The LOVE Thread

Thread started by
Roadblock at 08.16.09 - 4:53 pm

THis is the official LOVE thread.
The rules: You may only reply to the last person who replied to this thread stating what you LOVE about that person. If your post doesnt have an "in response to ___" on it, you didnt due et reyeght.
Since mine is the first post I will start by addressing the entire Ridazz community:
I LOVE all your smiles.
I love your dedication to Midnight Ridazz.
TheDude08.16.09 - 5:52 pm
yooo guize r doin it wrong. look:
I love the dude because of his dedication to the beer selling/recycling trailer.
larsenf responding to a
comment by TheDude
08.16.09 - 6:04 pm
I love larsenf because he supports the BBW's

jonnyboy responding to a
comment by larsenf
08.16.09 - 6:06 pm
i love jennyboys BOOOTY and jonnyboys great rides.
larsenf responding to a
comment by jonnyboy
08.16.09 - 6:07 pm
I love larsenf because he told me to GTFO of the forums
la duderina responding to a
comment by larsenf
08.16.09 - 6:34 pm
i love la duderina because i have no reason not to
snowcone responding to a
comment by la duderina
08.16.09 - 6:42 pm
I love snowcone for improving this forum! yeah!
la duderina responding to a
comment by snowcone
08.16.09 - 6:59 pm
la duderina says:
"I love snowcone for improving this forum! yeah!"
jonnyboy responding to a
comment by la duderina
08.16.09 - 7:04 pm
I love Nathan's radiating positivity, eloquent posts.... and ability to ward off packs wild dogs.
I also hear he makes a great pizza... and who doesn't LOVE pizza?!
canadienne responding to a
comment by nathansnider
08.16.09 - 8:34 pm
d'oh! i just realized i made a positivity comment right after a positivity comment! Compliment fail.
Okay, here's one for good measure: I love
canadienne08.16.09 - 8:37 pm
I love Canadienne because she is the hottest girl from Canada!!...also because she keeps RBI in check:D
puglife responding to a
comment by canadienne
08.16.09 - 9:23 pm
I love Gaby cuz she's a bike polo babe and a mom rida!
kryxtanicole responding to a
comment by puglife
08.16.09 - 9:28 pm
I love puglife cuz she is always holding it down at dtla polo (when she is not fixing her bike). Always positive and energetic on the court.
Foldie responding to a
comment by puglife
08.16.09 - 9:31 pm
Shit was typing whilst Krista posted. My bad.
Krista also holds it down in dtla polo and is super positive. She found a new home for the 213 and is super nice even though I suck at polo.
Foldie08.16.09 - 9:37 pm
No love for me so I am bumpin. Keep it going.
Foldie08.17.09 - 12:30 pm
I love that Foldie rides an awesome folding bike.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by Foldie
08.17.09 - 12:57 pm
I love Joe Borfo because Discordian Tren Way bunnies love one another
it's in the bylaws probably
Kakihara responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
08.17.09 - 1:40 pm
i love trenway trannys. specifically i love kakihara because there is no reason not to. i have never seen her be nothing but nice, oh and TRENWAYTRANNYS
larsenf responding to a
comment by Kakihara
08.17.09 - 2:56 pm
this thread should be at like 23314534 posts, ^ was a shameless bump!
larsenf08.17.09 - 2:57 pm
I love when Larsen sleeps in my car because he airs it out and makes it not smell like food anymore!
neverclever responding to a
comment by larsenf
08.17.09 - 3:00 pm
I love neverclever because he looks pretty damn appealing in a dress.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by neverclever
08.17.09 - 3:08 pm
I love Roadblock's insane belly laugh - "MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by Roadblock
08.17.09 - 3:24 pm
I love Borfo when hes in his awesome pedophile bunny suit.
palucha66 responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
08.17.09 - 3:25 pm
I love the human above me because he or she will be a tasty treat.
T REX responding to a
comment by palucha66
08.17.09 - 3:34 pm
i love t rex because he has cute little arms but can still wail on a guitar
snowcone responding to a
comment by T REX
08.17.09 - 4:03 pm
JOKER responding to a
comment by snowcone
08.17.09 - 4:57 pm
I love the joker... well, because my other identity is Batman.
And cus he used to put on great Valley rides...
GodLovesUgly responding to a
comment by JOKER
08.17.09 - 5:03 pm
I love July for lookin so damn good in a dress!
kryxtanicole responding to a
comment by GodLovesUgly
08.17.09 - 5:51 pm
I love kryxtanicole because she rode from wilshire/san vicente to wilshire/western in two minutes flat!
la duderina responding to a
comment by kryxtanicole
08.17.09 - 6:07 pm
i love duderina cause shes fast as all balls, and has STRONG BEACH behind her.
theshues responding to a
comment by la duderina
08.17.09 - 6:10 pm
i love shuesy cos he wears cigarettes well.
steph responding to a
comment by theshues
08.17.09 - 6:40 pm
I love steph cuz one day she is in Paris, the next in LA just like that.
marino responding to a
comment by steph
08.17.09 - 6:42 pm
I love Marino because he is shaping my outlook on life. Aw.
Graham responding to a
comment by marino
08.17.09 - 7:17 pm
so many reasons to love you, kid.
coldcut responding to a
comment by imachynna
08.17.09 - 7:57 pm
i love coldcut because when we first met, he was super friendly to me and he inspires me to show love to new ridazz
i also love larsen because he doesn't take are arguments personally.. right? :D
snowcone responding to a
comment by coldcut
08.17.09 - 9:38 pm
I love snowcone because plain kool-aid with nothing frozen to pour it on sucks ass.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by snowcone
08.17.09 - 9:47 pm
I love Sara Bond's handwriting.
SPOOK08.17.09 - 11:04 pm
one day i hope to love Spook beer... for now i love that he used the word "mouthfeel" :) and also that he did not follow directions
Kakihara responding to a
comment by SPOOK
08.18.09 - 1:04 am
i love that kakihara is straight up gangsta
snowcone responding to a
comment by Kakihara
08.18.09 - 1:31 am
i love that snowcone is still awake.
funanu responding to a
comment by snowcone
08.18.09 - 1:33 am
i love miguel. truly an awesome guy. i also love the fact that he shares my love for food.
coldcut responding to a
comment by funanu
08.18.09 - 2:39 am
I love coldcut. Coldcut is a good sandwich. A swell guy, too...
nathansnider responding to a
comment by coldcut
08.18.09 - 3:53 am
I love nathans input on this website. His comments are always great to read. Also, pizza oven, fuck yea.
Snowcone the Internet is serious business. ;-)
larsenf responding to a
comment by nathansnider
08.18.09 - 7:06 am
I love Ms. Stephanie because she looks good in anything and she's as smart as she is scrumptious.
TROY responding to a
comment by Ms. Stephanie
08.19.09 - 4:11 pm

