Thread started by
323 at 09.25.09 - 10:37 am
Who's going??
im bored. cant wait till 730 man i wanna ride my fucking bike.
32309.25.09 - 10:40 am
i can't im at work. lol. So i have to wait. till then.
32309.25.09 - 10:48 am
nah fuck man i have to wait til fucking 5... it sucks. i wish today was my day off.
32309.25.09 - 10:54 am
me because i have nothing else to do during those hours
FUNKAHO09.25.09 - 11:03 am
Smoke that kush my friend.
32309.25.09 - 11:05 am
friday night. good day. get drunk and faded in the dance..wat evers... lets see wat happens to day. tho.... AND HAPPY FRIDAY BACK BRO..
32309.25.09 - 11:08 am
U going to Ride today Funkaho??
Whos down to match a blunt?? in the ride??
323 responding to a
comment by FUNKAHO
09.25.09 - 11:22 am
yo foolzies. Keep your eyes open wide BUTYOUKNEOS you wont have tolook very hardLOL! RIGHT? I have the blunts, All the blunts Bluts beez fallin out of my fookin pockets like im a cloud that rains down blunts. So keep peeled because bluntman will be out in full force tonight. Follow your noze. Ill be the one riding the bike made entirely out of Blunt wraps.
thedoad09.25.09 - 11:51 am
fuck lacm come to friday night lights!!!!!!
NOISEPOCKET09.25.09 - 11:52 am
were is it going to be at??? night lights???ill be down...just i did plants with some homeboys...that we were going to go 2 CM.
323 responding to a
comment by NOISEPOCKET
09.25.09 - 11:59 am
I live in Noho. But I would rather ride.
I will be at the Noho metro station around 6:15ish, to catch the train down to LACM with the 818 riders.
See ya'll there.
sgrant09.25.09 - 12:07 pm
this is going to be my first time going LACM. does it crack? lol. i heard is a coo ride and shit.
32309.25.09 - 12:08 pm
three to four hundred riders. it's sick and F.U.N.
sgrant09.25.09 - 12:10 pm
Thats koo man. fuck it. the thing is were we going?? just ride around???
323 responding to a
comment by sgrant
09.25.09 - 12:12 pm
noisepocket some people are just better off, not catching the train up to the valley.
_iJunes09.25.09 - 12:15 pm
sometimes downtown LA, sometimes hollywood, sometimes beverly hills. It's always a different route. But it's fun.
sgrant09.25.09 - 12:16 pm
koo koo..wat time does it finish dude?
32309.25.09 - 12:18 pm
Perfect night for a bike ride with 300 of your closest friends.
Ends at the start of the People's Ride @ H'wood and Vermont
RT @Joe Borfo: "Happy Friday, everyone!"
dudeonabike09.25.09 - 1:47 pm
friday night lights! FNL wwhhaatt?? the bess
Jeff Dahmer09.25.09 - 3:59 pm
Kick back, let's be grateful these knuckleheads wanna ride on the other side of the hill. We already got enuff criminals at Polo as it is...
JOKER responding to a
comment by Jeff Dahmer
09.25.09 - 4:11 pm
Depends on who you ask.
I think so.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by Captain Planet
09.25.09 - 4:21 pm
Bra...its like, required.
ultimately its up to you
Jeff Dahmer responding to a
comment by Captain Planet
09.25.09 - 4:29 pm
I think the rule for LACM is: All types of bikes are allowed. All types of people allowed. All inclusive.
hockeyjockey responding to a
comment by Captain Planet
09.25.09 - 4:34 pm
the rule for LACM is there ARE NO RULES
_iJunes responding to a
comment by hockeyjockey
09.25.09 - 4:35 pm
exacftly why i dont go
_iJunes responding to a
comment by hockeyjockey
09.25.09 - 4:38 pm
A bike's a bike. Makes no difference what type of bike it is, the important thing is that you RIDE IT. Do it NOW!
dudeonabike09.25.09 - 4:40 pm
Mountain Bikes at Polo are the SHHEEEEIIIITTTT
JOKER09.25.09 - 4:40 pm
westside/310/424 who is going?
