throwing oranges at cyclists

Thread started by
Ayla at 04.19.10 - 9:48 am
was riding w/ a friend on saturday on devonshire close to woodman and a car drove past and threw an orange at us - it just barely missed my back/head and hit a parked car REALLY hard
be careful out there
has this happened to anyone else??
i had Flying Tortillas thrown at us before
LouisAve04.19.10 - 9:49 am
I''ve been shot at with paintballs, and I've had all kinds of different things thrown at me: fountain drinks, eggs, trash, etc.
spiraldemon04.19.10 - 10:18 am
someone once threw a hat at me.. an orange would hurt! What a punk! :(
Coe coe buttaa04.19.10 - 10:30 am
:( that suckkks
66604.19.10 - 10:44 am
I've been hit with paintballs too...could it have been the same ride? I don't recall where or when it was.
barleye responding to a
comment by spiraldemon
04.19.10 - 10:44 am
some one threw a glass bottle at us while on the misfixed ride.
AIDS6604.19.10 - 10:55 am
a lemon by marshal high. they caught the guys later that week. it was something they were doing to a bunch of riders. If i'd been wearing a helmet it wouldn't have mattered.
onemanstrash04.19.10 - 10:59 am
a water bottle .. nailed me dead between my eyes on CM ....
OsnapsonJC04.19.10 - 11:43 am
i got a burrito thrown at me once, i caught it and ate it, carne asada... j/k >.<
66604.19.10 - 11:45 am
A full can of soda coming from the opposite side right to chest.
felt like i got shot
Pancakes04.19.10 - 11:48 am

eddieboyinla04.19.10 - 11:55 am
when this happens, don't confront the person, just do what you can to get a plate number and description of the driver. call 911 and demand that a police report be taken. A great example of why this is important is in the case of Dr. Thompson who assaulted cyclists 2 known times before he finally lost it. Because of the 2 earlier assaults being called in to 911, Dr. Thompson faced a mountain of evidence against him and he was convicted easier in his trial.
Even if you dont get hurt, calling it in is essentially building a case against a driver in the event that this person commits a more serious crime.
post the license plate on twitter, here, facebook and anywhere else. these people need to be weeded out.
Roadblock04.19.10 - 12:18 pm
Eggs, trash, etc.
I once caught up to a group of foolios who had thown some trash at me, they forgot about me blocks ago. They were stuck at a red, waiting in the left lane to het on the freeway. I snuck up behind them and yelled "wassup bitch" (insanely loud) into their open passenger window, scaring the crap out of a carful of teens, who literally almost hit their heads on the celing when I shouted. Hilarious.
While an admittedly stupid thing to do, it felt pretty amazing.
trickmilla04.19.10 - 12:29 pm
I didn't confront the person, but I didn't even see what kind of car it was. we were just riding single file in a bike lane looking ahead and cars were driving past us pretty fast - then an orange flew past me and hit the parked car right next to me. I don't even know which car it came from and by the time I looked up a second later the cars next to us were long gone.
I thought maybe by posting this, if it had happened to anyone else I might be able to get more info, but I doubt there's any way to figure out who it was. hopefully it was just a one time thing.
Ayla responding to a
comment by Roadblock
04.19.10 - 2:25 pm
water balloons and eggs on the regular during weekend nights in was kind of fun sometimes....i would throw my water bottle back at them if it was just punk kids or some girls...
Jet-son04.19.10 - 2:45 pm
I was riding home on the Santa Ana River trail last Friday night, in Santa Ana, when someone threw something round at my wheels (fruit? ball?). Whatever it was hit my front wheel at ground level and bounced harmlessly away.
It was very dark so I saw nothing, but, it being Santa Ana, I shouted "cabron!" as I cycled away.
Best to keep Santa Ana!
Creative Thing responding to a
comment by Jet-son
04.19.10 - 3:35 pm
haha yea... well i stopped having fun the first time a car stopped in the middle of the road around midnight and 3 guys got out trying to kick me off my bike yelling FUCKIN WHETTO!!!...
Jet-son responding to a
comment by Creative Thing
04.19.10 - 3:53 pm
i once punched a passenger in the nose.
it felt real good.
KiMS104.19.10 - 3:53 pm
you're my hero
666 responding to a
comment by KiMS1
04.19.10 - 3:57 pm
I got my ass slapped once.The kids drove right next to me and SLAPPP!
Huey55504.19.10 - 4:12 pm
It's a joke, silly.
"NY Cop who body slammed a NY Critical Mass rider portrayed as a "clueless rookie" by his defense lawyer."
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by KiMS1
04.19.10 - 6:01 pm
ha!! seriously? how did you get away with it?
that's what I always want to do when drivers are assholes!!
Ayla responding to a
comment by KiMS1
04.19.10 - 7:08 pm
i smashed a passenger window open when some teen girls/guys tried to scare me off my bike by screaming at me loudly and startlingly on a dark road where i barely heard them coming. almost fell off my bike, would've landed under a driving car....
the road ahead went downhill to a light at the bottom (pico blvd, i was on hauser blvd)and they hit and a red and were behind two cars so i started smashing down the hill real fast, got my ulock and SMASH..... i heard the glass hit the ground.... i just made a really quick right and rode away as quick as i could.... they never caught me because i live around the corner and they were behind stopped cars but when that light turned green... i heard them speeding down pico looking for me, but i was already in my backyard :p
superblueman304.19.10 - 7:17 pm
i got hit by an orange late at night on the way home from a ride a while back. i think it might have been one of the chynna syndrome rides.
i went speeding after them, but it was a long residential street with no stoplights.
stupid kids.
slowrighthand04.19.10 - 8:51 pm
A little excessive for a verbal assault(I wear earphones all the time when solo, get used to it), but that's what the little shits get for being dicks with a snob vehicle.
