HP, Bell, Downey, SG Ride This Thurs

Thread started by
fadmcrank at 12.15.09 - 12:36 am
Planning to have a ride go from HP to Downey and back to Bell. Anyone know of some good spots to hit up in Downey. Chill and probably grab a brew for those that want to; Or just somewhere interesting.
Or just jump in to know who's interested in going!
BTW: Might be a semi early ride that ends kinda late. We expect to take about 1:00-1:30 to go from HP (well Vernon really) to Downey. Gives a feel for pace too. So start at or around 6:00PM.
Sounds awesome. Do you plan on doing this weekly? I can't make it this week but I'd love to go next week.
imachynna12.15.09 - 7:28 am
Yeah most likely it will become a weekly affair. We we're actually planning to skip next week though, seeing as it will be Christmas Eve and all; But if your willing to ride and we're willing to ride... Just check back if anything and i'll keep posting the ride as it comes!
fadmcrank responding to a
comment by imachynna
12.15.09 - 1:26 pm
abandoned asylum, watch out for sheriffs, turn lights off, bring a camera.
dannyzuko12.15.09 - 2:09 pm
I'm in Downey and I'd be down to roll... Dennis the Menace park is pretty chill at night.
Weedwax12.15.09 - 2:50 pm
Save that once we get a little nicer group together!
fadmcrank responding to a
comment by dannyzuko
12.15.09 - 3:42 pm
Well good to hear somebody will join us! Well I will check that out later on. We already have the last leg of the ride ploted and i'm going to check out the begining to make sure it's all cake; Then i'll be back to post the ride!
Still, future ride suggestions are always welcomed!!
fadmcrank responding to a
comment by Weedwax
12.15.09 - 3:46 pm
That was actually a respiratory care facility, but old and decrepit enough to pass as a former mental institution.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by dannyzuko
12.15.09 - 3:58 pm
Ride Posted: http://midnightridazz.com/viewStory.php?storyId=4048
I will be updating it, etc. once I come back from scouting the first leg!
fadmcrank12.15.09 - 4:18 pm
awesome! i stay in downey.
we could could get a bite at In n out. or stop at the downey lading for food:)
too bad i have to work Thursday nights
been waiting for a downey ride for the longest
Pancakes12.15.09 - 4:24 pm
Oh shit, it is Christmas Eve! Okay, the week after! Haha.
imachynna responding to a
comment by fadmcrank
12.15.09 - 6:47 pm
Oh wait, I'm going to New Orleans! Nevermind!
I'll make it to your ride someday!
imachynna12.15.09 - 6:48 pm
I'm always down for the d-o-dub. I like the barren tumbleweed area where Otis hits the train tracks and it leads out to Atlantic - reminds of Robocopesque old industrial factory scenes.
BlaxicaNazi12.16.09 - 12:59 am
We wont be going through any areas like that this time around. But we already got something on our minds like that for a future ride! But we still do hope you can come out and ride with us. It will be that much more fun!
fadmcrank responding to a
comment by BlaxicaNazi
12.16.09 - 1:13 am
lol... Yeah we might not even end up doing it the week after that because of all the things going.on for the New Years time. But the week after that, we will be waiting!
fadmcrank responding to a
comment by imachynna
12.16.09 - 1:16 am
Well if you can make it to the first leg of the ride, there will be an In-and-Out across the street from the meet point. It should be too long to get back to Downey!
fadmcrank responding to a
comment by Pancakes
12.16.09 - 1:20 am
which in & out? the one on Belgrave? in hontintonparke?
BlaxicaNazi12.16.09 - 1:30 am
i think I rode with you guys before. with Louis and the Bonnies and a guy that looked like a Burrito and his name was coincidentally "Burrito"
BlaxicaNazi12.16.09 - 1:36 am
This time tomorow! Be there; It will be fun!!
fadmcrank12.16.09 - 5:42 pm
anybody from downey down to bike to the meet spot?
Weedwax12.17.09 - 12:56 pm
when? ?????????????????
Cause i would be down
Pancakes responding to a
comment by Weedwax
12.17.09 - 1:00 pm
Where in Downey are you from? I'd really like to try yo get everyone that would be willing to come to make it!
fadmcrank responding to a
comment by Weedwax
12.17.09 - 2:57 pm
me and weedwax stay near downey landing.
Liquorsto responding to a
comment by fadmcrank
12.17.09 - 3:35 pm
I'm in a warehaus close to Schultz Steel. where the GIANT american flag is. hit me up -via email dylan@m-visiongraphics.com
CuBlaxicanz ride from the shop on Sundays like around 5 or so.
BlaxicaNazi12.17.09 - 7:17 pm
Why don't you post your ride?
Weedwax12.17.09 - 7:48 pm
i did once. mebbe someday but i like emails far better
we're pretty tight knit.
BlaxicaNazi12.17.09 - 8:22 pm
when i get my hands on more fireworks i wanna do the fireworks ride.
BlaxicaNazi12.17.09 - 8:23 pm
Road/re-supply trip to Moapa, NV?
Year-round fireworks on the reservation out there, nice prices too.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by BlaxicaNazi
12.17.09 - 9:11 pm
So i'd like to have this ride again this week, but since it's kinda late to post it up (ride this thrus) i'd like to know if anyone is willing to attend. You can also suggest some routes! If I do have it this week, we might be able to do the last route just no pub stop so more plp can come.
Well any input would be appreciated!
You can also contact me at pikachu (at) nosier.net to suggest anything or to let me know you want this ride!
fadmcrank01.4.10 - 2:16 am
Ride updated. It's happening so check it out if your not doing anything else Thursday Eve/Night!
fadmcrank01.4.10 - 4:46 pm
nah fuck this little B he is going to lag it
LMAO just messing with you foo i love you
city_slickers01.4.10 - 4:51 pm
You should come down to ride whit us this time! We still have that race...
fadmcrank responding to a
comment by city_slickers
01.4.10 - 7:18 pm
Southeast LA Hamer Time Thrusday starts in about an hour!! Be there!! We leave at 6:00. Check out ride details yo the right for more info...
fadmcrank01.7.10 - 4:34 pm
me and liquorsto are going... shouldn't take us more than 45 mins to make it there... we riding back to downey or what?
Weedwax01.7.10 - 4:40 pm
Going to Downey then back in a giant circle. Close enough for you guys to bike back. But we'll see what happens!
fadmcrank01.7.10 - 5:01 pm
lol sorry about running that red light and getting pulled over by the cops... i didnt even see that fucker!
Weedwax01.7.10 - 9:26 pm
Nah man it happens... You should of hanged back, most of us did spot him and we tried calling you out. Guess it was too late!
Hopefuly he let you go easy. We had to pull back further as to not get hasseled! And I do hope it doesn't doscourage you to come out and ride again.
fadmcrank responding to a
comment by Weedwax
01.9.10 - 1:47 pm
For everyone else who attented: Thanks for coming out! I think it was a fairly good ride and I do hope you can all make it to the next one. I will be posting it up real soon!
If you missed it: Go! and take a friend or two!!
fadmcrank01.9.10 - 1:50 pm
Hey Bent, they still have mental patients files in the bottom floors, I read some of them, creepy as hell.
dannyzuko responding to a
comment by bentstrider
01.9.10 - 3:23 pm
Next ride has been posted! Check it out and come tommorow!!
fadmcrank01.27.10 - 9:50 pm