NO HO Sprints

Thread started by
lardito at 10.9.08 - 12:59 pm

Results of race on
October 8th 2008
First of all
It was a great night of racing and thanks to all the racers who put on a great show
Pro class winner and overall champion
Can anyone ever beat this fully sponsered rider?
RBI was inches from victory in the main but lost by a great final thrust wheely by Yetiman
2nd place
He almost pulled of the upset and made the racing electric
3rd place
He was just happy to make the main and did well against a strong field
Lindsey easily handled the Powder puff division
and I see no one that will ever beat her
Lindsey wowed the crowds with her dazzling accelation and speed and she rode a BMX bike.
She said next month she is bringing the Fixie.
Once again Juno gave it his all and came up short, but a great competitor and just plain fun to have around.
And finally Thanks to the great crowd that cheered everyone on
and encouraged all the competition
Next months race will be November 5th On a Wednesday night
Same Bat Time Same Bat channel
Check out the next calander dat November 5th for all the info.
See you there
Lardito OUT!!!!!
correction: Lindsay does not own a fixie. Next time I'm bringing my "road" bike...with gears! lol
But yeah, that was RAD. can't wait until next time to show these guys whats up.
onelessfixie10.9.08 - 1:11 pm
geared bikes need to tape their shifters down or keep it in the same gear the entire time. every time i heard a derailleur drop i thought it was a bike falling apart from too much torque.
ruinedbyidiots10.9.08 - 1:12 pm
That RBI... he's so hot right now...
That was fun though! Maybe I'll race next time...
canadienne10.9.08 - 1:14 pm
lol. a good derailleur and well timed shift prevents that problem. But if it makes you happy.
onelessfixie10.9.08 - 1:15 pm
To Lindsey:
If you want to race track at Encino let me know. You would rock.
I could maybe set that up . You could train there.
lardito10.10.08 - 5:56 am
by the way you can screw in the rear deraleur adjustmens to lock it in if you have skipping probs.
And also if you have a a good system it should be no prob at all if you know how to let up a tad before you shift.
lardito10.10.08 - 7:39 am
stop making fun of my shortcomings. i was drunk damnit. druuuuuuuuuuuuNK!
ijunes10.10.08 - 7:55 am
Thanks agian Larry for the good time, I had a blast.
Thanks to my Sponsors as well
Oscar Mayer
Skoal Tobacco
and the Evil Knievel pit crew for tuning my ride.
Yetiman10.10.08 - 10:57 am
I am intrigued. I would definitely like to give it a try, but I don't have a track bike...
onelessfixie10.10.08 - 12:44 pm
they have track bikes there, they rent em for like 5 bucks or something, but you might have to change yer screen name haha kidding hey if yer that tuff come to Polo tho for reals
tallcans4tallbikes10.10.08 - 2:12 pm
easy way to ride at the encino velodrome
print out this waiver and fill it out and bring it with you.
What - LA Fixed Day @ the Encino Velodrome
When - October 19 @ Noon (day after fundraiser so everyone is hype to ride in circles...noon so the partiers can sleep in)
-will learn to ride the track if you haven't
-will bring water, snack, sunblock, shades
-will get instructions yelled at you by dingo for ($7)
-will need helmet (there are a few spare ones at the track to use and make you smell like the previous users funk)
-will have track bikes to rent if you don't have one ( $5)
-will have a chance to do controlled races, time trials, and open session
-will have lots of fun
ruinedbyidiots10.10.08 - 2:16 pm
i play. once in a while
i just cant afford to fuck up my bike, like i did the many times i did play.
but im going to take my neighbors cruiser or my roommate's mtb on sunday.
ijunes10.10.08 - 2:58 pm
HAHA whatever dude u played in one game, but yeah bring someone else's bike by all means and consider the beach cruiser u might be surprised how good it serves u
tallcans4tallbikes10.10.08 - 3:02 pm
yeah, some of geared bikes sounded brutal.
I'm still waiting to see where all those pictures are at.
I didn't race to win, just to look good!
Ratpick10.10.08 - 3:49 pm
I must have read your I think people misunderstood what I meant by that name. And Polo? I'm game.
@ ruinedbyidiots
THANK YOU for all the info! and I get "RBI" now. lol....that night I kept thinking "Runs Batted In"??? ha
I am DEFINITELY down for October 19th. Are a bunch of you going? I have no car...but from what I gather it's not far from the NoHo station, right?
la duderina10.10.08 - 4:20 pm
THIS SUNDAY duderina POLO time t these boys what a woman can do! I do like onelessfixie as a handle its punk rock haha, u should go on lafixed with that
tallcans4tallbikes10.10.08 - 4:26 pm
LOL. yeah I liked it too. but I'm not trying to hate on here.
@ ijunes
if you're not into the whole brevity thing...
la duderina10.10.08 - 4:30 pm
the address of the velodrome is 17301 Oxnard St, Encino, CA. its sort of near balboa and burbank boulevards. i have room in my cr-v for two or three more bikes, but no more room for any more people, so i dont know if that helps you out or not.
ruinedbyidiots10.10.08 - 4:34 pm

