TTN GODMODE / KTOWN Ride leader.
Thread started by
TheDude at 03.17.10 - 2:52 pm
Mind ur own and let k-town ride...n stay out of our way...or u will get ur shit stolen and sold...haha...ill b next to u and u won't even notice....I was at family and it was wack...but thanx for the invite
03.17.10 - 2:29 pm
K-town ride will have all kinda of police attention tonight now, just watch.
they have said the same shit in the past and nothing has come of it.
keep reposting pictures from 4chan.
ruinedbyidiots03.17.10 - 2:54 pm
This is the part where we ignore the troll, ladies and gentlemen.
You gotta leave the trolling to the pros (not me and CERTAINLY not you).
You can play dead and let the men go to work again....
TheDude responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
03.17.10 - 2:59 pm
are you talking about ignoring regolio? because youre doing a real good job of ignoring him when you make a thread about it.
ruinedbyidiots03.17.10 - 3:01 pm
keep reposting pictures from 4chan.
>>trolling AGAIN
Or was this post intended to ACTUALLY help, and I just missed that somehow.
We have gone over this before.
If you don't want to help us make this community better (or at least try) then leave the thread alone.
I was calling a negative situation to the attention of the ride leader.
TheDude responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
03.17.10 - 3:04 pm
there you go again
taking up lines
let the trolls be
the trolls will exist
whether you like it or not
viva trolling
_iJunes responding to a
comment by TheDude
03.17.10 - 3:05 pm
the ktown ride will not have any extra police attention because you are whining on a messageboard. honestly. do you live in the real world?
ruinedbyidiots03.17.10 - 3:07 pm
Honestly, Do I have a cell phone?
TheDude responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
03.17.10 - 3:07 pm
i dont know or care if you have a cell phone. but if you do, calling the ktown cops and telling them that you read some threats online about getting bikes stolen might be more effective than just whining on a messageboard.
police, if youre reading this, i hope youre laughing.
ruinedbyidiots03.17.10 - 3:09 pm
I like to take up lines.
I am 90 % blind in one eye and it makes it easier to read
iJunes troll posts make the world better
I junes is funny troll, success.
RBI doesn't do anything good around here.
I took up another 2 lines with this part here.
Make that 4 lines.
TheDude responding to a
comment by _iJunes
03.17.10 - 3:11 pm
police, if youre reading this, i hope youre laughing.
shit, am i the police?
_iJunes responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
03.17.10 - 3:14 pm
Im going to be honest ... this is a bit much ...
OsnapsonJC03.17.10 - 3:17 pm
do you not know how to connect the dots, smarty pants?
That was done 10 minutes ago, and I already talked to a detective that I have previous experience with involving k-town and bike thieves.
I take bike thieves seriously. I DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. That includes calling them out loud and proud. If I am the only one that does, that is FINE WITH ME. I will call out taggers and thieves and punks every chance I get. I CARE.
I have connections with the LAPD detectives because I take time and energy in calling them and writing letters to them about the things that we care so much about. They listen to me because I am proactive, I know my laws, and I follow up on cases.
To date I have written over 2 dozen e-mails and letters to the detectives about SPECIFIC stolen bikes and people. This had DIRECTLY led to 2 arrests, and 14 bikes recovered.
How about you show a little appreciation for someone doing some good?
How about you do something about your community?
TheDude responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
03.17.10 - 3:18 pm
im a ubi certified bike mechanic.
wheres debutt to post something like "snitches get stitches"?
ruinedbyidiots03.17.10 - 3:21 pm
I am happy that you are a UBI mechanic.
I respect that.
I understand , in the past, you have volunteered your time and skills.
I had overlooked that, and I am sorry about that. You deserve some credit there.
Nonetheless I still have to point out that you could have just said something helpful, or nothing at all, instead of something hopeless sounding and morose.
Think about it, it is the same message I have tried so hard in vain to deliver to you previously.
TheDude responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
03.17.10 - 3:28 pm
Bitch, leave my name out of it. Were not friends. Stfu
Debut213 responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
03.17.10 - 3:36 pm
U guys shud post a ride.."THE SNITCHERS RIDE" that'll b a good one....