Crank Mob park six o clock meet up.
urbanpedal09.25.09 - 4:43 pm
haha alright.. My friend was worried for some reason and didnt believe me that it doesnt matter what type of bike you take as long as you ride! haha thanks
Captain Planet09.25.09 - 4:58 pm
going! if you see a guy with a gun shooting crayola bullets on his t-shirt riding a mountain bike says what's up!
natefrogg09.25.09 - 5:33 pm
yup going to tonight. my 2nd LACM.
FUNKAHO responding to a
comment by 323
09.25.09 - 6:34 pm
where will the 1st stop be at? i think im not going to make it at 7:30pm
FUNKAHO09.25.09 - 6:41 pm
fooooooooooooooook I don't know.
be a good boy and do homework or ride all night and have fun ;D
Gav10.30.09 - 4:59 pm
Do these rides end where they start? i've never been on one of these rides.
Volta11.25.09 - 5:25 pm
nope LACM ends at Vermont & Hollywood at the start of Peoples Ride.
AIDS66 responding to a
comment by Volta
11.25.09 - 5:31 pm
I thought Critical Mass was leaderless with no set route or destination?
toweliesbong responding to a
comment by AIDS66
11.25.09 - 5:34 pm
it's easier to hijack any other ride than LACM. lol
AIDS66 responding to a
comment by toweliesbong
11.25.09 - 5:52 pm
It was like that before until some people decided it needed a leader or some shit. I say we take over that shit and call shots on the way
LEENWONDER3000 responding to a
comment by toweliesbong
11.25.09 - 6:08 pm
they'll just tell the crowd not to follow you using a bullhorn.
coldcut responding to a
comment by LEENWONDER3000
11.25.09 - 6:15 pm
But I'm taking my own and my crowd will follow me makig it look like it's the right way to go like that everyone follows hahahaha and the " leaders" canvfollow too if they want
LEENWONDER3000 responding to a
comment by coldcut
11.25.09 - 6:51 pm
we should always have like 10 bullhorns at lacm.
coldcut11.25.09 - 6:53 pm
i just dont want to have to ride back alone and jacked for my bike...even though its not the greatest bike, all these gun point bike thefts are kind of fuckin ridiculous.
Volta11.25.09 - 9:19 pm
LEENWONDER3000 responding to a
comment by Volta
11.26.09 - 3:04 pm
We were thinking of taking a friend on her first cm ride tomorrow. Does anyone know if that dude is going to be there with his bullhorn telling everyone where to go? I need a plan B thats all.
KrazyPenis11.26.09 - 7:08 pm
we wouldn't need ride leaders if people were considerate enough in general to cork for fellow riders.
of course no one wants to stop pedaling and stand in front of a potentially angry car while a few hundred of your fellow cyclists ride on, no one wants to hit the brakes in their car either!
i cork all the time but sometimes i think, "fuck it... if they can't keep up, fuck em"
that's not cool thought, just sayin
more people should cork. no one likes to get left behind a light that no one corked and then the main group made all sorts of crazy turns and you can't find them. we've lost half of whole CM's because no one corks
just play nice and we wouldn't have to hate on people being extra nice calling turns loud enough so everyone can hear
sklank11.26.09 - 9:34 pm
has LACM ever not had leaders? has it ever been tried ?
AIDS6611.26.09 - 11:14 pm
LEENWONDER300011.27.09 - 12:01 am
Stuart leads the ride most of the time. Him and his megaphone
palucha66 responding to a
comment by LEENWONDER3000
11.27.09 - 12:14 am
Ya lets take that shit
Xray responding to a
comment by LEENWONDER3000
11.27.09 - 12:18 am
someone has to bring a megaphone tho
palucha66 responding to a
comment by godmode
11.27.09 - 12:21 am
the most organized will prevail..
godmode responding to a
comment by Xray
11.27.09 - 12:23 am
o0o your so sexy when you talk all jesus like
Xray responding to a
comment by godmode
11.27.09 - 12:26 am
I'm following Shaddy and the Mom's. They'll take care of the riders. The problem is no one gives a shit about the riders. A lot of girls do this ride and they don't do other rides because no one takes care of them.
