Thread started by
crossbones at 12.29.09 - 7:46 am
BarChpozzz this wednesday night last one of the year best ride in town
its also junus Bday ride so come out and gei him drunk cus he's finally 21
sancho112.29.09 - 8:09 am
pfft i can almost buy beer. 16 hrs away!
_iJunes responding to a
comment by sancho1
12.29.09 - 9:15 am
someone's gonna get alcohol poisoning
66612.29.09 - 10:35 am
I hooked up my backpack with lights and music and a car horn just for this ride.
outerspace responding to a
comment by 666
12.29.09 - 3:53 pm
Oh, it's awn!!!
Awn like Dawnkey Kawng!!!!
bentstrider responding to a
comment by outerspace
12.29.09 - 3:55 pm
Wait. They talking bout rain. F that! Anything for Barchopz!
digablesoul responding to a
comment by palucha66
12.29.09 - 8:21 pm
Man, how does it know to rain only specifically on the days of my favorite rides?
I hope my sound setup is more waterproof than I think it is.
outerspace12.30.09 - 2:11 am
Fuckin' HARP project and their weather machines!!!!
bentstrider responding to a
comment by outerspace
12.30.09 - 2:16 am
Go back to sleep brithday boy ----Im buying you a beer tonight dont forget your party hat
crossbones responding to a
comment by _iJunes
12.30.09 - 6:41 am
my fault for planning a runyon canyon stroll... damn its cold outside.
_iJunes responding to a
comment by crossbones
12.30.09 - 6:43 am
Where the hell do you find stuff like this ...
OsnapsonJC responding to a
comment by _iJunes
12.30.09 - 8:32 am
meet at big wangs right? facebook says the park on tujunga.
asthecarsgoby12.30.09 - 8:54 am
mattspeed you better go tonight!!!!
818rider12.30.09 - 9:10 am
Don't be scured of a rain...BARCHOPZZZZ fo sho!!!!
ToddAlmighty12.30.09 - 10:23 am
just check the weather on MSN and the forecast calls for 20% chance of rain at 8 pm tonight!!!
818rider12.30.09 - 10:57 am
So that's an 80% chance of an ass kicking awesome, super sexy, wet t-shirt contest, jumping in puddles, it December and were riding fucking bikes good time!!!
ToddAlmighty responding to a
comment by 818rider
12.30.09 - 11:34 am
The rain can't be as bad as the "plastic Cape Stroll" earlier this month. NOW THAT was epic rain! I'm doing Da Chopz tonite fo'sho!
FREDzilla12.30.09 - 12:51 pm
hell yeah pure madness!! i did a plastic cape before and it adds to the aero dynamics !!!
818rider12.30.09 - 12:57 pm
I think the weather website says it should be dry after 9pm. Either way.. you don't want to miss this ride. I hope I see you there Matt Speed!! And you too Speedy Brian!
July12.30.09 - 2:11 pm
Was about to go down, but my ankle is still somewhat stiff, kick ass tonight my down-the-hill brethren.
bentstrider12.30.09 - 7:15 pm
HA HA! I'm sure your not the only one... Poor Junes!!! Glad we made your b-day one you won't remember!
ToddAlmighty responding to a
comment by OsnapsonJC
12.31.09 - 8:52 am
i love mark's fb status update
"okay, junu just puked."
KiMS1 responding to a
comment by ToddAlmighty
12.31.09 - 9:08 am
Yeah, riding to work this morning was like being one of Jim Henson's creations. My phone alarm was still going off in my pocket most of the way, and the valley must've eaten one of my normal gloves so I was wearing one of my gloves from my costume from the Wild Things ride...It weren't a purty sight...
sinaphile responding to a
comment by ToddAlmighty
12.31.09 - 9:56 am
Yeah we drank a lot at Pats ... Even the bartender was taking shots with him ...
OsnapsonJC responding to a
comment by ToddAlmighty
12.31.09 - 10:13 am
Todd i love...we drank a lot at goodnight bar....ummm barchopzz
Xray responding to a
comment by OsnapsonJC
12.31.09 - 12:15 pm
So fitting. :)
I hope you made it home ok.
July responding to a
comment by _iJunes
12.31.09 - 1:03 pm
I love you guise. Great last valley ride of the year.
kryxtanicole responding to a
comment by July
12.31.09 - 1:12 pm
AND we rocked it down to electric avenue!
mattspeed12.31.09 - 2:56 pm
AND then we take you higher ooo00000ooo
Xray responding to a
comment by mattspeed
12.31.09 - 3:04 pm
great ride last night..
it was my first barchopz
it's fun seeing fellow ridazz getting drunk at bars...
special shout out to toddalmighty for taking me back to the hollywood area.. thank you so much!
goosegoose12.31.09 - 4:09 pm
You are all very welcome. Glad everyone mad it back ok and I we could get your bike back in business too. Great ride had fun can't wait till the next one!
ToddAlmighty12.31.09 - 8:36 pm