Thread started by
Troya_13 at 03.12.10 - 12:43 pm
I worked hard all WEEK and ima play a show tonight_
Im thinking About taking the day off and riding to the beach maybe grab a nice cold beer
anyone down to ride?
So many clamoring they get too many hours while there are those that would gladly trade freedom for a slice of pie.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by tortuga_veloce
03.12.10 - 12:49 pm
Funemployment isn't to shabby...get it while its hotttt
Debut21303.12.10 - 12:53 pm
ANYONE_ or at least anyone with a brain that wants to work with me I can get you a job. NO JOKE you lemme know when you wanna come in for an interview and i will guarantee that unless you're a total idiot you will be working this time next week.
My job is not easy by any means though.
although it is REALLY fun.
Troya_1303.12.10 - 12:54 pm
if you don't get put through the ringer to get it.
Man Racks Up Giant Phone Bill Trying to Claim Unemployment Check
A 72-year old man spent so much time on hold with a state unemployment agency trying to claim his benefits that he racked up a $700 cell phone bill, reports Jeremy Joyola of Eyewitness News 4 in Albuquerque.
Ernie Sanchez called the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions, a government-run unemployment relief agency over a thousand times trying to get his unemployment money to cover his basic needs, but could not seem to get through. Now, he told Joyola, he has to use almost all of the benefits to pay his Verizon bill.
"It's almost the same amount for two weeks of benefits that I was trying to get," Sanchez said....
tortuga_veloce responding to a
comment by Debut213
03.12.10 - 12:57 pm
just email me your cell and i will text you about the details...
you're comfortable doing guy on guy right??? hahaha just fucking with you
but yeah email me dog.
Troya_13 responding to a
comment by tortuga_veloce
03.12.10 - 1:15 pm
"but yeah email me dog."
I think he's onto your alias.
GodLovesUgly responding to a
comment by tortuga_veloce
03.12.10 - 1:25 pm