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Dude, that video on the dimensions is super well done. I haven't watched passed the fourth dimension, but it's already totally solidified my understanding of their relationship. Also, What The Bleep Do We Know? was a great movie. I heard they're making a sequel?
i think the video about dimensions is a bit self centered. sure i agree that 10 dimensions help scientists do math (i heard string theory had to go to the 10th dimension to work) and that it does help to have a higher level of thinking, but it is self centered to think that i am the 3rd dimension and that the 4th dimension is my life and that the timeline of the universe is the 9th or whatever when it should be the 4th..............unless its just through our perspective and they related it to us and there is a universe^6 in the 10th dimension ..... fuck my life
Yeah, the video just exploits the human tendency towards narcissism. The fourth dimension actually encompasses ALL of time, it's just easier for us to picture how we would look as individuals if we could actually see that dimension.
How can the 'observer' collapse the wave function simply by observing it?
I was having a hard time getting this..doesn't seem to fly. Or maybe I'm just confused!?!
I haven't watched the video in a bit, but from what I remember, it's basically because all of this is occurring on such a minute scale that the presence of an observer exerts a force completely fucks with the results of the experiment. I'll check my physics book in a minute.
danya responding to a comment by hybrid rida
12.1.09 - 1:33 pm
All my simple mind cares about is whether or not this will mean we'll be able to travel to parallel dimensions, or open up a wormhole to avoid traveling light years to get to the other side of the galaxy, universe perhaps?
all probabilities of (anti)matter expressed simultaneously?
does this mean that right now i'm everyone of you and myself and all my possessions and relatives past anf future all at once and my brain can only handle seeing time as a string?
because the church has billions trying to keep everyone stupid
most people don't ask these questions and think the observer is some dude in a white robe who judges you when you start rotting when really it's this timefluidplasma mess that we are all inseperable from before and after death
sklank responding to a comment by bentstrider
12.1.09 - 5:19 pm
Anyone who wants to believe that quantum mechanics applies to human-scale processes ought to try running as fast as they can at a picket fence and then observe the diffraction pattern.
that's where string theory comes in, its a good candidate for a theory that can bring together the laws of quantum mechanics and einstein's relativity...
there are other theories like M-theory (which stands for membranes, which theorizes thats instead of strings, the universe is filled with membranes that allow for particles to travel in.)
there are also other models such as the kaluza-klien model... its all interesting stuff, i had a physics phase in high school so i can talk about this for hours lol
....the LHC is geneva is actually conducting experiments to try and discover the higgs boson, which is a critical piece in string theory and would help physicist explain what gives particles their mass, and thereby explaining the origin of the universe...
godmode responding to a comment by danya
12.1.09 - 7:24 pm
talk to my dad about quantum physics.. he works in/on the 4th Dimension/geometric topography/quantum physics...
and help prove how the 4th Dimension is different from any dimension below or above it
There are basically four dimensions we can perceive (front/back, up/down, left/right - those are the so-called Cartesian coordinates of three-dimensional space - and then there is time, which, as we perceive it, flows only from past toward future.) But, just because we can only perceive these four dimensions, doesn't mean that people with brains bigger than mine can't do math that assumes more dimensions than those we can perceive. And the assumptions made from the results of those big-brained math problems can, at least, allow questions about the structure of reality to be posed.
In any case, I'd say it's a safe bet we are only perceiving a fraction of reality, and the complexity of its structure.
Manny responding to a comment by godmode
12.1.09 - 11:38 pm
I just reread what I wrote above, and it sounds somewhat condescending. That's not the way I meant it. Hell, I'm not qualified to even speak on this subject. It's just my belief that our senses are only capable of perceiving a fraction of reality, and that our beliefs, and, by extension, our realities, are by-and-large defined by our perceptions.What we see may not necessarily be all that we get. We just can't "see" beyond what we "see" to "see" what we can't "see".
Cool. Now that sounds all mystical and full of bullshit. But at least it doesn't sound condescending...
Agreed, it's quickly become a show of force between "the nerds who know shit", and "the Napoleon Dynamite nerds".
At least the two groups love for the sci-fi series will ingrain enough technobabble into our vocabulary to where we'll at least be able to keep the peasants in check!!!
Checked out the reviews and seems like a pretty good movie, even if the numbers throw me all over the place.
At the same time though, I've often wondered about the Sam Beckett-method of time travel, switching bodies and such with someone who existed during your lifespan.
theres actually up to twelve different confirmed dimentions.. but to work in any higher than the 3rd you needa greater understanding of geometric topgraphy and such..... and you dont use the "norma" techniques we use.. your pretty much have to make up your own theorms and work using figures.... and i would explain more.. but i dont understand it that much... ill ask my dad to write up something about it and post it on here..
Ronald Stern is his name
Best one would be that the person he switched into would most likely have been feeling "out of it" in a sort of hungover-type of way for the amount of time Becketts consciousness was occupying the body.
So, it's best to say that the host was most likely experiencing a form of mild, schizophrenia if they weren't already.
Another theory I've been pondering about past time travel would be the situation from "The Langoliers".
Past time is now considered "dead time", physical life has moved on from the space formerly occupied by the present and is now collapsing in on itself as a means to keep the state of the universe consistent.
At least that's what I got from both the book and the movie.
"Radiation. Yes indeed! You hear the most outrageous lies about it. Half baked, goggle-box do-gooders telling everybody it's bad for you... Pernicious nonsense!"
"Miller: A lot o' people don't realize what's really going on. They view life as a bunch o' unconnected incidents 'n things. They don't realize that there's this, like, lattice o' coincidence that lays on top o' everything. Give you an example; show you what I mean: suppose you're thinkin' about a plate o' shrimp. Suddenly someone'll say, like, plate, or shrimp, or plate o' shrimp out of the blue, no explanation. No point in lookin' for one, either. It's all part of a cosmic unconciousness."