328rides4ever11.27.09 - 12:26 am
blah blah blah i will part the sea....
i like the 328kid he know whats up
Xray responding to a
comment by godmode
11.27.09 - 12:31 am
I'll take care of myself. Last time I depended on someone to take care of me, I woke up in the opposite side of the city with half my clothes torn off and blood streaming down my face. Or maybe not, but the moral of the story.. don't be a follower.
godmode responding to a
comment by 328rides4ever
11.27.09 - 12:31 am
hey eveyone i just made a brown man blush +1 for me
Xray11.27.09 - 12:31 am
i love the mom riders but this isn't true.
i get taken care of on most rides i go on.
and you just created this account today.
there's a lot of bullshitters on these forums huh?
brittany responding to a
comment by 328rides4ever
11.27.09 - 12:34 am
no shit
i gotta say though, it's nice being on a ride you know you're safe on, especially when you're one of the only girls or the only girl.
but i mean really.
i went on ktown and i felt safe and they were really sweet to me.
if ktown was cool, i'm fairly optimistic about most rides.
brittany responding to a
comment by godmode
11.27.09 - 12:37 am
On a much different note:
I don't think girls go to rides to feel as if 'they are being taken care of'..
It's not they're fragile. Most girl riders I know are tough. Independant.
godmode responding to a
comment by brittany
11.27.09 - 12:37 am
p.s. eddieboy takes care of me the best.
brittany11.27.09 - 12:38 am
but i can still out ride your ass ;)
i probably shouldn't post tired.
brittany responding to a
comment by godmode
11.27.09 - 12:39 am
ugh so many typos on that last post.. :
godmode11.27.09 - 12:39 am
haha well there are always exceptions :P
godmode responding to a
comment by brittany
11.27.09 - 12:40 am
k-town is a good ride and Chinatown Momsey is good too.
I probably shouldn't generalize. But CM is as large as Crank Mob, you got way more people. The Moms and Shaddy do a good job, but the K-town guys are there too and so are the Glendale riders. They all help out. A ride this large needs a lot of people working together. Not against each other.
328rides4ever responding to a
comment by brittany
11.27.09 - 12:42 am
So who want food
lacm is lame anyways
S.F.C.M.4 life homie
Xray11.27.09 - 12:43 am
i never got any tacos on your ride :(
brittany responding to a
comment by Xray
11.27.09 - 12:46 am
well put! it does get large, and this ride captures a lot of people new to riding. Which often time makes it more difficult to coordinate. Some people don't understand things as "Hold your line" or "Stay on the right" etc. And some people don't understand that if you're on a bike, you need a brake.
godmode responding to a
comment by 328rides4ever
11.27.09 - 12:46 am
Aside from that, I hear a lot of criticisms on LACM always going towards the direction of Hollywood. It should go all city. It is of course, Los Angeles Critical Mass.
godmode11.27.09 - 12:48 am
while we're on the subject
wtf is up with nobody calling out ANYTHING EVER
i only started riding a few months ago but luckily i had some old school ridazz teach me to call out potholes, turns, bumps, slowing, stopping, etc, and i can't even begin to tell you how helpful that was to me when i first started riding.
nobody calls out SHIT, i'm like one of 5-10 on these rides with hundreds of people.
i KNOW you people who have been riding way longer than me must know better, and i get annoyed that this non-calling-things-out cycle is being perpetuated because you guys are setting a bad example for new riders.
