you ride down steeet and

Thread started by
LouisAve at 04.23.10 - 9:04 pm
a car starts hooking at you because your in that cars way somehow
and by in its way your on the right side as far as you can get, riding with traffic at 15-20mph
what do you do?
Don't incite. ignore them and ride as safely and courteously as you can. You ultimately win.
There's no use in trying to convince some thick skull prick that you share the road. But you might possibly effect their thinking by riding your best and staying out of harms way. Fuck em, and keep riding on.
Worse case scenario - If they threaten you with their car and you have a chance to smash their window with a u-lock and get away fast... it's something I have often considered. Probably not the right choice though. There have been many times at a stop light when I have reached some aggressive fuck that I have considered taking out my pocket know and slashing tires...
Bottom line to your question: Use common sense.
Joe Borfo04.23.10 - 10:56 pm
i point to the left lane, you have to really mean it, and they fuck off. you have the option of flipping said driver off but like borfo said lets not entice the driver.
mechazawa04.23.10 - 11:34 pm
Use my own 12V, 140dB airhorn and blind them with my beams from behind.
bentstrider04.23.10 - 11:39 pm
I actually do this to and it does work most of the time for me. Good post, Stella.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by mechazawa
04.23.10 - 11:48 pm
Break the motorists windows?! Haha I'd rather throw a water bottle at the shield, or side windows ;) nothing domestic..
Domingo04.24.10 - 12:02 am
Hold your line, when they pass try to indicate that you're not trying to get in their way, you're sorry for slowing them down, and wish them a good trip home (or wherever they're going). Sometimes a submissive wave will chill them out and they'll calm down.
If you can catch them at a light, this is a good time to roll up and say, "Hey, sorry about slowing you down back there. I'm just trying to get home." This has worked for me every time. Even when the driver is a total jackass they melt and become mortal humans again once you "apologize". I've done this dozens of times, and it has worked every time.
Do not move over into the door zone. Do not make it easier for them to pass if it puts your safety at risk.
Getting in someone's face about something like this is a ridiculous waste of your time, and is a great way to get into a fight and/or ruin this person's opinion of cyclists in general.
ubrayj0204.24.10 - 12:07 am
but seriously, what mechazawa said is the best answer. Point to the left lane and really mean it till they fuck off. unless its a one lane street and then it's just too fucking bad for them.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by mechazawa
04.24.10 - 12:08 am
Yes. Josef has the right idea here.
( even though this is coming from a goodie two shoe Armadillo )
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by ubrayj02
04.24.10 - 12:10 am
well i usually just look at the car and put my hands up like saying where the fuck do you want me to go?
well today i was driving down and i was going to an interview this was during a little traffic and some kid on a fixed was riding not so much to the right i i drove behind him for about a mile whatever but i saw the time and i honked one time he turned around and flipped me off we come to a ride light and he yells at me SHARE THE ROAD and i tell him
well get to the right. so what he does still at a red light he gets like in front of my car doesn't stay to the right like corking my car and i yell wtf are you corking let me passs and he keeps ignoring me and i ask him why is he being such a douche and he was like because people like you don't know how to share the road and i tell him
wtf? are you kidding me man? I FUCKED RIDE Too. and he goes OH my bad.
LouisAve04.24.10 - 12:43 am
Most of the time I just keep riding like I don't hear them. I'm not breaking the law after all. At the light, I kindly inform them of my rights.
Occasionally I will pretend to get out of the saddle and give it a hustle, but then I drop my pants and give said asshole a nice view of my hairy ass.
revolution04.24.10 - 8:30 am
How do you point like you mean it?
btw, I've noticed most drivers automatically move the the left when they see a cyclist up ahead, but what about those millions of one lane streets in LA?
@ LouisAve:
For my commute to work I have to ride down all one lane (each way) streets lined with parked cars and on thursdays aside from the cars up against the curb there are a shit ton of trash cans... Which really leaves me nowhere to go other than the middle of the street or in the door zone. It's a tricky situation and as bad as I feel taking up half of the lane, my safety is more important. I hate riding sidewalk (not to mention that kids are walking to school with their parents at that time) but I also figure that when the driver gets an oppurtunity to inch out to the other lane when there's no oncoming traffic they'll take it instead of driving behind me forever and not crossing the double yellow line that divides the two lanes. As a motorist I have to realize that even though I shouldn't cross the dividing center line and can easily maneuver my way around. Plus the time spent behind the cyclist can easily be made up driving a mph faster (and i dont mean driving like a bat outta hell).As a cyclist I look out for my safety first and if that's taking up most of the lane, I will.
Gizzard responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
04.24.10 - 9:13 am