im putting those shits on western
Xray12.7.09 - 7:44 pm
can someone post the pdf or eps of this image for size etc... so we can paint these ourselves?
onemanstrash12.7.09 - 7:53 pm
I second that. It would be a fun ride to just create some bike lanes.
Also, as someone who used to use the Brooklyn bike lane in the NY article, I'm surprised they got rid of that bike lane. It was so useful on a busy street. Damn shame for ny bikers there.
SkeletonKey12.7.09 - 11:59 pm
straight missions...what if we get caught how much time i gotta do??
Huey55512.8.09 - 1:32 am
la brea and/or fairfax need bike lanes.come to think of it so does highland
louisiana12.9.09 - 12:41 pm