Thread started by
dustyhofman at 11.30.09 - 3:19 pm
Been riding a bike for a long time in LA and never with the Midnight Ridazz or with anyone to be honest..... what is a good first time ride with some cool peeps?
All City Toy Ride, Dec 11th check the Calendar --> 2nd Fri MR rides are the shizzle.
Joe Borfo11.30.09 - 3:26 pm
depends where you live...
if your on the westside, check out Taco Tuesday.. best weekly ride in LA in my opinion.
if your on the eastside, check out Chill MOMsey on Wednesday..
both are perfect for first timers...
This Friday is the "F" ride and there will be a slow pack..
also the FMLY Test Ride is perfect for first timers as well...
-------- >
ride info to these rides are on your right..
Welcome to MIdnight Ridazz!
goosegoose11.30.09 - 3:27 pm
AWESOME I was thinking of doing that one... done and done Thanks
dustyhofman responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
11.30.09 - 3:29 pm
Wow -- I didn't think people would respond so quickly.
I am in hollywood so not technically east or west... I guess closer to east.
Friday ride sounds rad. Yep I said it. Rad.
thanks for being awesome !!!
dustyhofman responding to a
comment by goosegoose
11.30.09 - 3:31 pm
Dusty, awesome is riding at night with 100 other ridazz.
You'll see...
Creative Thing responding to a
comment by dustyhofman
11.30.09 - 3:52 pm
I also recommend - The Ride With No Name, meets near downtown on 3rd Fridays...
Am I right about 3rd Fridays?
Joe Borfo11.30.09 - 3:56 pm
I also love "The Passage.." Ride on Wednesday nights. Those ones are usually longer routes at a medium pace, but lots of interesting things to see.
Joe Borfo11.30.09 - 3:58 pm
Welcome to MR.
On Wednesday's there is The Passage of a Few People through a rather brief period of time. Long ride name but a great ride that always delivers good routes and good times. They meet on 3rd and New Hampshire not too far from the red line.
Foldie11.30.09 - 3:59 pm
Yes, Joe. Third Thursdays.
Last time, you remembered your dog and forgot your bike!
Creative Thing responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
11.30.09 - 4:57 pm
I had the Swine at the time.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by Creative Thing
11.30.09 - 5:03 pm