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The black scooter/bike was stolen today from my gf's shop in silverlake, REFORM SCHOOL at Hyperion and Sunset. If you see anyone on it, please call the store at 323-906-8660.
they're the only store in california to sell it. The scooter has bike rims on it and has a basket in the front but it's likely the thief will take the basket off.
they will view the surveillance camera and hopefully i can post a pic of the thief on here.
It's totally fun to ride....there's nothing really to strip off of it. They're handmade by the amish and are really sturdy. Yes, it should be easy to identify. This was the larger sized scooter. The front wheel is slightly larger than the back.
here's video recorded on my cel phone from the camera. Anyone recognize him? slight balding on top of his head, wears sun glasses on his 4-head, black shoes. They think he was in on Sunday asking questions about it. The police will view the tape more.
it was totally planned...there's a bell on the he walked in behind a woman and her baby and starts to walk towards the front...when he sees my gf is helping a customer, that's when he turns to go for the scooter. she ran outside seconds later after the woman alerted her....the dude was already gone.
the remaining scooters are locked to each other now.
barleye responding to a comment by Sicckmind
12.2.09 - 9:25 am