tall cans...
what happens in these polo games? I'm taking from juno's comments its better to have a beater bike like this one>>>>
when & where?
la duderina10.10.08 - 4:34 pm
RBI - not really. Thanks for the address though. It's only 8 miles from the train station to the track so I'll be able to get there easily. Shit I'm really looking forward to this now...looking at the website that shit looks fun
la duderina10.10.08 - 4:42 pm
if you plan on renting a bike, bring your own pedals. preferably clipless, NO PLATFORMS. lycra and dropbars are the best way to enjoy the drome.
ruinedbyidiots10.10.08 - 4:44 pm
I have clipless do I know if they'll fit the crank though? They are 9/16
la duderina10.10.08 - 4:53 pm
damn i can't believe i actually had to look up
abbr... duuuhhhhhhhhhhh :-D
ijunes10.10.08 - 4:56 pm
POLO 100x more funner and exciting than riding ovals also rougher on bike is semi true- two schools of thought- durable good quality bikes last longer even in Polo, even with klutzy riders- 2nd school of thought sez use crappy stuff is gonna get fuctup anyway- I tried both schools- my Dura Ace wheels with Deep V rims only needed to be trued once and I play all the time and use same bike for everything else, just like my two other starters. My Pure Polo bike is now in a coma cuz it was cheap to begin with- peeps say they dont come becuz they afraid to scratch their bike, they lie they really just cant hang with us- we have extra polo bikes often for use
Just bring whatever bike you are best at riding one handed 24'' wheels would be the smallest I recommend, one dude already plays on that he is good on it tho
We very gentle in 818 with Draft picks and rookies- nobody got hurt here yet- seen way worse on these alleycats and drunk ridazz
tallcans4tallbikes10.10.08 - 4:57 pm
the only reason i want a beater bike is because of the high probability of having a polo stick jammed into your spokes (that's what she said).
and i dont want to buy new spokes.
ijunes10.10.08 - 4:58 pm
your homework is to watch the Big Lebowski. come on man. It's only the best movie EVER
la duderina10.10.08 - 5:00 pm
wait.. i have homework? on a friday? damnnnnn
ijunes10.10.08 - 5:01 pm
neight at the velodrome says to bring your clipless stuff and a pedal wrench. if they dont fit the bikes they have, then bring tennis shoes and stock pedals. when i originally said NO PLATFORMS i meant dont be one of those idiots riding brakeless without toeclips and straps.
ruinedbyidiots10.10.08 - 5:05 pm
I think my rasta bike would be perfect for this...but I'd have to see about getting it to LA. I have no idea how to play polo. I've only seen it done on horses
la duderina10.10.08 - 5:09 pm
fuuuuuck that. please tell me the bikes they rent have brakes
let me tell you this...I have only ridden a fixed gear once. I need brakes. Brakes are my friend.
la duderina10.10.08 - 5:11 pm
Look on the right DUDERINO, Sunday is posted u can come just to watch and hangout that's what most people do
tallcans4tallbikes10.10.08 - 5:11 pm
DUDE! Velodrome brakeless is not as scary as it sounds, you actually want brakeless there I can tell you from first hand experience
tallcans4tallbikes10.10.08 - 5:14 pm
requires?? damn. I'll still do it but fuck I'm going to die
la duderina10.10.08 - 5:16 pm
aite... hahaha that was hilarious.
ijunes10.10.08 - 5:19 pm
LOL you should see the whole thing. I have it if you wanna borrow it.
