Bike thieves

Thread started by
apineda at 01.18.10 - 11:59 am

I got this from LAfixed
thats wahts up anyone who gets caught hould be stripped down like that and shove a chicken head up their ass!
or make them ride fixed naked.
meezem7801.18.10 - 12:06 pm
where was that on "LAfixed"?
I want to read that thread, please post a link to it, thx
X-Large01.18.10 - 12:35 pm
DTLA messengers are handling these fools. That's what's up!
kryxtanicole01.18.10 - 12:44 pm
Thx Borfo, gots any links to the video?
X-Large responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
01.18.10 - 12:59 pm
AHAHAHAHA! OMFG i kick it with them. DUMBASSES!
Xandrys01.18.10 - 2:10 pm
This brightens my day like "mr telephone man" by new edition does.
-Dexter-01.18.10 - 2:15 pm
These kids were freshmen when I left my old prep school.
Payin' fo theives' education.
Alfredo responding to a
comment by -Dexter-
01.18.10 - 2:37 pm
you should find better people to kick it with
X-Large responding to a
comment by Xandrys
01.18.10 - 2:41 pm
A note to few of you: A beat down is not really going to solve anything. Think outside the box.
Joe Borfo01.18.10 - 3:03 pm
Pawn shop basement?
Forced spooning?
Dressing them up in a negliche' and parading them through the street on a 2nd Friday?
bentstrider responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
01.18.10 - 3:22 pm
make them rid fixed but naked. so when they skid the seats goes up their ass. when they sit back down!!!!!!!!
meezem7801.18.10 - 3:30 pm
if you hang with dumbasses....then you must be dumbass too or gonna in the verge of becoming one if you keep hanging around fools like that.
Huey555 responding to a
comment by Xandrys
01.18.10 - 4:09 pm
we've done some reverse stealing at the shop i work at.Its the best.
Huey55501.18.10 - 4:10 pm
This should definitely be the Sexiest Gallery Photo
buckchin01.18.10 - 4:20 pm
What i actually head from some one down their theyse guys stoled a femal messengers bike and a fellow messenger caught up with them and called other messengers and they stripped em of all their clothes and send them walking the messengers called the cops and told em that they will notice who the thiefs are and called the father of one of the kids and the father said "good idk thats what he was doing, he deserved and he will get it when he gets home "...
-Thats what i heard from a DTLA source
BLAHER01.18.10 - 4:27 pm
Oh man. These LOSERS are now forever immortalized on the Internet. Good job DTLA messengers. Moar of this please.
Roadblock01.18.10 - 4:29 pm
and the father said "good idk thats what he was doing, he deserved and he will get it when he gets home "
haha, that's a great dad =)
natefrogg responding to a
comment by BLAHER
01.18.10 - 4:31 pm
maybe not so great of a dad if he raised a
Huey555 responding to a
comment by natefrogg
01.18.10 - 5:10 pm
you can do all you can as a parent but remember that kid has a mind of his own.
mechazawa responding to a
comment by Huey555
01.18.10 - 5:16 pm
Is there a way someone can put the photo in the gallery. I'm in my fancy smancy iPhone so I can't do it.
palucha6601.18.10 - 5:30 pm
HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!! OMG That is the funniest shit ive ever seen.... Those little Mother f***ers tried to stel shit from us last week on Taco Tuesdays... Thet got my rear light 3 weeks ago... AMEN for the guys who taught these little shits a lesson.... HELL YA.......
UncleRichard01.18.10 - 5:48 pm
Good point about the beatdown. One proven technique in the arab world to discourage theft is to cut off a hand on the first offense. Bike theft is unheard of in Saudi Arabia. Just a thought.
mullingitover responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
01.21.10 - 5:16 pm
according to sharia law, many many many ridazz will get many many many lashings
_iJunes responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
01.21.10 - 5:21 pm
Stonings were also common, but most around here would falsely believe we were referring to the smokable kind.
-Bike thief 1- Hey, we're gonna get stoned by these guys!!!
-Bike thief 2- These guys are sure cool after we lifted their rigs and shit.
-Bike thief 1- What's up with the big ass rocks in thei......AHHH!!!...MOTHERFU.....EEEEEEEEEE!!!.....
bentstrider responding to a
comment by mullingitover
01.21.10 - 5:46 pm
made my night. luckily i carry tar and feathers on me all the time to spice up a little thief
andres8401.21.10 - 7:39 pm
Spice up, eh?
Administrative cannibalistic punishment is the best idea I've heard all day.
Just avoid the spinal materials in order to prevent a possible case of "The Shakes" and you should be fine.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by andres84
01.21.10 - 8:27 pm
How did I ever forget about that one?!?!?!?!?
Yip, shackled with U-Locks to the "Lady of the Lake", then flogged with an inner-tube lathered in Sterno!!!!
bentstrider responding to a
comment by Adrian_The_BEAST
01.21.10 - 8:50 pm
Speaking of which, I'm going to see if a bullwhip could be made from recycled bike inner-tubes.
This will be a project worth undertaking, and cheaper than buying sheets of leather from the tannery in Phelan!!!
bentstrider responding to a
comment by Adrian_The_BEAST
01.21.10 - 8:51 pm
Bullwhip? that's too civilized... i dig the sterno idea, though. i suggest we drive(bike) out to the angeles crest national forest, tie them to a tree, pour honey on them and the let nature take are of business. lol
Adrian_The_BEAST responding to a
comment by bentstrider
01.21.10 - 10:07 pm
M'mmm, Honey-dipped guttersnipe!!!
bentstrider responding to a
comment by Adrian_The_BEAST
01.22.10 - 3:57 am
oh you guys are
to fun. ya we were
playing polo in dtla and
they told us this story and now i
get to see pics man i love the internet
Xray01.22.10 - 4:19 am