No incidents for me as of late apart from horn honks, flash-blinds from on-coming cars and fuckheads who, when finally being able to go around me, revv their engine like they're saying "outta my way, slow bitch".
The horn honks and verbal abuse are usually handled by;
A)Me not hearing it in the first place due to listening to my Hank Williams Jr and LL Cool J old school mix. or
B)Blasting my own air horns into their open window at a stop sign and then smelling shit from their car as they roll past again.
Flash blinds from an on-coming are usually handled by those off-road headlights I attached to my bars a few months back.
Some punk still needs to blind me even with my Cateye LED blinkers on, then I'll blast with my own high-beams.***little bitch turns his brights down and I notice a drop in RPM as they roll by.***
Now the long engine revv and smoke from a bruh truck, that's usually coped with if I happen to catch up to the guy and make a comment about how this toy is his only solace from his over-bearing family life and how he has to spend that fluffing money on something big.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by superblueman3
04.19.10 - 8:55 pm
i remember some cholos threw a mattress at some ridazz on a sins and sprockets ride once.
funanu04.19.10 - 9:01 pm
i heard yous guise tell a story about a TNS where rikk pulled a passenger out the seat and beat the shizznot out of him???
sancho1 responding to a
comment by KiMS1
04.19.10 - 9:03 pm
I heard they gave all the other passengers pink bellys and swirlies in the toilet as well!!!!
bentstrider responding to a
comment by sancho1
04.19.10 - 9:08 pm
I passed a middle school the other day when the kids had just been dismissed . A kid in a group threw a rock at me, so I stopped, rode back, flipped out, and scared them all.
I ended with, "You kids are lucky I'm not a fucking crazy person!!" and rode away. (cracking up halfway down the block)
I would have thought I was nuts if I was one of them, though.. Hey, I was in a hurry!
Dejahvu04.19.10 - 9:32 pm
Once I was riding through an alley and a drunk guy threw a chicken bone and a corn cob at me. That happened when I was 8 (I'm now 28) and yet the memory is still with me.
Lady Sadie04.19.10 - 11:10 pm
two strangest things I've ever been hit with would have to be : on a valley ride, I think it was a cruz with us, I had a nearly full beer fly through my frame and hit a trash can next to me, I got soaked in the can spray but didnt get hit by the can,
and when I was about 10, I was being passed by a school bus on the hill down the street from my house, it was really cold out (I lived in New Hampshire at the time) and I was sweating from climbing the hill when someone hit me in the face with a fig newton, and because of the temperature difference it kind of stuck to my face.
That one actually made me laugh.
FuzzBeast04.20.10 - 5:02 am
LOL a fig!! hahaha :D
Volta responding to a
comment by FuzzBeast
04.20.10 - 7:29 am
nice...ulocks have multiple uses now
Volta responding to a
comment by superblueman3
04.20.10 - 7:34 am
i was hauling ass down chalk hill with a couple TNS buddies and these shit head teens in a high end bimmer came dangerously close and yelled at me.
i caught up to them at a red light and the front seat passenger had his window down.
they were all laughing. i rode up and asked what was so funny and the passenger told me to fuck off.
i snapped and started wailing on his face. i punched his nose about 3 times and i guess this spooked the driver and they took off.
all the other cars around me saw this and avoided me the rest of the way down ventura.
yeah rikk!
i was at the santa monica glow thing a year or two ago. i wasnt riding or anything, just with some friends tooling around. we were on our way to a liquor store and some huge ride passed by us and i noticed someone talking shit to a passenger in a car and when i got closer it was rikk. i dont know what happened but i saw rikk climbin and punch the shit outta the guy and they tried to drag him out the window by his leg. the guy was freakin out trying to grab for everyone else in the car, so scared he was gonna get pulld out of the car. and im not sure about this part but im fairly sure someone else reached in from the driver's side, pulled the ignition keys out and chucked them towards the beach.
KiMS1 responding to a
comment by Ayla
04.20.10 - 8:28 am
getting your ass slapped riding down Fair Oaks in Pasadena at 45mph will certainly wake you up. Ask me how i know.
ephemerae04.20.10 - 8:36 am
I think i remember someone getting a matress thrown at them also on RWNN when it rode thru upper Lincoln Heights.
barleye04.20.10 - 8:37 am
lol hell yeah, when they passed me they were in the left most lane looking straight
666 responding to a
comment by KiMS1
04.20.10 - 9:23 am
ha mike you're my hero :) (of course nonviolent solutions are better... but there are so many times I've wanted to do that!!)
Ayla responding to a
comment by KiMS1
04.20.10 - 6:06 pm
" got my ass slapped once.The kids drove right next to me and SLAPPP!"
Pic or it didn't happen! LOL
Girl Power responding to a
comment by Huey555
04.20.10 - 6:11 pm
LOL Hey Huey! Can yu leave the intersection and time of day where yu got your ass slapped.... LOL. Um... just so we can avoid the area, that's all. Yeah thats it!
Boogey100Fires responding to a
comment by Huey555
04.21.10 - 6:43 pm