NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.
you're not gonna find much -- there's medium and moderate paced rides that you'd be able to do even on a mountain bike but with all that weight of a beach cruiser you're gonna need a mosey ride (specifically a slow ride) and there's not many, only barchopzz which is more of a social barhop than a ride
Keep updated by looking towards the ride calendar on the left. The 2nd Friday rides change rally points and have been known to frequent the Valley on more than one occasion. These rides are cruiser friendly so long as the 700c smashers are chastised on the spot early enough
He was trying.... to be funny. but, ultimately failed. Wolpack is one of the fastest rides in LA. And is doesnt start in the Valley. Try barchopz. They will post it eventually. Besides that you will probably have venture outside the valley.
buckchin responding to a comment by Girl Power
02.5.10 - 11:57 pm
Monday Night rehab, Barchopz *last Wednesday of the month*, valley girl ride* 2nd or 3rd Thursday of the month* and then SFVCM which is the first Tuesday of the month.
mattspeed responding to a comment by OsnapsonJC
02.6.10 - 4:33 pm
I was thinking about doing an easy ride on the semi-new Chandler bike path nestled in the bedroom community approaching the foothills in Burbank, meeting at the NoHo station.
There is a 24 hour Asian noodle place at one end next to the Burbank AMC theaters.
I just saw all the bad reviews, oh well, there are tons of places to eat in Burbank and there is a 24 hour diner (diner pie and ice cream, Yay!) called the Lamplighter at the Burbank end of the ride and another 25 hour diner, No Ho Diner, at the NoHo subway station end of the ride. So, I don't think finding food will be an issue.
What day is good for you? (I cancel during the rain.)
@ Girl Power: Before Junu left he started a ride here in the valley that's probably right up your alley. It's called Monday Night Rehab and it's being run by OsnapsonJC (John). It's a very chill ride with max speeds hitting 10-12 mph. They usually ride about 10 miles in nearby burbank and it's a great ride for beginners.
Barchopz is once a month - every last wednesday of the month.
July responding to a comment by _iJunes
02.7.10 - 11:53 am
I was just about to list a Starry, Starry Night ride on the Chandler bike path from NoHo to Victory Blvd and back when I saw MNR ride. Do you know the rout for the MNR ride?
They meet at the NoHo train station and the routes vary each week. It's a ride designed to ease you back into the work week... and it's very chill. Again, they hardly ever go past 13 miles. For more info contact John @ as he leads the ride nowadays.
July responding to a comment by Girl Power
02.7.10 - 5:56 pm