Hit & Run - Police FAIL

Thread started by
dusky at 01.25.10 - 8:27 am
Wtf!!!!! This makes me lose all faith in the justice system. I am so sick of all the hit and run news lately. Drivers not getting caught, drivers getting off lightly in cases where someone loses their life: this needs to stop.
thoses who dont harm are subject to those who will. what can you do? if i where to hit some one while i was drivening. i dont have any idea of what to do. the right thing to do is stop and help........... or help your self.......
campos01.25.10 - 8:39 am
This is how hit and run's go.
The only thing that getting the license place ensures you is that you *may* be able to sue the insurance company.
The onjly bright side to this story is that so many people went out of their way to help the victim, including a driver that chased down the perp and got the plate.
We need to reform this system.
trickmilla01.25.10 - 8:41 am
3 people (including myself) got hit by a car this weekend ...
OsnapsonJC01.25.10 - 9:04 am
Illusion of Control
You would think with all the surveillance cameras everywhere that catching
hit and run drivers would be possible ? It is a Felony.
We had a rider hit on Sepulveda blvd. during a Bicykillers ride.
The car a 50s Nomad not so common passed three overhead cameras.
No action was taken and a excuse that there are no tapes to review ?
In fact the reporting officer stated that we shouldn't be riding out here at night !
So it seems Big Brother is not in as much control as they would lead you to believe.
Dedicated81801.25.10 - 11:07 am
OsnapsonJC -
We are going to start tracking these soon on a nice interactive map. Until people are able to log in and submit the accident report themselves, I'm entering the info by hand.
Can you please email me the victim names, times, and locations of the traffic collisions, along w/ any info about the guilty party/car? My username at yahoo. Thx.
jericho1ne responding to a
comment by OsnapsonJC
01.25.10 - 11:43 am
I hope you and the others are okay!! The real bright side to this BH story is that no one was hurt.
I have never liked Beverly Hills. Crime does pay, if you are rich or savvy enough. Hard, sad fact of the matter.
My cousin is a wealthy lawyer who lives in BH and he told me all about his hatred of cyclists getting in his way and his desire to run them down, even knowing that I could be one of them. This gives you some insight into the minds of the rich, who can't be bothered with we lower forms of life...
outerspace responding to a
comment by jericho1ne
01.25.10 - 3:26 pm
Dollars to pesos: if it was an important enough individual that got hit, all those tapes would show up inside the hour.
outerspace responding to a
comment by Dedicated818
01.25.10 - 3:28 pm
Good point. I believe this is definitely related to class issues.
SUV's running over cyclists, police looking the other way. 2 + 2 =
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by outerspace
01.25.10 - 3:30 pm
Cyclist rams SUV, martial law declared and door-to-door searches commence.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
01.25.10 - 3:51 pm
i remember a few years back, some guy ripped off a store around hollywood and vine. he ran up to franklin and highland and the police were able to catch him because he was under surveillance the entire way.
its possible that the people who were in charge of your case just didnt feel sympathy for you and didnt want to put anyone else through the trouble. it never hurts to complain to a supervisor.
tortuga_veloce01.26.10 - 9:15 am