For the 19th I think I'm just going to go watch and check it out first, then MAYbe I'll ride MAYbe. probably.
la duderina10.10.08 - 5:26 pm
its stupid to have brakes on the velodrome. in the event of a crash, you can get gored with a brake lever. it happened to me trying to do stupid flatland tricks in my sixth grade bmx days.
ruinedbyidiots10.10.08 - 5:29 pm
Track bikes have no brakes so everyone travels evenly without braking . All fixed gears move evenly.
Since everyone is so close any sudden movement by breaking would cause an accident.
lardito10.11.08 - 11:30 am
Yeah I know they're not supposed to have brakes, I am just inexperienced on a bike without them. I wouldn't want to get on the track with a bunch of people I would cause a huge crash most likely. lol When is a good time for a first-timer to try it out?
la duderina10.11.08 - 11:38 am
a good time for a beginner to try it out would be the 19th.
ruinedbyidiots10.11.08 - 1:31 pm
On a track bike fixed gear ,everyone goes the same speed so there is no squiliness....Once you get comfy with that the fun begins..
Not to worry
lardito10.11.08 - 2:57 pm
Ok ok I just gotta remember to bring my juevos on the 19th. this should be interesting...
la duderina10.11.08 - 4:03 pm
"Pro class winner and overall champion
Can anyone ever beat this fully sponsered rider? "
uh. please dont make me puke from reading this.
Cockblock10.11.08 - 7:14 pm
does fully sponsored mean %10 off at the local bike shop?
wait wait, and three free power bars a month.
oh oh and some lycra.
Cockblock10.11.08 - 7:15 pm
'pro class'
fuckers dont even have any prize money. at least put up ten bucks each. and if you wanna race, ride whatever fucking bike you can find thats fastest and stop complaining about whos on what... throw down some money and sprint. put some bets up on the table. so what if you lose, at least your helping out a rider financially.
goldsprints !
pro class fixed gear mini bike w training wheels division winner takes all.
Cockblock10.11.08 - 7:21 pm
the three people who were in the "finals" each put down ten dollars against themselves, and then someone else put down ten dollars, making the prize money for winning a total of $40.
yetiman is sponsored by oscar meyer hot dogs and tecate. are you bummed you dont get free hot dogs and beer?
ruinedbyidiots10.11.08 - 7:24 pm
oh shit, fourty bucks?!. well then, a pro rider consuming average of 8,000 calories a day, wow thats like a days worth of groceries from whole foods.
so pro.
Cockblock10.11.08 - 7:31 pm
do they even sell tecate and weiners at whole foods?
Cockblock10.11.08 - 7:31 pm
you cant do the kneejerk reactionary posting to obvious facetious statements and then come back with some half assed sarcasm.
ruinedbyidiots10.11.08 - 7:33 pm
whoa now. crazy fucking thinking. I'd hate to see a pro cyclist in america earn enough money to buy organic groceries to fuel a quadrupled caloric intake.
"fuck you i'm driving a prius, on credit from my mortgage."
Cockblock10.11.08 - 7:34 pm
Not bad you own a car a house and you shop at whole foods.....
You sound drprived. Try a wiener
lardito10.12.08 - 5:57 pm
If anyone wants to jump in and help Sponsor the Pro class then we can grow this race.
Hey this was our third race and we had over 30 motos. We are starting from scratch and growing.
And it is just plain good times for all. Why belly ache
lardito10.17.08 - 6:30 am

