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readymadebelief at 01.8.10 - 8:09 pm
I pulled at the side of the curb, head airing. I thoight at that time how might begin the next few steps, wrangling my decrepid tube from the cleanched beads of my tire.
For starters I left my water bottle. I began ruing that lack of kit to properly fuel this sutly morribound journey.
Might I be able to rinse my tonsils of the sauce during the ebb and flow that is the hestitation between start and go at each ride stop? That is, avoiding the need to chug clasped beer in hand in err of the general flow of the universe
readymadebelief01.8.10 - 8:21 pm
Dejected, I enter the bike co-op I manage to arrive at; mont my steed on the rack and proceed making my surgical incisions on the back tire with my tire levers.
readymadebelief01.8.10 - 8:38 pm
I rode my black bike of emo !@#$?ry into the dark abyss. So long I foresaw my comings into my pants from my boxers down my legs. The white and black mascara dripping down as I cry ....cry but no one answers....my chain popped, while I was masturbating. and then i got behind
Father Time01.9.10 - 2:32 am
i know who you are!
July responding to a
comment by Father Time
01.9.10 - 11:14 am