As some have suggested, they need to either color the lane, or stick a fat cement post in the center of it so cars can't go through it.. but on the bright side, I highly commend SF for this protected bike lane. Maybe the idea will spread down south to L.A. someday..
dusky12.3.09 - 5:06 pm
i was just there last friday. i think that was before they put up the pile-ons. really confusing, especially since i'm not local. my guess is those lanes used to be bus lanes or sharrows. not surprised that there has been some confusion.
tfunk40812.3.09 - 5:31 pm
What that car needs is some reflective strips and float pads on the side.
Or the driver needs to be tossed into the shortbus.
bentstrider12.3.09 - 5:31 pm
keep in mind market st is slightly sloping. in mornings or afternoons, especially if there's been some drizzle, the ground reflects off a terrible, blinding glare. those reflective paint bike signs/lanes can make the glare worse.
tfunk40812.3.09 - 5:33 pm
+1 for at least trying to make those bike lanes on Market - they do look like they were previously bus lanes...
Manny12.3.09 - 9:02 pm