Pictures of Yetiman and RBI moving down the course
lardito11.6.08 - 11:06 am
Date of November race is on the 12th , the second week of the month.
It was listed wrong
Results of bogus race on the 5th
Ratt pick went against Yetiman best two out of three and Yetiman prevailed in 2
RBI went against Even the conquerer and Even was also elimated in 2
'D" went against Juno and Juno had a shot at it but D had the momentum and eliminated Juno in one. Junos front shifting cable was busted and his pit crew was unable to piece in together in time for the next heat. and was elimainated
D raced Ratt Pick in the second round and D was to just able to hold off Ratt in the final few yards.
Evan in the repascharge went against Ratt Pick , the best 2 out of three. They race to very competive races that were close to the wire both times, but at the end Evan took the first 2 and defeat Ratt Pick to hold onto 4th place
1 Yetiman
'3. D'
4 Even the Almighty
5. Ratt pic
6 Juno
Thanks to the volonteers
lardito11.6.08 - 11:26 am
Thank to all the volunteers and we need more of them so we can grow this race.
And Special thanks to Metropolis Bikes that inderectly supplied the prize list
Unofficial Sponsors for Yetiman
Oscar Meyer
Barely Legal
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOVEMBER 12,,,,,,,,,,NEW TIME 9 PM ,1 hour earlier.....for those who may want to come via red line this will give you time to race and get home.
lardito11.6.08 - 11:35 am
Postponed til when?
I was thinking about throwing something in the pot for the pros cuz it's so close to home.
Deez sprints could be big cuz it's a great spot. Someone could even put up a sound system since it's in an industrial area.
toweliesbong11.6.08 - 6:49 pm
I can't wait for the next race, i should be a little bit more pumped up and ready.
I am going to pull some huge wheelies for RBI this time.
I would also like to thank my new sponsors that i have picked up.
Tree House Racing
Tree House Productions
Tree House Cycles AKA T.H.C.
The Nest ( a division of Tree House Racing / Assisted Living)
But I would still like to thank my other sponsors as well
Barly Legal
Oscar Mayer
Skoal tobacco
And last but not least i would like to thank
The Evil Knievel Pit Crew for tunin my ride for the big race.
Thanks Again for the great times and hope to see some fast racers in the Main.
Yetiman11.6.08 - 8:27 pm
November 12 th is the next race....
9 pm
lardito11.8.08 - 4:32 pm
Rumour has it that some ex BMX pro's might show up to give the
Yeti man a spanking.
Dedicated81811.8.08 - 9:58 pm
200 200 200 200 200 200 200 METERS is the distanc this week
lardito11.9.08 - 10:49 am
Rumour has it that some ex BMX pro's might show up
oh yeah?? like who??
la duderina11.11.08 - 10:03 pm
Former pro's, Stu Thompson, David Clinton, and John George.
Dedicated81811.11.08 - 10:11 pm
hmm Stu Thompson and David Clinton sound familiar, but John George not so much...what years did they race?
la duderina11.11.08 - 10:15 pm
eric rupe and mike day??!!!
Don't they still race? I thought Mike just got 3rd at the olympics
la duderina11.12.08 - 12:14 am
i think Tyler's making me race tonight.
i feel like that kid crying backstage at a piano recital.
canadienne11.12.08 - 10:53 am
i can't make it tonight.
ijunes11.12.08 - 12:08 pm
I am going to the BMX track before the race, but i hope to come out and race tonight. I have a hurt my knee on monday at bike polo but i should be ok tonight. I will see you there.
Yetiman11.12.08 - 12:24 pm
@ yetiman,
what track are you going to?? Take me with you!
la duderina11.12.08 - 12:52 pm
we are going to Simi Valley, you can give H & S bikes a ring in burbank and see if you might be able to hitch a ride with someone.
Yetiman11.12.08 - 1:35 pm
awesome. I can't really go today but definitely some time in the future. Do you ever go to Whittier or Bellflower?
la duderina11.12.08 - 1:54 pm
Yetiman took Tyler 2 out of 3 times...
...I got my ass handed to me...
...that's about all I remember.
canadienne11.13.08 - 10:05 am
heres the pics
sucks the battery died 30 min into the event.
MrBoston198511.13.08 - 10:12 am
hmm guess the board dosnt support IMG format.
MrBoston198511.13.08 - 10:12 am
@tallcans I am NOT fast at all on my track bike... I can't start... it's horrible... once I get going I can be fast, but in a short race like that, forget about it. Next time I'll bring my road bike.
I was racing a girl on a road bike named Stephanie (i think?)
canadienne11.13.08 - 10:22 am
cut and paste works one at a time
lardito11.13.08 - 10:23 am
Take yer BF on ROBOTZ this SAT CDN, that'll help. Props on racing the fixie!
tallcans4tallbikes11.13.08 - 10:26 am