can we please have a "Call Shit Out" revolution, because i find it very annoying, and don't think my voice sounds pretty when i'm screaming RIGHT TURN at the top of my lungs :(
brittany responding to a
comment by godmode
11.27.09 - 12:51 am
to be fair, i hear a lot of criticisms about most rides always going to hollywood.
brittany responding to a
comment by godmode
11.27.09 - 12:52 am
then your ganna love this one cause were not going to hollywood this time.....we all do have to work together on this shit
Xray responding to a
comment by godmode
11.27.09 - 12:53 am
CM ride goes to downtown, USC, everywhere. It's the Peoples that goes to Hollywood. But it's fun to ride down Hollywood at 10:30 at night, traffic backed up and the bikes just gliding through.
328rides4ever responding to a
comment by brittany
11.27.09 - 12:54 am
i dont even know why im on this shit I DONT EVEN RIDE A BIKE
Xray11.27.09 - 12:57 am
haha yeah the circle of death is a must have at peoples ...highland and hollwood!!!!!! fuck yeah....
and brittany! I'm glad you bring that up because it is something that has been bothering me when I attend rides. No one calls out shit. >:(
godmode responding to a
comment by Xray
11.27.09 - 1:03 am
I've been on like 2 ridezz i think they were
MOM rides and they called shit out LACM
should just do that...o ya whats LACM??
can we eat there i want food going to vons
"then im going 2 bed....Gnight lady's"
Xray11.27.09 - 1:09 am
Xray11.27.09 - 1:16 am
is this the bikePOLO thread????
Xray11.27.09 - 4:13 pm
why yes, yes it is...
Welcome to the polo thread, may I serve you a drink?
godmode responding to a
comment by Xray
11.27.09 - 4:26 pm
you can pack me a bowl
Xray responding to a
comment by godmode
11.27.09 - 4:29 pm
i like skinny girls
but i never say no to
a fattie"thats from k-town"
Xray responding to a
comment by LEENWONDER3000
11.27.09 - 4:41 pm
I had a dream last night, it was a prophecy. LACM is going to be big tonight..(Bigger than usual)
godmode11.27.09 - 4:58 pm
ummm prophecy thats a pizza topping right??
Ya i wish i could go 2night owell
Xray responding to a
comment by godmode
11.27.09 - 5:21 pm
this will be my first lacm...shit sounds tight already!
Volta11.27.09 - 5:26 pm
gonna go get ready! I'll see everyone there!
godmode responding to a
comment by Volta
11.27.09 - 5:32 pm
hold on be4jou go whats lacm
Xray responding to a
comment by godmode
11.27.09 - 5:35 pm
shit ima ganna drop every thing now
damn you should'nt have said polo now
200 ta bout 400
peps are ganna cum
Xray responding to a
comment by godmode
11.27.09 - 5:46 pm
i did this very thing in my dream.. tonight will be history.. lol :P im outs! don't miss out on tonights peoples either!
godmode responding to a
comment by Xray
11.27.09 - 5:50 pm
jew sounds a like a doctor king foo
but really C-YA there
Xray responding to a
comment by godmode
11.27.09 - 5:53 pm
atleast 30 people got dropped after 10mins into riding.... while a bunch ended up in sc including myself then found out the rest of the ride was at awesome!
RahRider11.27.09 - 11:13 pm
This ride was awesome! Hundreds of bicycles riding through DTLA and USC.
It was beautiful.
328rides4ever11.27.09 - 11:46 pm
I was at Bar 107 on 4th street. It looked liked 300 riders, maybe more.
Cops were chasing you guys too.
urbanpedal11.27.09 - 11:56 pm
We witnessed the takedown of the cyclist at at Los Angeles and Olympic at 8:50. You can contact us at . . .
Team Creanberry responding to a
comment by urbanpedal
11.28.09 - 1:30 am
someone post tonights route pls
paolo11.28.09 - 1:43 am
yeah, heard there was some cop drama tonight, anyone wanna post what happened?
