bored at home ride

Thread started by
natefrogg at 01.23.10 - 1:01 pm
anyone going?
if you go, i'm the guy on the mountain bike with the totally rad t-shirt, hi.
Went to this ride last week. Good people with an awesome ride
palucha6601.23.10 - 1:42 pm
ride up the hollywood hills/santa monica hills. It's nice out after the rain.
Gav01.23.10 - 3:00 pm
that was a fun workout, I did pretty well keeping up on my mountain bike, but lost it at lincoln and venice
caught up at the beach, then cut out for a dogtown hotdog on abbot kinney, man that dog was so good! Sippin a cup of joe tjen time to leisurely make it back to hollywood
thanks for the ride, everyone was super chill....except for that palucha thinking all white people are related, hahaha j/k, that had me laughing my ass off
peeeace, and ride on!
natefrogg01.23.10 - 6:39 pm
Just got home from the ride. My legs are pretty much dead from the route we did today. Next weeks route might be going to Glendale or long beach with an earlier start time. We might make spoke cards for the upcoming weeks. So when remember when you are bored at home join us for a chill ride.
palucha6601.23.10 - 9:01 pm
Hey, Natefrogg. Thanks for the joint, haha.
This ride was pretty fun. Dissolved a bit at venice. Then the ride leaders crank got f'd up in santa monica.
It was funny at the donut shop when I said, "I wonder if anyone right here has bud for sale?" Then those gangsters pulled up in the mini van and asked us if we wanted to buy bud.
I was beat the next day. I ended up riding 80 miles that day.
I'll probably czech this ride out again.
Kris01.25.10 - 11:38 pm
Leader has told me that he will be leading the ride through the sunset strip to ucla. Will keep u guys updated.
palucha6601.26.10 - 7:18 am