REGOLIO03.17.10 - 3:40 pm
no pictures here still
TheDude responding to a
comment by REGOLIO
03.17.10 - 4:00 pm
Your intentions are good but ... this dude is a troll...
OsnapsonJC responding to a
comment by TheDude
03.17.10 - 4:09 pm
call me what u want.....i never stolen a bike bfore.....i cant control what goes on with the ktown ride
REGOLIO03.17.10 - 4:23 pm
you roll with dogs, you're a dog.
_iJunes responding to a
comment by REGOLIO
03.17.10 - 4:24 pm
you're telling me that if your bike got stolen and you knew who did it you wouldn't want them to pay for it?
and dont reply "nahhhh, i'm so hard, i'd just fuck him up right there! i'm a man! i can beat people up!"
because you DONT know if you would be able to best him physically, and putting him behind bars and making him deal with the fucked up american legal system is much much more annoying and justified for him.....
people who talk shit on "snitchers" are fucking retarded........ IF YOU DONT WANT THE PUNISHMENT DONT DO THE FUCKING CRIME IN THE FIRST PLACE
superblueman3 responding to a
comment by REGOLIO
03.17.10 - 4:25 pm
yeah yeah..woof woof whatever
REGOLIO responding to a
comment by _iJunes
03.17.10 - 4:25 pm
how many times do i gotta tell u i have never stolen a u people dont understand...but i seen people do it at ktown.....i just watch and dont do shit..who am cop...
REGOLIO responding to a
comment by superblueman3
03.17.10 - 4:28 pm
yeah i wud b mad if my bike was stolen...i still wudnt run to the po-po
REGOLIO03.17.10 - 4:29 pm
awesome... the thread got so profound, the English language lacked the means to communicate their message, so they switched to Labrador retriever.
stay tuned
md2 responding to a
comment by REGOLIO
03.17.10 - 4:30 pm
ur little messages dont hurt.........
REGOLIO03.17.10 - 4:31 pm
Not that I'm applying anything.. But I still have a $300 Reward for my bike that was stolen last Monday.. If my bike shows up on Kushtown or any other ride, let me know..
goosegoose03.17.10 - 4:32 pm
sorry bro but i actually have the body and my buddy kept the tires.....peace.....or maybe we sold it for weed..haha thanx for the bike
REGOLIO03.17.10 - 4:34 pm
No, you are not a cop but you are trying to be a part of community.... Bikes get stolen all the time .. its not a secret .. you have to watch your bike all the time .... anyone who is naive enough to think otherwise is crazy ... You set yourself up for this ... So don't cry when you get called out ...
OsnapsonJC responding to a
comment by REGOLIO
03.17.10 - 4:40 pm
yeah i wud b mad if my bike was stolen...i still wudnt run to the po-po
first, let's correct spelling mistakes ( i hope you're not ditching high school english)
yeah i would be mad if my bike was stolen...i still wouldnt run to the police
what if the police caught the guy, and all they needed was the person to report the stolen bike was theirs?
actually i want you to answer me this question: why WOULDNT you report your stolen bike to the police? i'd like a good answer to that one.....
superblueman303.17.10 - 4:40 pm
duh... you dont report your stolen bike has been stolen.
Duh.. wheres your head at?
come on guys, get with it.
md2 responding to a
comment by superblueman3
03.17.10 - 4:44 pm
also, why would you just watch a bike get stolen and not say anything? do you not agree that bikes getting stolen is a big problem? and if people just CALLED EACH OTHER OUT ON IT, it wouldn't be happening nearly as much.
but all we have on kushtown is this gang mentality, do whatever you want as long as you dont stop someone else from doing their own illegal acts or snitching. if you saw a guy get murdered on K-town would you say anything? everyone can agree bike theft is BAD, and if nobody tries to stop it, it wont end. THANK YOU for contributing to this problem.
also, i can go just as fast as ANYBODY on my mtn bike. it's the rider not the bike.....
superblueman303.17.10 - 4:45 pm
because thats how i grew up...fucken police dont do shit.....n so what this aint school im good at english dont mean im getting graded by the way im typing..stupid
REGOLIO responding to a
comment by superblueman3
03.17.10 - 5:02 pm
well sammy boy hope we race on day just to let u know what im talking about
REGOLIO responding to a
comment by superblueman3
03.17.10 - 5:05 pm
race? hahhahahahahahahahahhahhahahaha
mattspeed responding to a
comment by REGOLIO
03.17.10 - 5:06 pm
die cornholio die and take your cool bike with you...
