screen printing

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TacoBella at 04.29.10 - 5:55 pm
this is really short notice but I need to find someone that can do screen printing on shirts. need them by tomorrow before 5 or 6. will be working with a graphic designer and i can provide the t-shirts. need to keep this cheap too. maybe 8-10 shirts. holla.
got about 20 brand new Pro club shirts, many blue and black colors hit me up
X-Large04.29.10 - 6:59 pm
Oops, thought you needed shirts, should take more time reading the details, lol
X-Large04.29.10 - 7:03 pm
no prob. it was too last minute. decided to drop the idea. off to backwards PHX again. missing out on some sweet rides.
TacoBella04.30.10 - 12:59 am