bottom bracket..?

Thread started by
emzeelok at 04.25.10 - 1:41 am
any selling a sealed bottom bracket...?
Bikerowave is selling them for $12-16 or so, and any other co-op / bike shop should have them.
This is the sort of thing that's an ideal project for a bike co-op, unless you already have the tools for removing / installing a bottom bracket and know what size you need.
What length spindle do you need (Usually 103mm-120mm)? This measurement is important for keeping your chainline straight. You also need to know the threading and the BB width. Chances are if it's a road bike, you need a 68mm English/standard thread, but if it's Italian or an older French bike, you may need an Italian or French threaded BB.
I'd take your bike to the Bike Kitchen / Bike Oven / Bikerowave / Valley Bikery and get it sorted out there, but YMMV.
JB04.25.10 - 9:05 am
yea its a miyata 1000..
converted to single speed..
i never changed the old bottom bracket and now
its making weird noise so i think is time to change...
thanx...ill check out the kitchen...
emzeelok04.25.10 - 11:16 am
just repack it if all the parts are still good
666 responding to a
comment by emzeelok
04.25.10 - 4:38 pm
thats what i was thinking but
some mechanic at a bike shop
gave me dis speech...on how
i needed a new bottom bracket since my bike
is a conversion..from gear to fixed
so idk..
emzeelok responding to a
comment by 666
04.26.10 - 12:25 am
Your BB spindle legnth will likely need to be 103, 107, or 110 mm long.
Buy one on the internet or go to a shop that has the part and can install it for you.
The reason this guy said this:
(1) A BB on a bike with gears will make a single speed crank mis-align with the single cog or freewheel on the rear wheel. This will wear down your drive train components as well as make loosing your chain while riding quite likely.
(2) He will make a little bit of money off the switch
ubrayj02 responding to a
comment by emzeelok
04.26.10 - 2:27 am
yeah, what he said.
but you can also just flip the axle when you have the BB apart and you'll get a better chain line.
my chainline is pretty awesome with a 103mm BB though
666 responding to a
comment by ubrayj02
04.26.10 - 10:36 am