SET2STUN03.17.10 - 5:10 pm
just think - none of this garbage would have happened if partying and getting wasted wasnt the emphasis of rides.
ruinedbyidiots03.17.10 - 5:10 pm
yeah i hope he dies...beavis and butthead suck...........
REGOLIO responding to a
comment by SET2STUN
03.17.10 - 5:12 pm
why would you end the sentence with the word stupid when you're the one who's exemplifying your lack of knowledge (or general care) of spelling. i'm not saying you're getting graded, or are stupid. once again, this is a high school mentality. you get graded on spelling in school so that you can learn to spell, and come into society a productive person who is literate. and if you cant or dont spell correctly, people wont take you seriously, because whether or not you ARE smart, you appear unintelligent. that includes this forum, people wont take you as seriously if you spell like a 5th grader..... i'm saying this to help you
and B) i dont want to race you... i feel no need to prove myself to you. everyone gives me props for smashing on my mtn bike so i really dont care. in hindsight, you probably could go faster than me in a race because you'd be on a track bike (meant for racing, not everyday riding) and i'd be on a mtn. bike (needless to say, meant for mountains.) I was referring to group rides, in the fact that i dont get left behind at all on any rides ever, which is what you implied when you say that you leave mtn bikes blocks behind on rides.
give me a good fixie though..... and you probably would have a good race :]
i'm not calling you out, nor do i think you're a bad person...... i dont know you. i'm just trying to point some things out that i find to be true
superblueman3 responding to a
comment by REGOLIO
03.17.10 - 5:14 pm
just think - recessions and corporate greed wouldn't exist if capitalism wasn't the besis of our economy.....
does that mean it's all bad? stop talking shit on everything. there's bad aspect to alot of stuff.... you're just so negative all the time
superblueman3 responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
03.17.10 - 5:17 pm
who is sam? (i know who sam is)
that name was only mentioned once, about 2 hours ago, on the other thread.
my dollar says you know this dude, and he is just bored at home or work.
nolikedrive responding to a
comment by superblueman3
03.17.10 - 5:18 pm
you cant harp on that one idiot for sounding like an idiot because he doesnt know grammar from a hole in his head and type "besis" in the next post.
regardless, recessions and corporate greed have NOTHING to do with this.
ruinedbyidiots responding to a
comment by superblueman3
03.17.10 - 5:21 pm
you're absolutely right, i'm just trying to say that you dont need to always be so negative on here. i've met you on a ride before (months back, in august on MNR) and you were a cool guy there, but every other exposure to your character that i've ever had, it's just been mean and nasty. it's like almost EVERY comment you say is snarky or sarcastic, and mean and belittling or just plain negative.
lets be happy! the sun is out :]
superblueman3 responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
03.17.10 - 5:25 pm
oh WOW lol i did not see my typo...... but remind urself der is a diffrince btwn typing lik dis and making an accidental typo.....
superblueman3 responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
03.17.10 - 5:26 pm
"joy is but the shadow pain casts..."
coldcut responding to a
comment by superblueman3
03.17.10 - 5:30 pm
its not that im negative for no reason, i have plenty of reasons to be negative. this thread is one of them.
ruinedbyidiots03.17.10 - 5:36 pm
sorry mr.english teacher.........mexican.......brown and proud
REGOLIO responding to a
comment by superblueman3
03.17.10 - 5:37 pm
lol, this thread is a very good reason.........
and the fact that you called me an english teacher means you didn't understand my point at all... if you want people to take you seriously in this world other than your wannabe gangbanger friends..... learn to spell correctly.
i'm not trying to teach you english, i'm trying to help you.........
superblueman3 responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
03.17.10 - 6:04 pm
You don't need to spell correctly to steal bikes.
buckchin responding to a
comment by superblueman3
03.17.10 - 6:06 pm
I do believe it starts.... NAAAAOOOWWW!