I heard it was a lady cop, and I'm sure others, I bet it's the same ones I saw going nuts on another ride a couple months ago, can't remember which one. I heard they were even going after cyclists who had done nothing wrong.
FuzzBeast11.28.09 - 2:02 am
lady cop grabbed some cyclists riding on the wrong side of the road.... though the cops did block the whole right side of the road so we had to go around.................
666 responding to a
comment by FuzzBeast
11.28.09 - 2:14 am
oh yeah.. and a bunch of taggers :-
66611.28.09 - 2:14 am
That was some messed up shit. The guy did nothing wrong as far as we could see. No probable cause for her to be after him. This guy is going to need us all to be witnesses; this was very much like the cop body-checking the guy in the NYCM video. Really, really fucked up.
Team Creanberry11.28.09 - 2:17 am
Guess they're angry that since Bratton left, the city overseers put a kibosh on the adding of new members to their ranks.
bentstrider11.28.09 - 2:18 am
oh hmmm didnt see that part.
666 responding to a
comment by Team Creanberry
11.28.09 - 2:19 am
LAMC 11/27/09
Leaders going too fast + No music + Taggers = Fail
Here's my rant, I'm sure I'm not alone.
I guess that's the down side of having a ride with no organization, but it's making LAMC less and less enjoyable to go on. First of all this is NOT a race. If we slowed up a bit everyone would have enjoyed it more and would not have finished by 9:30pm.
The past few LACM's have been WAY to fast up front! The whole point of the ride is to show our solidarity as riders and make our presents known, not how fast we can get around the city. Dropping 1/2 the pack in the first few miles IS NOT COOL. You want to haul ass the wolfpack ride would more than happy to have you. There is a safety issue as well. If we start to create gaps, crossing intersections becomes VERY dangerous, and cars will try to squeeze through, or just speed through not realizing there are more riders coming, THIS IS GOING TO GET SOMEONE KILLED! If you are up front guiding the pack you have a responsibility to the entire group. Look around, if a lot of ppl that started the ride are not behind you, or it there is a gap, stop at a light or pull to the side and let the ride regroup.
Music people, Music! Unfortunately I did not charge my "boom bag" and there was virtually no one rocking tunes. Rides with music are always more fun to be on, and it should not be up to the same ppl to every time to bring it. Building a system is not hard and can be done on the cheap. Talk to someone that has one, and they will be more than happy to tell you how to put one together.
Taggers. Simply don't do it! If you want to tag don't ride with us! No one knows what the hell your scribbling anyway and a great way for EVERYONE to hate you! If you see it, ask them to leave the ride and do it somewhere else, as this is something we are not about and don't want to be associated with.
Alright I feel better now, LOL
ToddAlmighty11.28.09 - 8:07 am
I didnt attend this LACM but what peeps have to understand not everyone reads the MR Forums so talking about what we should at the ride on the forums is pointless in an unorganized ride. This should be done at the beginning of the ride. As for the taggers theyre going to be there unless a group of people points them out Im pretty sure they dont come alone and one person letting them know they arent welcome on the ride isnt enough
Glue:.11.28.09 - 10:17 am
True a lot don't read the form, but hopefully the ones that do will spread the word, and it was more of a rant anyway. Great point of an announcement at the start of the ride. This NEEDS to be done.
ToddAlmighty responding to a
comment by Glue:.
11.28.09 - 10:29 am
Good idea...put a megaphone to good use and state some simple guide lines.
TheJen responding to a
comment by Glue:.
11.28.09 - 10:43 am
is this a repost. Where is the repost police?
hipster11.28.09 - 10:47 am
that shit was fun but kinda fucked up... i don't know why we always end up chasing the kids trying to smash all night. if they wanna go so fast they should cork.