I need Yetiman's e-mail.
Maybe this eye candy will get his attention.
parlorbikes11.13.08 - 10:50 am
I always mean to stop by for this but I just end up watching the new south park.
Graham11.13.08 - 10:54 am

chris my email is Jeff @
To everyone that saw me throwing up last night
1 pound of gummy bears + PBR + Excercise = A rainbow of colors
I would like to thanks my new sponsors
Yetiman11.13.08 - 12:49 pm
Jeff do you want your barely legal motivational videos back? RBI beat you I heard, maybe you should watch them more often?
tallcans4tallbikes11.13.08 - 1:59 pm
yOUR IMAGES ARE JPG.......That is standard stuff
lardito11.13.08 - 2:05 pm
I heard RBI is cowering out of the sprints tomorrow night???
Who's going to challenge Yetiman now?
toweliesbong12.9.08 - 11:34 pm
i heard that yetiman has hurt his knees
also yetiman has a yetiwoman
wit no RBI i'm taking the gold!
but i might goto the mosey if i can get my roommate's bike up and running
so all 3 positions are up for grabs!
1junes12.10.08 - 9:42 am
Hahaha, GG would still race with a knife stuck in his back!
toweliesbong12.10.08 - 10:18 am
I will be at the drag race tonight but we will see if i race, depends on who shows up. Where is RBI
Yetiman12.10.08 - 10:36 am
my dentist in oxnard is taking out all four of my wisdom teeth on thursday at 9am. im leaving the 818 today to go hiking in ojai beforehand.
ruinedbyidiots12.10.08 - 10:40 am
they dont hurt, they just need to come out. otherwise they will fuse to my jaw and it will cost a lot more to fix later on in life when i dont have health insurance.
ruinedbyidiots12.10.08 - 10:41 am
hey jeff can you call me or e-mail me?
310 807 5729

1junes12.10.08 - 2:25 pm
im going to pasadena to pick up a frame for my roommate
1junes12.10.08 - 5:06 pm
----------------------------December 10th------------------------------
700 C Class ( Single and Multgear)
1st Keith Grimes
2nd Yetiman ( Jeff)
3rd Mike Glasser
MTB Class
1st Mike Glasser
2nd Yetiman
3rd Jeremy Call
1st Jerem Call
2nd Cole Astamendi
The course was clean and fast and it was decided to add 50 more feet to the course to make it a total of 250 Yards.
The new distance made it harder for riders that entered more than one class and Favorite Yetiman appeared out of steam as he was headed into the finals. He finally relinquished his championship as he just did not have enough to overcome two strong riders and slipped to second in both of his finals.
A1 Pro Bmx rider Keith Grimes had it going on as he rolled to victory in the 700 C class and looks like he is the new man to beat.
------------------Next race January 9th 9pm---------------------------
lardito12.11.08 - 8:33 am

Night vision on Steroids Loren
lardito12.11.08 - 8:57 am
Many Thanks to all the suppoprt from H & S Bikes of Burbank and Metropolis Bikes of NoHo for all there help...
Next race is January 9th 9pm
lardito12.11.08 - 9:26 am

Comming soon to a theatre near you
lardito12.11.08 - 6:10 pm

The New Patron Saint of Bicyclists
lardito01.18.09 - 6:59 pm
id come out if it was going down
KiMS1 responding to a
comment by shotgunBOOMBOOM
01.13.10 - 9:03 am
Make it happen ... i wont win .. but It will sure be fun ....
OsnapsonJC01.13.10 - 9:51 am
meh. I'm too lazy to actually organize anything. ha ha
but next time you see me up there...challenge me to a race. I'll be the one going back and forth on the bmx with the loud ass freewheel.
shotgunBOOMBOOM01.13.10 - 6:20 pm
BTW, this is me:
Lindsay easily handled the Powder puff division
and I see no one that will ever beat her
Lindsay wowed the crowds with her dazzling accelation and speed and she rode a BMX bike.
think you can take me? I don't.
shotgunBOOMBOOM01.13.10 - 6:25 pm
i think i saw you on monday on the chandler path.
KiMS1 responding to a
comment by shotgunBOOMBOOM
01.14.10 - 9:34 am
would anyone be down to come out tonight if this was on?
KiMS101.14.10 - 9:38 am