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Hey,so I don't know much about this Steampunk stuff,but I think the burning man vets might know more.I think it would be alot of fun for us all to make our own steampunk style costumes and customize our bikes.
I'm down/willing to help. Though it might be a little complicated, since its pretty aesthetically intense if you really wanna "do it." What were you thinking?
sinaphile responding to a comment by blackout_blacklung
12.12.09 - 10:43 pm
Thank sin,
I don't really know much about all this but,I figure it will give a chance for people to get creative and make costumes.I just figured I would hit some thrift stores and buy some old clocks or anything I can gut and mess with.We could even have some pre planed "nanotec" making parties to get the costumes and bikes ready.
I actually know a fair amount & have friends who know even more (as in the make & wear steampunk costume-age for stuff...) than I do. So...if you wanna do this...I can definitely help you out with the researching & all that & would really like to try to do something awesome if we could...
sinaphile responding to a comment by blackout_blacklung
12.15.09 - 1:25 am