ANYWAY... i feel sorry for everyone who got dropped. LACM is supposed to be ALL INCLUSIVE and a bunch of first timers got rubbed the wrong way
tsk tsk
sklank11.28.09 - 11:05 am
Did it end at the people's ride AGAIN?
barleye11.28.09 - 11:12 am
I got grabbed by the female officer after trying to ride around all the kids they had already brought down since I was at the back of the pack. She didn't ask me to stop, I was obeying all traffic laws, she just fucking grabbed my upper arm while I was riding by at about 15 mph. Thankfully I was able to shake her off and not go down. We were on Los Angeles St., no traffic, no peds, totally quiet, and I guess this pair of cops got pissed that some people were riding on the wrong side of the road.
WTF? Talk about excessive force.
toweliesbong responding to a
comment by FuzzBeast
11.28.09 - 11:20 am
The cops were insane last night. There was no one driving the streets of DTLA. Just us and the cops chasing us.
They certainly handled the situation in incorrectly. They should have just told people to ride on the right side of the street. Simple. Acting aggressive didn't stop anyone from their behavior. It seemed they singled out the hipster, tight jean wearing people. They are like the new anarchists or something.
hockeyjockey11.28.09 - 11:37 am
Nice and well-spoken, but preaching to the choir.
Most of these smashin' youngsters probably retreat to a back alley some place and remain there until they hear about another ride they could potentially wreck.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by ToddAlmighty
11.28.09 - 11:46 am
Isn't there a more legal form of action we could take instead of just complaining on this thread??
.....Where's Ashton, He knows how.
Busride42011.28.09 - 11:47 am
there should be complaints filed with LAPD and a investigation into the protocol and procedure to stop a bicyclists suspect.
hockeyjockey11.28.09 - 11:54 am
What do you think?
It ended up as a sprint up Vermont to the Rite-Aid parking lot, and wrapped up around 9:30PM.
ToddAlmighty responding to a
comment by barleye
11.28.09 - 11:55 am
sounds like a familiar ending....
barleye responding to a
comment by ToddAlmighty
11.28.09 - 11:58 am
did anyone notice who was up front leading the ride most of the time?
buckchin11.28.09 - 11:58 am
unfortunately this is a no win situation. sounds like what the police did was totally unjust.
but the more complaints that come in, the more the police are going to try to stop rides from the beginning.
buckchin responding to a
comment by hockeyjockey
11.28.09 - 12:16 pm
Riding through downtown was fun, even with the cops. But who decided to take the ride to USC and up on the sidewalks? My odometer pegged the ride at about 17 miles, with only one stop in between. New riders were dropped because the kids up in the front leading were hustling like crazy.
sgrant11.28.09 - 12:33 pm
I didnt even get to go more than 2 miles...this girl i went with couldnt keep up so we had to head back :( i was pretty bummed. this was my first lacm and i didnt get more than 2 miles!!!!! at least i missed out on all the stupid tagging and pig drama
Volta11.28.09 - 12:37 pm
what amazed me last night was the amount of tagging going on, and NO ONE did anything.
everyone witnessed the kid tagging the roof top, people started booing but that was it. i waited to see if some of the most vocal people against graffiti would step up, but nah their balls were left at home. i guess it's easier to hide behind a keyboard and act tuff than actually go and do something.
AIDS6611.28.09 - 12:44 pm
i'm guilty of sprinting up vermont..end of the ride anyway
66611.28.09 - 12:48 pm
just curious on how the vermont thing start(s)(ed)...around 9 - 9:30pm does the ride just veer north towards hollywood? or do people start yelling out "people's ride"?
barleye11.28.09 - 12:52 pm
anybody see those taggers tag on that electrical box in the middle of the street ?
66611.28.09 - 12:53 pm
everyone is just so conditioned as to the route, that by 9 o clock its like everyone is on auto pilot to Peoples ride.
