Thread started by
aurisha at 02.17.10 - 9:13 am
Cyclist Demonstration at USDOT Hearing on National Transportation Bill
When: Friday , Feb 19th at 8:15 am - 10:00 am
Where: Union Station: Patsaouras Transit Plaza
The US Department of Transportation (USDOT), Ray LaHood (Director of USDOT), and Senator Barbara Boxer are having a hearing about their priorities for the National Transportation Bill, which funds all the transportation projects in the U.S. They will only have ONE California-wide meeting, right here in Los Angeles!
We as cyclists need to take this opportunity to show that we want more funding and prioritization of bicycle, pedestrian and non-auto projects.
Join us in a rally of support for bicycle prioritization in the next National Transportation Bill! Be there at 8:15 am in time for the press coverage that will really get our message heard.
We'll be providing signs but feel free to make your own. Here are some proposed concepts:
No More Money for Highways, More Money for Bikes/Peds
More Money for Bikes/Peds=Cleaner Air and Water
We Want our Kids to be Healthy - More $ For Bikes/Ped
Prioritize People Not Cars
TO RSVP:!/event.php?eid=297931904262&ref=mf
I love all these "come and show your support" messages for meetings that occur during normal business hours when, I assume, most, people have to work. The people with the largest stake in these activities are excluded because they are too preoccupied with earning that lousy buck to support their families with.
Why do I elect "representatives" if they don't "represent" me? This game is all crap.
Have a good time students, retirees, and professional advocates.
I'm not saying changing the meet up times would change my attendance record but at least I would have one less excuse...
bunch of clowns...
dave02.17.10 - 12:39 pm
Dave, you make an excellent point and the fact that city council and various political meetings occur during bussiness hours is no fault of the LACBC. it is what it is because politicians make it so. I hope you werent referring to the person who is organizing this activity as the "clown" they are trying to help the cause. the rally is meant to send a message to to politicians who are attending the meeting. if you cant make it, do us all a favor and write to the politicians in your absence. We all should do that on top of trying to make it out there.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by dave
02.17.10 - 12:45 pm
I understand that the LACBC didn't pick the meeting time, they're just the messengers.
What I've been thinking about is that we are going after the wrong thing by always reacting to what our representatives propose doing or are about to do, on our behalf.
I don't have the time to attend all these meetings, but my representives aren't representing me very well. Some new method needs to be developed, our form of representative government isn't working too well in my opinion.
If I have to monitor everything, micro-manage everything, look over everybodies shoulder constantly,
I might as well do it myself.
02.17.10 - 1:35 pm
Thanks for the heads up Aurisha.
Anyone want to meet up at Hollywood/ Vermont?
For those that go we might do well to butter up Roy Lahood for thanking him for going so are after distracted drivers. I think he's a little fanatical about the enforcement. But I do think the message will save cyclist lives.
More importantly we would do well to think about what kind of things federal goverment can do to improve cycling conditions.
Is this transportation plan to get money in the hands of communities?
Is it just to spread a message and pressure states to pass certain kinds of laws like their distracted driving efforts.
trickmilla02.17.10 - 4:38 pm