BAC/LAPD MEETING Tuesday Hit and Run Discussion

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Roadblock at 01.29.10 - 1:50 pm
This Tuesday at 7pm the Bicycle Advisory Committee is meeting and high level reps from the LAPD will be there to discuss Hit and Run issues as well as other things. Come out and let your voice be heard!
Apparently the meeting is being held in Hollywood instead of Downtown:
From Glenn Bailey:
To Los Angeles City Bicycle Advisory Committee members and other interested persons:
Due to the permanent closure of the BAC's previous meeting facility at LAPD's Parker Center, please note that the next BAC meeting scheduled for 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, February 2, 2010 will instead be held at:
Hollywood Neighborhood City Hall Community Room
6501 Fountain Avenue
Los Angeles 90028
Location on Mapquest:
Three bicycle parking racks are in front of the building on Fountain; there is also wrought iron fencing in the rear that can be used to lock up bicycles.
Metro Red Line stations are located at Hollywood and Vine (closest) and Hollywood and Highland, both just a short bicycle ride away.
There is also a motor vehicle parking lot directly behind the building (to the north). Carpooling is encouraged.
The meeting agenda will be emailed to you shortly.
Hope to see you on Hollywood.
Thank you.
Glenn Bailey, Chair
Bicycle Advisory Committee
City of Los Angeles
The Metro is a different beast, they are the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Countywide. The Metro Board meets a couple of times a month if you want to bring up issues related to bikes on rail or buses.
The Los Angeles Bicycle Advisory Committee is made up of volunteers appointed by the 15 City of LA Councilmembers and the Mayor. They advise the Council & Mayor on things bike-related in the City of Los Angeles. (including DASH and Commuter Express but not the Metro)
Commander Doan of the LAPD will be there this Tuesday which is good time to address LAPD related issues from hit and run enforcement and prosecution to stole bikes to tickets to supporting cyclists to taking reports to...
Tuesday @ 7pm. See you there!
SoapBoxLA01.30.10 - 1:43 am
From Glen Bailey:
Bicycle Advisory Committee of the City of Los Angeles
7:00 pm, Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Hollywood Neighborhood City Hall - Community Room
6501 Fountain Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90028
1. Call to Order/Determination of Quorum/Introductions/Announcement of New Appointee(s)
Presentations and Updates
2. Los Angeles Police Department Update (Policy and Training) – Commander David Doan
3. Safety Programs Update – Tana Ball, Pat Hines (5 minutes)
4. Metro Update – (5 minutes)
5. Los Angeles Unified School District Update – (5 minutes)
6. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items (two minutes per speaker; 10 minutes total)
Subcommittee and DOT Reports
7. Subcommittee Reports (3 minutes each)
· Advocacy and Education – Ron Skarin
· Bikeways – Joe Linton
· Planning – Kent Strumpell
8. Bicycle Program Report – Michelle Mowery (written report requested)
9. Bikeway Engineering Report – Paul Meshkin (written report requested)
Action Items
10. Approval of December 1, 2009 Minutes
11. New Location(s) For Bimonthly BAC Meetings
12. Reduction of DOT Staff Support of BAC (Rita Robinson Letter Dated December 28, 2009)
· Election/Appointment of Volunteer BAC Minute Taker/Secretary
· Alternative City Staff Support, Such As The Mayor’s Office
· Other BAC Responses
13. BAC Planning Subcommittee Recommendation: Exposition Light Rail Bikeway Advisory Committee
14. DOT Bicycle Program and Bikeway Engineering Reports
15. Pending City Council Motions Relating To Bicycles
16. City of Los Angeles Draft Bicycle Plan
Member Reports and Public Comment
17. BAC Member Reports/Comments
18. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items (two minutes per speaker; 10 minutes total)
19. Adjournment
Please note: Any member of the public desiring to speak on an item included in this agenda must complete a ‘City of Los Angeles Speaker Card”, available at the meeting, and submit the form to any LADOT representative. All cell phones and other devices are to be turned off or otherwise set so as not to disturb the meeting. Please do not disrupt the proceedings once the meeting has commenced.
Roadblock01.30.10 - 10:20 am