AIDS66 responding to a
comment by barleye
11.28.09 - 12:56 pm
I thought the ride ended on Vermont and Wilshire at 9:30. That's where there was a regroup after riding up from USC. After the girl upstairs flashed everyone, some people headed back to the start at Wilshire and Western, but then a huge group just started sprinting up Vermont. No one said anything. It just happened.
sgrant11.28.09 - 1:01 pm
I am also guilty of sprinting up Vermont. I was just following the people.
hockeyjockey responding to a
comment by 666
11.28.09 - 1:05 pm
I don't have a huge problem with the ride ending at the Peoples Ride, but if the ride just slowed up a bit, more people would input into where the the ride goes. LACM use to not end till 10:30 - 11:00. The peoples ride won't leave till till LACM ends so I don't know what the big rush is to get to Hollywood and Vermont?
ToddAlmighty responding to a
comment by barleye
11.28.09 - 1:55 pm
I dodged the fucking cop on los angeles st. who grabbed the first biker down of the floor. it would've been me if i didn't act quick, and all my beer and weed would've been found O_O. the ride was always headed to peoples ride, it was from USC. the stop at vermont and wilshire was a reqroup.but neither ride was in hollywood the whole night. that was good shit.
superblueman311.28.09 - 2:11 pm
"Did it end at the people's ride AGAIN?"
Seriously Barleye, it's getting old. We know your position on this. Come off it already.
According to some of the other posts, CM already did 17 miles, before TPR. I'd say that's plenty.
FuzzBeast responding to a
comment by barleye
11.28.09 - 2:49 pm
i didnt get to make lacm cause i had to work til 8. but i was at peoples ride ready to coordinate the meet up with lacm. barleye your gonna have to show up to make this happen, if you want it to, otherwise SHUT UP. (meant with the most respect possible)
Drooby42011.28.09 - 3:08 pm
oh and thanx to nicole for making spoke cards for lacm and to the rest of the mom ridaz who helped lead an awesome peoples ride
Drooby42011.28.09 - 3:12 pm
>what amazed me last night was the amount of tagging going on, and NO ONE did anything.
Um, I walked across the street to confront the guy who was tagging the dentist's office. I was pissed. I don't think I've ever called a complete stranger a worthless piece of shit before, but I did and he kept tagging while I continued to tell him he wasn't wanted. Since I wasn't going to start a physical confrontation (sorry, I'm a girl, and it's not worth that to me), and he wasn't going to stop tagging, I walked away. Then, a minute and a half later, that's when everybody else noticed him and started booing.
Did you do anything?
Team Creanberry responding to a
comment by AIDS66
11.28.09 - 3:48 pm
hey thanx for being willing to give this a try. even if its just one time it would be cool to try and make it happen. i also think if it works it would be cool to alternate months. one month head back to TPR, and the next just have the two rides meet at a neutral spot. what do you think? I'd be down to help if im healed up by then.
buckchin responding to a
comment by Drooby420
11.28.09 - 3:52 pm
fun times although we were pretty much hauling ass because folks were trying to get to people's ride by 930. would definitely ride again.
paolo11.28.09 - 3:55 pm
its hard to think of a good non violent way to do something. but i dont think insulting people will work. there are a lot of known famous writers on the rides, maybe they could peacefully approach these kids and explain to them why its not cool. but then again they may not want to spend their nights acting like school teachers.
buckchin responding to a
comment by Team Creanberry
11.28.09 - 3:59 pm
Somebody who doesn't show any sign of recognition when being called a worthless piece of shit when committing an act that only worthless pieces of shit do isn't going to be less of a piece of shit just because "famous" pieces of shit tell them not to be pieces of shit.
Team Creanberry responding to a
comment by buckchin
11.28.09 - 4:02 pm
It really should be all about self policing and setting a good example. Unfortunately some people just aren't going to respond...they want to leave their "mark" on the world even though that is a mark of destruction.
My daughter and her friends used to tag and then complain that the city (Oakland) didn't spend money on community/social services or clean up trash and what not. After years of trying to explain that tagging and illegal graffiti, etc wastes resources they finally got it. Now one teaches artistic graffiti to school age student and my daughter is an art school student at one of the best schools in the US.