And if it doesn't, then now wouldn't be a bad time.
GodLovesUgly responding to a
comment by Coe coe buttaa
03.18.10 - 3:42 am
Just ignore him and EVERYONE let the thread just die ... you keep encouraging his stupidity and stupididty of others .... Godmode cant do anything about it he will just laugh because he dosent know who they are or cant control what people say on here its a forum on witch people hide behind the Screen names!
BLAHER03.18.10 - 9:40 am
All rides are fun...don't matter who u ride with, im reading what this guy REGOLIO is saying and sorry bro but ur an ass
4:20_R1DDA03.18.10 - 10:33 am
fuck the forums, there are undercover cops on the rides!
tortuga_veloce03.18.10 - 12:55 pm
yes, you're very negative about people trying to stop crime in their community. LA's bike thieves appreciate your advocacy.
tortuga_veloce responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
03.18.10 - 1:10 pm
BWAHAAAHAHAHAHA! The stupid things coming out of this guys (Regolio) ass!!!
"because thats how i grew up"
That isn't the mentality one keeps as they go through out their lives. Let's say one grows up sucking their thumbs. As toddlers most of us did. Because you did it as a child and because it was physically stimulating does that mean as you grow up you will continue sucking your finger? probably not. I'm unsure in your case. Because by your logic if you grew up a certain way, believing certain things, practicing certain behavior that you will exercise it throughout your life.
Good for you and denying the process of learning!!
"n so what this aint school im good at english dont mean im getting graded by the way im typing..stupid"
You're right AGAIN!! Hooray! This isn't school, it's a means of interacting with other human being. Interacting in such a manner in which we judge and base upon presentation. And you're presentation screams "I'm ignorant! Please don't take me seriously and maintain my unheard, unrespected image".
Oh man and you really took the cake this time....
"sorry mr.english teacher.........mexican.......brown and proud"
Not only did you emphasize on the fact that you didn't understand what someone else was trying to say, Oh and please do take into consideration that you don't need to agree with someone to understand them. Nevertheless you succeded in taking Latin America 200 years back! :DDDDDDDD WHOOO!!! Because obviously who can be Mexican or "brown (and proud)" without being illeterate or unable to comprehend a simple message?
u kno wat hermano, yeah holmes I tink ur right. i tink we are a stupid fuckin culture & ethnicity that associates wit unintellegent fuckers.
Este....quin te crees cerote? Don't associate your ignorant image and personal point of you with raza. Leave you're skin color at the door and don't make the rest of us look bad because you are immature and ugh....words can't describe the uglyness of your attitude. Continue with your mindset and let's see how far you get in life.
*fill er up*
Tarmonster.03.18.10 - 1:10 pm
*disclaimer*: not really a cop
_iJunes responding to a
comment by tortuga_veloce
03.18.10 - 1:24 pm
so did the police actually show up to bust ktown wednesdays? as the dude claimed he reported it to police?
superblueman303.18.10 - 3:35 pm
YAY! i get yet ANOTHER thread named after me.. i should be like? the rider of the week or something..
but in all seriousness, what the hell is thread about? im fucking confused.....
godmode responding to a
comment by superblueman3
03.18.10 - 3:50 pm
OOOH and by the rogelio.. THE ONLY CASE OF A BIKE BEING STOLEN ON KUSHTOWN WAS ACTUALLY MY BIKE! - : ( - conspiracy? lol
.. i havent heard of any other case where an actual bike was stolen, and of the course of infamous case of the first posted ktown ride where everything went outta control!
dont speak on our behalf because you know us...
... and dude? please dont make any threats on the forums.. if you have something to say to me please tell me in person or in email: (dont let the email name discourage you) no need to be a big drama queeeeen.. OH AND nope, we actually got less police attention than any other wednesdays! thanks :)
godmode03.18.10 - 4:01 pm
..sorry for the typo but im eating eggs a le god mode right now :)
godmode03.18.10 - 4:02 pm
What the hell is goin on...everyone is all mad, just calm down everyone
4:20_R1DDA03.18.10 - 4:39 pm
regolio got served by
this thread ENDS HERE
Huey55503.18.10 - 7:03 pm