Rain vs Bike Health

Thread started by
outerspace at 01.20.10 - 1:20 pm
I have never ridden in the rain before, but this week I have had to. Is there anything I should be particularly aware of in terms of my bicycle's health? Water getting inside the hubs? Will I need to regrease my chain sooner? Etc?
Sorry, I am a maintenance n00b.
hubs sealed or looseball? if theyre sealed you dont have to do anything to em. looseball. it would be a good idea to rebuild em after the rain stops. when its raining alotta sand and little pebbles or whatnot tend to get all up in yo shit. so usually an overhaul would be a good idea after it dries up. you should also rinse it off after riding it too.
north_valley_critical_mass01.20.10 - 2:00 pm
its not a bad idea to wipe your bike down when you get home.
It helps prevent rust and keeps your bici looking tip-top.
trickmilla01.20.10 - 3:08 pm
hey steve, i'll overhaul your stuff
666 responding to a
comment by imachynna
01.20.10 - 7:08 pm
Sealed bearings and looseball is just about the same thing, they're both cup and cone.
You meant to talk about cartridge bearings vs. cup and cone.
Gav responding to a
comment by north_valley_critical_mass
01.20.10 - 10:23 pm
use a wet lube for your chain, dry lubes will get washed away.
Gav01.20.10 - 10:24 pm
Maybe you can show me how to do it at the Bikery!!
outerspace responding to a
comment by 666
01.20.10 - 10:29 pm
i see. ok cool. ive always called cartridge bearings "sealed" how is a sealed bearing different form a non sealed bearing then?
north_valley_critical_mass responding to a
comment by Gav
01.20.10 - 11:41 pm
just got back from a rain ride! it rained fricking hard on me, wind blowing you from side to side haha, man i hope it rains hard after work tomorrow so i can do it again
first thing i did was wipe the entire bike down really good with a dry rag
after that i took some bike oil, triflow, and i put way too much of it everywhere that there are sealed bearings, or moving parts like derailers at each joint, all over the derailer/brake cables, make sure a good amount gets into any openings to the cable sheath, my brake levers got some as well up on the hinge, don't forget the pedals too, and of course the chain and all over the chain rings too, lol pretty much anything that moves (sans the disks on my disk brakes)
so it was dried thoroughly, then oiled very thoroughly, i have a good feeling that i won't see any rust any time soon if i do this each and every time i come back out of the rain
rain rides are awesome, can't wait to do it again!!
natefrogg01.21.10 - 9:50 pm
why did you post your baby picture?
Xray responding to a
comment by coldcut
01.21.10 - 10:04 pm
1. wipe down bike
2. pull seat post out, flip bike upside down
3. deflate tires
4. lube chain, cables, pivots(brakes,shifters,derailuers)
Flipping the bike and defalting the tires will most likely get rid of any water that might be lingering in your frame or rims.
Let bike and rims drain untill you feel there is no more water anywhere.
Install seatpost, inflate and RIDE!
parlorbikes01.22.10 - 1:41 pm
hmmmm, didn't even cross my mind about the tires and the seat post, shiiii....thank you!
natefrogg responding to a
comment by parlorbikes
01.22.10 - 1:48 pm
the same thing, but one has a dust cap.
Gav responding to a
comment by north_valley_critical_mass
01.22.10 - 2:03 pm