone responding to a comment by neverclever
09.24.09 - 10:14 am
i usually drink budweiser.. in my opinion it's the best tasting affordable beer.
but once in a while i like to get a bottle of something special to enjoy
i'll try out piny the elder... verdugo bar is right next to dak's new place right? haha ;]
snowcone responding to a comment by Joe Borfo
09.24.09 - 10:31 am
yeah, like Borfo said, try some belgium beers since you don't seem to like deeper flavored beers... try a lot of german hefeweissens as well. Stay away from Brown Ales, (some) Pale Ales, Porters, Barley Wines...
i've had a good pale ale before.. don't remember what it was.. but yeah, i don't like brown ales for sure. hefeweissens are okay, but i prefer malty flavor over fruity flavor.
snowcone responding to a comment by neverclever
09.24.09 - 10:36 am
whatever you do, NEVER put the fucking fruit in your beer. I HATE THAT SHIT. if they put a lemon in your hefe fucking take it out ASAP. but usually they put it on the rim so just put it on the table.
I do the same, but honestly some breweries suggest you have it with an orange or lemon. Maybe it enhances some hidden flavours you would otherwise miss. I am not going to argue with the brewery, but I do tend to take out the salad out of my beerz.
Kakihara responding to a comment by neverclever
09.24.09 - 10:53 am
Beer tasting would be fun but it is difficult to get organized if more than 30 people… I’d like to help. We’ll see what happens.
I have had an amazing time at all the beer rides and beer tastings I have attended. Maybe keep it simple and just have a ride that goes to a good brewery or a really great beer bar? I dunno
You can search my reviews on this thread and try the “easy to drink” ones ahahhah I like ALL kinds of beer and just when I thought I really disliked IPA’s I founda few that I loved.
My new “refreshing” easy to drink not too expensive beer is the Saison Du Pont which sancho1 recommended above. I had it by chance because the place I went to was out of Pliny the Elder I had ordered. Sometimes it works out when they are out of your beer…
if i organize it, more than 30 people won't come. hahaha. but yeah, if we make it require a little effort to come, only people who are serious will come. for instance... rsvp through email.
i was thinking we could make it a little fun as well...
pour the beer into glasses and have people drink them and then rate them. in the end we find out what beers we liked the best. going to a beer bar would probably be the easiest way to do it, but it would be nice to do it on our own. we can make a list of beers.. maybe like 12 types of beer and pour 4 oz for each person. so that is like 4 cans of beer per person... and since these beers are usually pretty alcoholic, we would be feeling pretty good after that.
i am down to try any beer with a completely open mind... even beers i don't think i will like. i feel the same way that you do about ipa's.. there are a lot of BAD ipa's out there, but i've had some good ones.
snowcone responding to a comment by Kakihara
09.24.09 - 11:08 am
It's true. Lemons (or limes regarding mexican beer) are there to mask a shitty skunky beer.
When Hefewiesens were introduced in the US, no one liked them because they were too pungent, so they took lead from how they put limes in mexican beers (shitty corona, etc.) and added lemons.
That shit pisses me off. I lived in germany for 2 years, NEVER ONCE did I ever get a lemon in my Hefeweisen.
I've promised the Hot Knives [] to organize something with them. They're BEER DRINKERS, Veg(an) Chefs and the organizers of TWO (2) Beer rides that were AMAZING []. We basically rode to several BEER SELLING establishments and bought a ton of really good craft beers, brought them all to one location, and drank them all. It was fucking awesome.
I don't remember. The first year we had someone drive with coolers in the back, and we loaded it. I was way drunk by the 2nd stop, so I don't remmeeber at all... actually, the second year we went to Verdugo Bar, and there were these guys GIVING AWAY beer that they made, it was awesome.
Um, I'm not going to be here Oct 3rd-4th. I'm going to the hills for a Birthday Party, is that when you planned it?
I think the Hot Knives's format would work best as a bike ride. Ride to 3 or 4 different shops that sell good beers, buy a bunch and drink one or two at each stop, and then when you get to the end, you drink the rest. Private property would be best, a park is OK if you can keep the shit on the DL.
I definitely can't make it, if it starts early. But I can possibly catch up later.
One of my favorites from Switzerland. I was throwing these back with the local Hotel owner in Lauterbrunnen. He was a real cool dude and kept giving me free beer.