lost phone

Thread started by
Jeff Yess at 04.21.10 - 10:11 am
lost my phone at the nice Beverly hills park last night on taco tuesdays, it had a green gel skin, anyone find? worth a try fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!
fugggggggggggggggg i hope it turns up homie!
mattspeed04.21.10 - 10:23 am
I lost my phone too. But I mean. We were just fine 20 years ago without them, weren't we?
We got email and voice mail. Who really needs a phone? Am I the only one who thinks this way?
Hanging out with people in the present. Isn't that what counts? Just seems like we've become slaves to these things...
Joe Borfo04.21.10 - 10:31 am
could get another phone , and i will when i can afford it, i just want my micro sd with all my music and pics, thats what im missing
Jeff Yess responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
04.21.10 - 10:38 am
Of course, it sucks to lose all that.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by Jeff Yess
04.21.10 - 10:41 am
I think this way sometimes ... but then i see the 50 million ATT XRAY posts and think twice ..
@ Jeff .. .shit sucks ...
OsnapsonJC responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
04.21.10 - 10:41 am
Sucks, did you go back to the park yet? Hope you find it.
X-Large responding to a
comment by Jeff Yess
04.21.10 - 12:39 pm
And to think the economy would still be booming with people still going to record stores and utilizing USPS to get hand-written letters to their peeps across the land.
More money saved, less burned on trendy bullshit.
Hell, I only got a new phone recently due to my other one poppin' and fizzlin' after four years.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
04.21.10 - 2:20 pm
I lost my phone too. But I mean. We were just fine 20 years ago without them, weren't we?
We got email and voice mail. Who really needs a phone? Am I the only one who thinks this way?
Hanging out with people in the present. Isn't that what counts? Just seems like we've become slaves to these things...
1) Half the people on this forum didn't exist twenty years ago.
2) Don't get your Luddite arguments mixed up. The whole "why don't we spend more time doing real stuff with real people in the real world" thing can be a strong argument against spending too much time on the Internet (including this forum that you're on right now, and the email that you don't seem to have a problem using), but not particularly compelling against mobile telephony. I don't know about you, but I mostly use my cell phone to facilitate hanging out with real people in the present.
3) Dong. In yer mouf. Dot Com.
PC responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
04.21.10 - 2:49 pm
1) Half the people on this forum didn't exist twenty years ago.
And to think I was still my own, arrogant, pissed off angsty self in the desert 20 years ago.
At least I had the pleasure of watching F-4 Phantoms taking off from George!!
bentstrider responding to a
comment by PC
04.21.10 - 2:55 pm