just got

Thread started by
Jet-son at 04.21.10 - 2:21 pm
my fixed gear jacked last night on the board walk
any body have a shitty road bike they can let go for cheap that i could convert?
Jacked how?
PC04.21.10 - 2:50 pm

hangin out with shady people on the boardwalk after dark...
Jet-son04.21.10 - 3:32 pm
i have a 57cm centurion le mans for you :)
666 responding to a
comment by Jet-son
04.21.10 - 3:57 pm
you're about to get your thread jacked too with your lame ass title nd shit.
_iJunes04.21.10 - 4:27 pm
dope thats what i had was a centurion ...how much you want for her?
Jet-son responding to a
comment by 666
04.21.10 - 4:29 pm
130 minus the wheels ?
i live in the valley though
666 responding to a
comment by Jet-son
04.21.10 - 4:40 pm
email me v i n h t r a n @ g m a i l
66604.21.10 - 4:45 pm
nah, but theres a few rust spots :(
THIS color scheme though
666 responding to a
comment by Jet-son
04.21.10 - 4:56 pm
i'll try to get you some cell phone pics, no camera :(
66604.21.10 - 5:01 pm

the pedals are rusted on to the cranks, and you will need a new seat binder bolt
66604.21.10 - 8:53 pm
hangin out with shady people on the boardwalk after dark...
I don't mean to pry, but are there any details you would feel comfortable sharing with us? Like, in the interest of helping other people avoid getting into a similar situation?
PC responding to a
comment by Jet-son
04.21.10 - 9:50 pm
want someone to help you bitch about every thread? :) we could be like the incredibly gay duo! ♥
_cry Junes responding to a
comment by _iJunes
04.22.10 - 5:59 am
hey 666 i wont be buying that bike after all thank you though...i just got my bike back.....turns out the guy that took it went to prison that night..
and sorry PC i dont think the details will be of any help to other riders...because most of them dont make the stupid mistakes i do putting me in places i dont belong ...
Jet-son04.23.10 - 12:45 am
i read this as
just got
my fixed gear jacke
t last night on the board walk
any body have a shitty road bike they can let go for cheap that i could convert?
larsenf04.23.10 - 3:21 am
glad everything worked out
66604.23.10 - 9:37 am
Was it one of these?...
Sure, I can get you some weed. Just gimme the money and I'll need to borrow your bike for a minute. I'll be right back.
petr0lb0mb responding to a
comment by Jet-son
04.23.10 - 10:04 am