help! bike pump
Thread started by
Frozen Fingersss at 04.19.10 - 12:13 pm
any suggestions on where to find a decent and cheap floor pump online? or even in-store but I figured it would be cheaper online.
also is it called a convertible pump if it has both presta and schrader capabilities?
i bought a decent floor pump at target for $7 , comes with the presta adpater.
pauly-winkerstinkle04.19.10 - 12:59 pm
If you have both presta and shrader tubes on your bikes, buy two pumps and use each exclusively on one stem or the other. My experience is the rubber inner seal quickly wears out with switching back and forth from presta to shrader.
Nobody sells the seals alone. You have to replace the whole damn pump.
Creative Thing responding to a
comment by pauly-winkerstinkle
04.19.10 - 3:41 pm
lots of pumps come with heads which have a hole for presta and another for schrader
Gav responding to a
comment by Creative Thing
04.19.10 - 4:07 pm
wal mart 20$ dollars for my pump works great and it has both
Feather197605.4.10 - 8:14 pm
I have a plaent bike pump in the $30 range. Oits been decent the valve is leaky now though. I suspect that it would be possiblt to change it but worth it? It still works so I don't bother messing with it.
The pump action was getting rough so opend the pump up and put a few drops of (olive) oil inside ... and its been real smoothe ever since.
Invest in a decent pump if u ride every week.
Ill get slightly better one next time if I can.
trickmilla05.4.10 - 9:48 pm
I like a pump with a psi gauge. The Nashbar $12.99 black pump is pretty good and when the head wears out ( took mine about two years) you can buy a replacement part for $3.99.
alicestrong05.5.10 - 6:27 am
Hey you might be able to use that Nashbar replacement part on your pump. I have another generic (Tech Team?) cheap floor pump and I was able to switch the shraeder only head to one that does presta/shraeder with that part...
alicestrong responding to a
comment by trickmilla
05.5.10 - 6:48 am