Also they now make a positive impact by doing a lot of volunteer work. I don't know if its a combination of maturity or education or good influences...hopefully a combination of all and more. Change can happen...
TheJen responding to a
comment by buckchin
11.28.09 - 4:39 pm
so how many riders were taken down physically??
Huey55511.28.09 - 5:03 pm
i DO sound like a broken record on this....i'll shut up about it...
barleye11.28.09 - 5:10 pm
Well, my only complaint other than the cops and taggers was it was way too fast for the casual rider, exactly those riders who LACM should be attracting.
toweliesbong responding to a
comment by barleye
11.28.09 - 5:27 pm
I saw at least 3 bikes on the ground, and they almost took down probably another 5 or 6.
toweliesbong responding to a
comment by Huey555
11.28.09 - 5:28 pm
How about this for a solution to the tagging. Keep the stops short. :) Kids don't get bored and stay out of trouble, we stay warm riding in the cold night, and we get more riding in!
will11.28.09 - 7:31 pm
The LAPD got word that there were 400 taggers on bicycles.
Yeah, the taggers ruined the night. I left after Chinatown. It was totally fun up to that point. Too fast yes. Seeing a mile's worth of bikes on Wilshire was awesome.
We really need to be more vocal among our ranks. Speak your mind, if you want to slow it up shout it out: SLOW IT UP. Or hold it at a light and let people catch up. I love it when the mass waits at a light and all the speed demons at the front take off and get left to themselves. At least we were calling the turns this time.
Thanks to those who stood up to the graffiti bike poseurs. Having chased some taggers who hit up my garage earlier in the night, I was afraid of my rage and decided to manage my anger by bailing.
TAR11.28.09 - 9:03 pm
So is somebody going to change the LACM tag (no pun intended) line from
One Less Car
One More Tag
Foldie11.28.09 - 10:46 pm
Ladycop almost knocked me the fuck out my bike, but the bike GODS said "YOU AINT GOING DOWN" so i reacted and swerved around her at 15mph while at the same time a rider to my far right got tackled off his bike. After that i was WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON AROUND HERE. SO I SCREAMED "GO CATCH THE REAL CRIMINALS YOU BITCH ASS COPS."
OCHO responding to a
comment by 666
11.29.09 - 12:06 am
i was right next you whene you said it....cop was trying to take me out like a prom date
i had fun but it was too fast im like what is this 'WOLFPACK CM but it really did'nt get to fast
Xray responding to a
comment by OCHO
11.29.09 - 3:46 pm
I hate how im a minor
I got arrested along with a ticket
I got arrested right at 10:15 wtf
who does that and I had such a mean cop
he said "i would tell you guys to stay black but you guys arent black so i guess stay brown"
who the hell says that
nightestrida1611.30.09 - 4:14 pm
i know right now i have to go to court becuase
they were mean to me
nightestrida1611.30.09 - 7:46 pm
LACM is the shittiest critical mass I've ever been to. I brought my gf down from SF for the holiday and we rode LACM. I've never been ashamed to bring someone on a ride before, but LACM did it. I should have taken her to OCCM.
mellowoutdude12.1.09 - 10:03 am
really did it suck that much? cuz this is gonna be my first LACM, or actually my first CM for that matter
iBaloney responding to a
comment by mellowoutdude
01.21.10 - 10:34 pm
...i've had fun on the few i've been on
no idea how it was back in the day
i was looking for a huge amount of people to ride and meander around with, that's what i got
tagging, people being jerks, stealing, punk kids, etc., i see these things happening outside of rides as well, if there is a large group of people on a ride then i kind of expect someone to do something not so smart...i distance myself from that crap, there are plenty of cool folks too and fun happy good clean fun as well
natefrogg01.22.10 - 1:35 pm
is that a heart next to the signature?
Volta responding to a
comment by eddieboyinla
01.22.10 - 2:01 pm