You guys gotta pick more crowded times. Tons of cars were passing you.
outerspace01.18.10 - 3:32 pm
what happens if you get a flat?..koo video..but dangerous i agree...shouldve picked a better time.
Huey55501.18.10 - 4:05 pm
I usually find that the 405 South between Santa Monica Blvd and the 10 is usually just about stopped around 7p on a Friday or Saturday night. Sometimes as far back as Sunset. Might be awesome to get on at the top of the hill (Skirball Center) and blast down during a good rush hour. Super dangerous and awesome.
outerspace01.18.10 - 4:18 pm
Not that I'd endorse any such thing officially, of course.
outerspace01.18.10 - 4:19 pm
Yeah freeway ride 7 = need more/slower cars
gregb responding to a
comment by boogalooSHRIMP
01.19.10 - 1:00 am
how does someone join the next one? looks way betta than wolfpack.
Krazy Penis responding to a
comment by gregb
01.19.10 - 1:02 am
yeah...i would be down to do it once and I am willing to suffer the consequences.
Huey55501.19.10 - 2:03 am
looks like at 1:47 someone was trying to door a cyclist
Huey555 responding to a
comment by boogalooSHRIMP
01.19.10 - 2:07 am
He slowed the tape down to make it obvious.
gregb responding to a
comment by Huey555
01.19.10 - 2:16 am
That's what I'm talkin' about. Awesome.
Getting doored is one of my greatest fears in life.
outerspace01.19.10 - 2:57 am
These are my ideas for the next ride:
A. Santa Monica to DTLA friday rush.
B. As suggested... 405 South from The Getty towards LAX
C. Help with planning scouting an LA ride either that stretch of the 710? in Downtown? It looks like a clusterfuck every time I pass by. I'm not that familiar with DTLA freeways. The 101 was done and it looked like fun.
D. Jump on the 405 an entrance before the 105 RAMP. This shit is almost a mile long and like 20000000 feet in the air, it's epic.
Also... the 405 is going to be shut down in the near future... sounds like a playground.
boogalooSHRIMP responding to a
comment by outerspace
01.19.10 - 3:29 pm
If you look at the end of the film... he was almost doored AGAIN.
boogalooSHRIMP responding to a
comment by Huey555
01.19.10 - 3:30 pm
this is a bit excessive
didn't some girl bash her fucking skull in after hitting some metal grate or something?
KiMS101.19.10 - 3:51 pm
The second half of video 3 needs more cars on it as well.
gregb01.19.10 - 3:53 pm
Yeah. But she was inebriated and it was like 4am. Ha we all were. Could have happened anywhere.
boogalooSHRIMP01.19.10 - 4:26 pm
Those grates are meant for car tires... they swallow skinny tires pretty easy. :[ Some of them are even sketchy on a motorcycle...
outerspace responding to a
comment by KiMS1
01.19.10 - 5:15 pm
Not going to lie ...this looks fun .... if its packed Im game to do it .,
OsnapsonJC01.19.10 - 5:38 pm

105 W -> 110 N carpool lane? 1.5 miles long and like a bajillion feet in the air, with a view of the DTLA skyline in the distance for added enjoyment.
The intersection of the 105/110 is the "Judge Harry Pregerson Interchange," says Google Maps. Make Harry proud.
nathansnider responding to a
comment by boogalooSHRIMP
01.19.10 - 6:00 pm
wow! you guys have been putting in work!
Roadblock responding to a
comment by boogalooSHRIMP
01.19.10 - 10:39 pm
Anyone know what the thickest traffic is in DTLA on a freeway during traffic jam? Is it close to the 10 freeway by the Staples Center that runs north towards Pasadena?
boogalooSHRIMP01.20.10 - 8:14 pm
That would be SOO epic. I'm down to scout that route out in my van... anyone game to come along and scout some freeways?
boogalooSHRIMP responding to a
comment by nathansnider
01.20.10 - 8:15 pm