any facebook users?
Thread started by
dave at 01.7.10 - 1:59 pm
might want to complain about this page to facebook:
WTF is wrong with these people. I'd like to see any of these assholes ride anywhere, anytime. Bunch of pussies!
turbodropshop2501.7.10 - 2:50 pm
There's a counter group called REMOVE-This Cyclist Hate Group! Checkit!
alexdc01.7.10 - 3:04 pm
i deleted my facebook... it's almost been a month
imachynna responding to a
comment by la duderina
01.7.10 - 3:07 pm
What's a facebook?
Must be a westside thing.
Foldie01.7.10 - 3:30 pm
Look at what comes up when you do a search for 'cyclist hate' on facebook. 127 results, at least half (I didn't look through it all) are titled 'I hate cyclists'. Let the cowards hide behind the internet. Let them stress and stew and glare spitefully in their cars while we ride happily on our way. They're just sad. In the meantime, let's do our best to stay strong as a bicycle community, and educate those who are willing to listen, and stand for what we believe in.
dusky01.7.10 - 4:00 pm
haha yeah...i dont tweet though. So every detail of my life is going to be a facebook status update
Volta responding to a
comment by palucha66
01.7.10 - 5:09 pm
We are on the same page. DONT HATE ON FACEBOOK PEOPLE!!!
palucha66 responding to a
comment by Volta
01.7.10 - 5:13 pm
gotta' link the twitter to the facebook so you can make facebook status updates as you twitter lol
natefrogg responding to a
comment by Volta
01.7.10 - 6:07 pm
I say:
If you've never made an enemy, you're doing something wrong.
angle01.7.10 - 6:51 pm