I Love troy for the same reasons he loves Ms. Stephanie
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by TROY
08.19.09 - 4:13 pm
I love Borfo because he's a funny bunny.
ephemerae responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
08.22.09 - 6:15 pm
Love you all,
Love the community!
just wish the word "hipster" would die.
Delirium08.23.09 - 11:41 am
dont know who you are but i gotta love you for your profile picture and the fact you ride a bike!
larsenf responding to a
comment by Delirium
08.28.09 - 9:46 am
I love Larsen for bumping this thread… and for his positive attitude.
Kakihara responding to a
comment by larsenf
08.28.09 - 10:29 am
I love E 'cause she's beautiful, always super nice, and she doesn't use facebook.
la duderina responding to a
comment by Kakihara
08.28.09 - 11:02 am
I love la duderina's sharp tounge.... or typing fingers.
*sigh* i'm crushing...
Gizzard responding to a
comment by la duderina
08.28.09 - 2:41 pm
I love Gizzard's seemingly perpetual smile.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by Gizzard
08.28.09 - 2:54 pm
I love roadblock for keeping MR running and growing. Way kewl dude who helps riding bikes in the city a better experience.
Foldie responding to a
comment by Roadblock
08.28.09 - 3:11 pm
returning sum love cuz you're a rider too
Delirium responding to a
comment by larsenf
09.28.09 - 11:48 pm
i love my accountabilabuddy!! for being so accountable!
theshues09.28.09 - 11:54 pm
I love theshues for smoking a bowl and gulping two beers while trackstanding lol.
palucha66 responding to a
comment by theshues
09.28.09 - 11:58 pm
I love roadblock because he makes me feel safe!
I love la duderina because shes reminds me that being a woman kicks ass!
I love the dude because he loves us all!
I love Alfredo because he supa' saucy!
I Love drooby because hes momz' big papa!
I love MR because I love riding thru the night!
I love my bike because my ass is lookin' pretty good!
I love sneaker420 because hes the love of my life!
Delirium09.28.09 - 11:59 pm
love is all around you
you just have to look in the right places
snowcone responding to a
comment by Coe coe buttaa
10.22.09 - 11:01 am
I love my accountabilibuddy because that's the coolest word ever. I just don't know where he has gone. :( I've been so unaccountable lately.
Ms. Stephanie responding to a
comment by theshues
10.22.09 - 11:09 am
I love Ms. Stephanie because she tells it like it is and she doesn't let people tell her how to use a megaphone.
larsenf responding to a
comment by Ms. Stephanie
11.9.09 - 10:37 am
I love Larsen because he chooses to do what's right BECAUSE it is right and his example helps me understand what "friendship" actually is.
Oh I also love him because his tallbike has a big cock.
Coe coe buttaa responding to a
comment by larsenf
11.9.09 - 11:16 am
Coe Coe treats everyone like they could be her best fwend! You show so much love and humility and fun and heatachoke and LOL and spirit and style and unique and u AND YOUUUUU I MISS YOU UNCLE COECOE!!
SKIDMARCUS responding to a
comment by Coe coe buttaa
11.9.09 - 1:02 pm
Coe Coe treats everyone like they could be her best fwend! You show so much love and humility and fun and heatachoke and LOL and spirit and style and unique and u AND YOUUUUU I MISS YOU UNCLE COECOE!!
SKIDMARCUS responding to a
comment by Coe coe buttaa
11.9.09 - 1:02 pm
I love
this guy's enthusiasm for unicycles. they are the next 'fixie' you know. yes I know they are already technically "fixed" so don't even
shotgunBOOMBOOM01.20.10 - 8:05 pm
I love Midnight Ridazz. I know it is hard to believe by looking at the forums and some of the crap that goes on during the rides where bad things happen. But Midnight Ridazz changed my life for the better. I love it.
I love that even though I've been going on rides for over a year and have met like a hundred people I don't know who anyone on the forums is.
outerspace01.20.10 - 10:28 pm
I love each and everyone of you for being the reason that I own ride a bike.
(but I love the MoMRidaz most of all)
Busride42001.21.10 - 5:12 pm
I love Busride420 for smoking dope while riding on top of buses
Blobmunster01.21.10 - 8:47 pm
i love bus ride cuz he gives grate head ;)
Xray responding to a
comment by Busride420
01.22.10 - 5:23 am