mr and hells angels

Thread started by
speedy09 at 04.22.10 - 6:10 pm

fucking awesome.gonzo ride
I did not know that midnight ridaz supports the hells angels.
fuck yeah.I Iove nazis.
H/A 81
All the Hells Angels I've known have been upstanding family men
Unfortunately for you being a self proclaimed bitch ass,
most likely they would drag you from the back of a motorcycle for fun.
Dedicated81804.22.10 - 8:59 pm
I SUPPORT MONGOLS they been good to me.
Huey55504.22.10 - 9:06 pm

No shortage of these nuts around here, fine contributors to the crystal meth trade and snitch dumping of former members.
bentstrider04.22.10 - 9:49 pm
FWIW, the Gonzo Ride was a tribute ride to Dr. Hunter S. Thompson, author of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, among other things. His first book was called (and about) "The Hell's Angels", so I think the jacket was more a tribute to that than to the actual motorcycle club.
JB04.22.10 - 10:36 pm
Actually, having gotten through half of the book. In my opinion, the hell's angels and MR
aren't that far apart from each other.
aside from the drug distribution and countless other assaults.
But in regards to social life, what the club[community] means to them, and most importantly their hogs[horses, bikes, etc.]
They both have a completely different sense of humor and love to shock the public.
Perhaps the message escapes my choice of words, but I def. feel the connection.
Alfredo responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
04.22.10 - 11:19 pm
So you are saying we should sell crystal meth on rides and kill hipsters?? Damn alfredo I never knew you were so badass.
palucha66 responding to a
comment by Alfredo
04.22.10 - 11:22 pm
I thought the same thing when I read it.Like the specticals we seems to cause when we are in large groups it's totally the same.
blackout_blacklung responding to a
comment by palucha66
04.22.10 - 11:37 pm
And I'm their number one supplier!!!
When I get bored, I'll sell them up the river and find another set of sucke.....
er merchants to push my fine product.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by palucha66
04.22.10 - 11:38 pm
Actually, they are one and the same, if I do say so myself.
Bikekowski responding to a
comment by Alfredo
04.23.10 - 12:17 am
haha... a while back WNDSRS had a run in with a few of them @ the candy cat in the west valley. didnt get to much more than some pushing and shoving but needles to say, cyclists or anyone showing up on a bycicle is no longer welcomed at the Candy Cat.
sancho104.23.10 - 12:38 am
aside from the drug distribution
you OBVIOUSLY haven't spent much time on the westside.

oodlesofpoodles responding to a
comment by Alfredo
04.23.10 - 12:50 am
Hey, I know Mollie... apparently, you don't. She's been nice to me. Real good to me.
Bikekowski responding to a
comment by oodlesofpoodles
04.23.10 - 1:04 am
If your idea of an upstanding family man is a guy who would drag someone from the back of his hog just for fun, then I'm glad I'm not a part of your family.
outerspace responding to a
comment by Dedicated818
04.23.10 - 2:59 am
I think what he means is that if you don't pay them no mind, then they won't pay you any either.
All the Harley biker violence I see is usually directed towards their own members, crotch-rocket groups, and people who skipped out on payments for meth, crank, stolen weapons.,etc
As for how some of these guys are able to afford such expensive pieces of machinery, I'm speculating drug-sales, theft, or both at the same time.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by outerspace
04.23.10 - 3:37 pm
that HA patched jacket must be an old halloween costume or something. obviously poorly drawn and missing the "MC." also the "NORTH CAL" bottom rocker doesn't make much sense because there is no "North Cal" chapter. looks to me like it's part of the Hunter S. Thompson tribute theme as a previous poster stated.
ezzie04.23.10 - 4:28 pm
oh duh, it's the cover of Hunter S. Thompson's first book
ezzie04.23.10 - 4:33 pm
Mongols and Vagos logos still whoop Hells Angel's logo in the ass though.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by ezzie
04.23.10 - 4:51 pm
You would be surprised that there are Hells Angels who are successful
business owners and actually work for a living.
As a matter of fact I know one who drives cross country in his own big rig.
Anybody can be a Mongol or a Vago, you don't even need a bike.
only the elite get to be Hells Angels
Dedicated818 responding to a
comment by bentstrider
04.23.10 - 7:34 pm
you're wrong not anyone can be a mongol.Maybe in the early 90's when the mongols were taking in southsiders just increase its numbers,which was a bad idea.thats what lead to the drug dealing ,the murders.Some of my good co workers are og mongols RANCID, BiG GUS.Youre right.Im sure you find some good family hard working hells angel just like there is hard working mongols that stay out of trouble.Personally Ive never liked the angels,just because they keep it white
Huey555 responding to a
comment by Dedicated818
04.23.10 - 7:58 pm
but we like who we like.
Huey555 responding to a
comment by Dedicated818
04.23.10 - 8:01 pm
Ya, When I grow up, I want to be a Hells Angel.
Dedicated818 responding to a
comment by Huey555
04.23.10 - 8:20 pm
ive hung out with george christie in ventura way too many times. hit up the san souci cocktail lounge when youre up there and youll probably run in with him.
ruinedbyidiots04.23.10 - 8:31 pm
only the elite can be HA?
so does this mean your into that whole white supremacy crap?
tree fitty responding to a
comment by Dedicated818
04.23.10 - 8:54 pm
Point taken, but many of the new-schoolers are taking that image and turning it into something completely different.
Sometimes for the best, many times for the worst.
Kind of like a parallel to how many new MR rides have been watered down due to taggers, hijackers, and WPH-wannabes.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by Dedicated818
04.23.10 - 11:36 pm
Maybe, but Mongols are going the way of extinction ever since La Eme put a greenlight on the entire fucking gang. Mongol membership is less than 300 in Southern California. Don't fuck with Mexcan Mafia, lol.
ezzie responding to a
comment by bentstrider
04.24.10 - 1:30 am
Unfortunately, a tribute to Hunter S. has been turned into a biker wannabe thread.
Get a life fellas, you ride bikes, not hogs w/swastikas.
illafilla04.24.10 - 2:36 am
Well, unlike some of these Hog ridaz we're clowning on, a few of us actually have the required M1 endorsement.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by illafilla
04.24.10 - 2:48 am
yet youre still living vicariously through the internet.
ruinedbyidiots responding to a
comment by bentstrider
04.24.10 - 9:56 am
And I'm still vicariously hitting you from behind like the true lover you are.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
04.24.10 - 3:18 pm
300?? plzzzz youve been watching to much i just stay out of this thread.
Huey555 responding to a
comment by ezzie
04.24.10 - 4:15 pm
Yeah, actually that was *exactly* what it was supposed to be. Nothing more, nothing less. It had all to do with Hunter & his history. It wasn't supposed to be that complicated.
sinaphile responding to a
comment by JB
04.24.10 - 6:05 pm