help! i'm building a tallbike.

Thread started by
Frozen Fingersss at 02.3.10 - 4:26 pm
I am building a tallbike to be done before salton sea. It would be AWESOME if I could find a second frame but I am also in no place to buy one. anyone have an extra frame they want to get rid of (not aluminum) and I will give you tons of kisses? maybe a few dollars. or like. sex.
pretty please?

I'll check to see if I have anything that will work and get back to you.
Joe Borfo02.3.10 - 4:32 pm
I've got a mountain bike that is way too small for me. I just need to strip off some components, but you could totally have the frame, if you want it. Would actually love to get rid of the thing.
theroyalacademy responding to a
comment by Frozen Fingersss
02.3.10 - 4:35 pm
You should go with that offer, Gabby, because I don't know if I have any time before the trip to get mine to you.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by theroyalacademy
02.3.10 - 4:37 pm
I'm more looking for a road bike frame...BUT i will still take it! the bikehouse I live in would totally love it for another tallbike!
email me what area you live in etc.
p.s. thank you!!!
Frozen Fingersss responding to a
comment by theroyalacademy
02.3.10 - 4:38 pm
I've got a road bike pretty good conditions.
you can email me
BoneCrush02.3.10 - 4:38 pm
ALSO! i'm 5'5 ish. so I need like around a 52" i think. i will gladly accept any bike frames though, that people may want to get rid of for the rabbit hole. (bikehouse where I live).
Frozen Fingersss02.3.10 - 4:43 pm
I got 2 mountain bike frames, one's a schwinn... about 53cm, no seat and 2 shitty tires/rims and the other I have no idea but it's for a female and has a tob tube that doesn't parallel the ground, instead it's on a 45 deg. heading down. Also have a bmx frame, with one tire. Need to get rid of these.
They're just layin out in the front yard and anyone can come and pick them up at any time. Just email me in advance to let me know you're coming over to pick them up so I don't promise them to anyone else.
July responding to a
comment by Frozen Fingersss
02.3.10 - 5:23 pm
also baggy there is a tiny mtb frame you can use already there.
but to those who want to see more freakbikes and have junk frames there is an active Angelope workshop near washington and centinella.
larsenf02.3.10 - 5:47 pm

if your talking tall bikes dont worry about size- find two frames weld them up and climb aboard- hey larsen would love to come by the angelope workshop and see whats in the works- I always bring beer and can paint them as fast as you can weld them-
ghostcat77 responding to a
comment by larsenf
02.3.10 - 7:13 pm
Only two frames? Weaksauce.
SPOOK02.3.10 - 10:35 pm