I have a stolen bike from last year!

Thread started by
jfdoser at 01.26.10 - 7:48 pm
This is the most frustrating thing trying to find the owner of this nice bike. I posted 2 times on craigs list and checked every stolen bike site I could find to try and return this to the owner.
This bike was stolen from outside of the Vons on Barrington and Santa Monica blvd I think last july of 2009 or early august. It was ditched outside my apartment where it sat there for 3 days with no one coming to pick it up.
I would really like to return this bike to this owner so I can free up space in my apartment or I am going to break the Ulock and start riding it around.
This is my last ditch effort to get this great bike back to its owner.
Well a streetbike of some sorts. I am not very knowledgeful of these things... has gears.. I dont want to give away the brand because the owner would know if he saw it and I dont want to be swindled out of it if it goes unclaimed off my final attempt.
It looks like the guy who owned it used it for his main mode of transportation though.
No I dont want to sell it. I will use it if anything else.
jfdoser01.26.10 - 8:38 pm
Have you tried asking the police if there was a police report filled out for it?
dusky01.26.10 - 8:42 pm
just keep it... its not like karma exists or anything similar...
Maybe it wasnt stolen, but abandoned.
If you that much of a shaky conscience, then just tell yourself you're borrowing it while searching for the owner. Win-Win.
md201.27.10 - 7:27 am
Yeah I am not worried about Karma. Just worried some guy will get upset if I was riding his bike around.
Yes I tried calling the police but I can't remember what exactly they told me. Something about if the owner not reporting it then they could do nothing about it.
I would post a pic but what is that gonna stop someone from saying "oh yeah that is my bike" and it not being his.
What I find frustrating is that when I talked to the guys at Vons just after it happened they said they new the guy. i gave them my buisness card and told them if they see the guy to give him my number.
The way the bike was setup I know the guy is tall! Probably taller than me and I am 6'1" and it had some accessories bought for it.
jfdoser01.27.10 - 9:18 am
why don't you post up flyers at that Vons?
put as generic description as possible...like color and frame size.
shotgunBOOMBOOM responding to a
comment by jfdoser
01.27.10 - 9:38 am
Yeah i should. I never really thought of that. it has been since July though.
jfdoser01.27.10 - 9:51 am
I had a mountain bike stolen almost 5 years ago now. I'd still cry if someone found it and returned it to me.
shotgunBOOMBOOM01.27.10 - 9:57 am
if you do end up doing that, make sure you include the date around which it was stolen as well.......good luck
shotgunBOOMBOOM responding to a
comment by jfdoser
01.27.10 - 10:00 am
Yes I will go back there and talk to the manager and ask if they still see that guy. I think I might ride it around though since I do need a ride.
As far as donating to Haiti. The only thing that can help Haiti is for the current powers of the world to fail. It rather discusts me how the powers treat 3rd world countries and how our charities are just a "feel good" solution for the masses. I know people mean well by donating but I don't think it will help them in the long run.
I want to thank everyone for their thoughts and opinions. I have never had to deal with this situation before and I want to do the right thing. Hopefully the owner will get his bike if not I will take good care of it until I hear from the street "hey where did you get that bike?!!"
jfdoser01.27.10 - 10:16 am
eddieboyinla01.27.10 - 10:22 am
It's great to see someone so conscientious!
I hope you find the owner!
adrian01.27.10 - 12:37 pm
The owner would most likely have a picture of them with the bike etc. I don't think it's bad to post the picture.
If they don't, tough luck. Otherwise show a receipt with the serial!
richtotheie01.27.10 - 12:53 pm
Seems to me like you don't really want to give it up seeing how every post after your original post keeps insisting you might just keep it as you "need" a ride. Post a picture already. Trust me... if it belongs to someone they'll have proof of it (picture, receipt matching serial number)
Stop wasting your time and our times.
The biking community.
-Dexter-01.27.10 - 12:59 pm