While At Work Post
Thread started by
markd at 03.24.10 - 3:37 pm
So my employer recently let a woman go because she basically didn't do crap. Anyhow, she's this crazy Right Wing, Climate change is a hoax...you get the picture, kind of person.
Well, today, it was nice receiving one of her magazine subscriptions.
(note the great photos with the kids).
2nd photo: Packing your heat before taking the kid out of the car seat
3rd photo: make sure 5 years old can dismantle a fucking rifle
Proper firearms care at a young age is a good thing.
Most of those young, gang-bang punks can't hit the broadside of a barn.
bentstrider03.24.10 - 3:40 pm
here's an email I received today too:
"Our office I filled with many skilled people.
If translating Chinese is one of your many skills, please let me know.
---the receptionist.
Im not one to promote profiling, but Im pretty sure my receptionist knows that I do not translate Chinese.
Do you have any fun work related stuff? Its a very boring day, if you cannot tell
markd03.24.10 - 3:41 pm
I have seen some awesome things in my office but nothing like this ... this is solid ...
OsnapsonJC03.24.10 - 3:48 pm
I used to work for a BMW dealership where the guys brought their guns to work and did coke in the back room. That was a long time ago though... statute of limitations?
outerspace03.24.10 - 4:41 pm
i think its a good thing that americans have a right to arm themselves and carry concealed weapons, but anyone who subscribes to a concealed carry magazine scares the shit out of me.
tortuga_veloce03.24.10 - 4:49 pm
Totally Hot !
Where can I find a woman like that ?
Need to start em young to be a crack shot
Dedicated81803.24.10 - 5:08 pm
There is a magazine for everything !
Mook responding to a
comment by Dedicated818
03.24.10 - 11:49 pm
"Sara Martins children enjoy the protective umbrella effectively provided by two armed parents"
Mook03.24.10 - 11:58 pm
That can be dangerous !
Make sure there unloaded before you insert them.
Dedicated818 responding to a
comment by coldcut
03.25.10 - 12:39 am
Yeah, flaming cross-bows with explosive bolts are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
bentstrider responding to a
comment by coldcut
03.25.10 - 4:51 am
ohhhh woowww @ OP.
I wonder why she didn't get it mailed to her home?
shotgunBOOMBOOM03.25.10 - 4:21 pm
yeah, its weird.... the mag was covered in an all white paper (so you couldnt see the the actual cover). She was totally brainwashed though. Her children (3yr old and a baby) would never be allowed to marry anyone other than a Jew. She moved to Ventura and I told her she should become active the preservation of the Ventura watershed, and she was like "who cares about water"...
I should scan some of the ads in the mag. no joke, there is an ad about how to prepare for gunfights, and ad that simply states "be prepared" and has AK-47 rifles and appropriate briefcases.
There is so much fear in the magazine it makes you think the only reason all the contributors have existed well into their 50's were due to killing off predators.
markd responding to a
comment by shotgunBOOMBOOM
03.25.10 - 4:32 pm
During my lunch break... I came across a lady walking her cat.
markd03.26.10 - 2:01 pm
when I worked for corporate amerika at jbkunt, I used to keep Barrett Catalogs in and around my desk at all times, people tend to leave you be..
dannyzuko03.26.10 - 3:31 pm
I just saw a guy on the 110, on a smoke break, with a bike strapped to his motorcycle ... and he had a spare tire and a ton of gear .... crazy ...
OsnapsonJC03.26.10 - 3:34 pm
Some places it's like the Wild West, you think Police are gonna have your back in the middle of nowhere? Just sayin'
braydon03.26.10 - 3:35 pm
I saw a parked car with a baby seat in the back and an open can of budweiser in the cup holder.
buckchin03.26.10 - 3:48 pm
did the Budweiser have a straw? or a bottle nipple on the top?
OsnapsonJC responding to a
comment by buckchin
03.26.10 - 3:54 pm